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May NPD: A Flat Month, But PS3 “Enjoys Greatest Growth”

If you're wondering why it took so long to release the NPD numbers for May, it's because they wanted to wait until after E3.

Anyway, despite the 1.5 million smash hit that was Red Dead Redemption , May saw the industry fall a bit, although it's a step up from an abysmal April. Overall, the NPD has reported that sales of console hardware, software and accessories fell 5% ($823.5 million) in a year-over-year comparison, with hardware sales taking the biggest hit, falling 20% to only $241.5 million. But software managed to rise 4% to $466.3 million and again, this was due in large part to Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption , which rode glowing critical praise to big financial success. It was easily the #1 title for the month; Super Mario Galaxy 2 sold 563,000 units, and UFC Undisputed 2010 also performed relatively well (413,400), despite not reaching the mark of 2009's iteration, which debuted in May of last year and sold over a half-million copies.

The DS sold 383,700, the Wii came in at 334,800, the Xbox 360 sold 196,600, and the PS3 sold 154,500. The PSP barely registered at 59,400 and by now, the NPD no longer counts numbers for the PS2. All of this is very low in terms of hardware sales but as NPD analyst Anita Fraizer said, this is fairly typical for the usually slow month of May. In fact, the hardware sales in a year-over-year comparison were flat, and an improvement over April 2010. She also noted that "the PS3 platform has enjoyed the greatest percentage growth, with platform sales across hardware, software, and accessories up 32% for the month and 28% year-to-date." Added Patrick Seybold, Senior Director of Corporate Communications and Social Media at Sony Computer Entertainment America:

"In May, we experienced our tenth consecutive month of year over year growth, and it is clear that the demand for PlayStation 3 and its incredible content is not subsiding as evidenced by an increase of 18% in PS3 hardware sales and revenue increase of 58% in PS3 software sales since last May. While tight inventory had an impact on sales numbers in recent months, we are now beginning to experience greater availability of product and are looking forward to this fall's most anticipated launch, PlayStation Move. When PlayStation Move launches consumers will have access to a compelling line-up of motion-control titles that will appeal to casual and core gamers and, in the months that follow, a new line-up of AAA hardware sellers previewed at E3 will arrive on PS3 including Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, Twisted Metal and inFAMOUS 2. As icing on the cake, PS3 is the only console that is currently providing consumers with the technology needed to enjoy their favorite games and movies in 3D. We look forward to continuing the momentum behind the PS3 while sharing unparalleled content and cutting-edge innovative experiences with our consumers over the next year and beyond."

It's actually amazing. Even when there isn't a massive exclusive to help out, and even when the industry is mired in the standard slow months of spring, the PS3 continues its upwards climb. Consumers have been seeing the value for quite some time, it seems…

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14 years ago

O come on. PS3's need to be selling more than xboxs and wiis combined. What are people thinking? Sadly xboxs are going to sell even more with the new hardware available.

14 years ago

They can only sell as many PS3s as they can ship. And apparently they are still supply constrained.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I don't know how it is in other areas but I've still been seeing PS3's at every retailer I've been to. I have noticed this week that every 120GB model is CECH-2101A and every 250GB is 2101B so those are the latest released revisions available and there were more 250GB's at each store. I went to Walmart, today, for some envelopes and happened to see both PS3 sections full of 250GB models. I asked and they said there were at least 20 more in the back. Makes me wonder how the sales numbers are going to look for July.

14 years ago

I don't know why it's so hard to shipping more PS3's. I expected Sony to ship 18 million PS3's this year. Their 15 million is a bit low, considering how great they are doing.

14 years ago

Where I live we are still experiencing ps3 shortages. I live in U.S. and june was the first time since christmas I've even seen a ps3 for sale. It was at bestbuy and the next day they were gone again.

Every place in town is sold out of new ones every where I go, demand is either high around here or, we're low on the totem pole for deliveries.

14 years ago

Well, the biggest problem is there's still a major shortage of PS3's almost everywhere.
So of course the numbers will be much lower than if every store was fully stocked all the time.

Sony did recently say that they're trying to ramp up production, so maybe we'll see PS3 numbers start skyrocketing to the moon and back, in the next few months.

14 years ago

The PS3 sale is disappointing but with a month like May, not surprising.

14 years ago

I think it's important to remember that the PS3 starts at $299.99. And during the last week or so of June, 360's were as low as $149.99 (which includes 2 games). I actually think the PS3 has been doing quite well considering it's entry fee, and also, combined with the reported supply problems.

Basically, "bottom-feeders" of the economy are always gonna eat up a good portion of sales.

14 years ago

More like un-informed consumers

Last edited by Scarecrow on 7/1/2010 10:42:03 PM

14 years ago

BTW, I recognize now those numbers are for the month of May.

14 years ago

It's never good to expect the majority of Americans to get it right.

Its a nice surprise when they do though

Anyway, from here on out all games will aim for photo-realism?

Why? look at Modnation Racing
The ONLY reason why it didn't sell that much was because of it's animated/cartoony look

Expect an FPS from United Front Games next time around.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 7/1/2010 10:46:17 PM

14 years ago

I don't think cartoony graphics in a cart racer can possibly be considered a reason for poor sales. I'd say the abysmal loading times and comparisons to Mario Kart may have a little more to do with it.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

The loading times aren't as bad as during the beta and if you're playing online, which is what so many people do, then the load times are a lot less. Whenever I'm hosting a race and click 'start', we're in the match in about 15 seconds. Just enough time to grab another beer.

14 years ago

I'd like to see the percentage of worldwide sales of consoles, cos everyone knows Americans love to support American companies like MS, even if their hardware is the worst of the competition.

I always assume the PS3 beats 360 in sales around Europe and Japan. The Japanese know what's good and what works, so Sony dominates over there.

Shame that most US buyers don't research beyond price, but with the 360 slim at the same price as a PS3, I'm gonna say that June and July will see a record spike for 360 sales (mostly from people trading older 360 models) followed by a record growth of PS3 sales from August through to January.

So don't be surprised to see MS and Xbots boast console sales for the next 3 months. If only there was a way of measuring traded consoles against 360 slim sales, cos I'm guessing only 5% of buyers would be first-time.

14 years ago

Well, you can watch the sales numbers climb rapidly and the numbers of XBL Gold subscribers stay relatively flat, and software sales for the 360 also stay relatively flat…

14 years ago

Its a shame that Modnation racers isnt doing very well because its very creative and fun game to play. The cartoony look is pulled off to perfection it suits the game so well.

14 years ago

Modnation is doing very well over here in Australia.

Everyone I know with a PS3 got a copy and can't stop playing it. Even friends with 360's put down MW2 for a little while to play Modnation and now they're almost addicted.

Give it time. Sony is going for a word-of-mouth campaign to sell their games. Modnation has potential and will slowly grow to be something big, like Uncharted 2.

14 years ago

I hope to god Sony advertises the hell out of Modnation Racers this Christmas

It's the kind of game which would be very attractive around that time (Americans are very simple). Well don't mean to say simple, but more like the fall into things easily. "OMG cute kart racer for Christmas, yaaaaaay."

Yeah it's that easy to grab them like that lol

Anyway, great to see other regions like Australia appreciating this lovely game. The create/share is so fun, I dare say much better/funner than the one for LBP…

14 years ago

ppl should seriously buy modnation's I highly recommend it. Great fun racing, especially 4 player local, which is such a rarity nowadays.

14 years ago

I wonder How much the PS3 sells would be if there were actual PS3s on the shelves.

14 years ago

Sony is going to own this Holiday and early next year with all the great titles coming.
I just hope Sony does an awesome job advertising and ship out more PS3s.

14 years ago

I wonder how much 360s did microsoft give away already after e3. ps3 is going to overtake the 360 soon because with kinect, microsoft basically turned their backs on the core gamers.

kinda off topic but does anyone know what to do if your ps3 backup isnt restoring? i'm on a 24+ hours straight of backing up and restoring my data when i'm upgrading to a 500gb hard drive. it got to the point where i deleted everything off my ps3 except for gamesaves and game data. its become a pain in the ass just to upgrade from 250gb to a 500gb that i'm just going to postpone a future update as long as i can just to avoid this crap.

King James
King James
14 years ago

U can try deleting the game data. U don't need that. Then back up the data.

14 years ago

My wife told me that when move comes out I can buy a new ps3 so that I won't wear out my MGS4 edition. She is so awesome, and this fall I'll be proud to say I own 2 ps3's.

Ps3 have proven awesome and awesomeness deserves to be rewarded, so looks like sony will be getting more of my money for sure.

14 years ago

The PS3 only beat itself and nobody else, where did they actually grow competition wise. The PS3 is now in the playing field, so of course their sells beat last years bench warmer. Remember, before the slim launch, PS3's were not emptying shelves. Finally glad to see the PS3 garner the attention it deserves though. And with all the previous and upcoming releases, why are people replacing or buying an Xbox 360.

Last edited by FM23 on 7/2/2010 3:16:27 AM

Casual Friday
Casual Friday
14 years ago

I enjoy positive spin as much as the next guy but why is Sony given a pass every month because of 'tight inventory'? It's been six months and this excuse is getting old.

I'm also getting a little tired of "We have the greatest percentage of year over year growh" repeated every month. That figure has more to do with how poorly the PS3 sold last year than how it's doing now.

The Wii sold 280,000 in May 09 / 334,000 in May 10 / + 45,000 (+15%).
The 360 sold 175,000 in May 09 / 194,000 in May 10 / +19,000 (+11%)
The PS3 sold 131,000 in May 09 / 154,000 in May 10 / +23,000 (+18%)

BTY, Just got my PS3 two weeks ago along with Prologue, gearing up for GT5. I'm looking forward to being counted in the June numbers. I didn't have any trouble finding one either.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Nobody is giving them a "pass." Tight inventory means the console is in demand, which is a good thing from a business standpoint. It should be noted because it seems clear the numbers would be higher if inventory was higher.

Furthermore, defining growth in that fashion is a purposely negative spin. Of course it has better growth because it didn't sell so great last year…so what? What exactly does that prove? Other than the fact that it's still growing at a faster rate than the competition?

14 years ago

nobody likes losing but. you gotta win some to lose some…

14 years ago

I like to think that Sony will be victorious over the 360 before the end of this generation. That way developers and investors will have full trust in the PS4. I know advertising can be expensive but Sony really needs to step it up a little more than they already have, not to mention ship more PS3s to supply the smart consumer.

14 years ago

Speaking of sales figures, VG Chartz totally ruined their website. They don't even have "charts" over there at all anymore, just tables – and very, very few of them. And the articles analyzing each week's worldwide sales figures seem to have disappeared completely.

14 years ago

I am a diehard loyal Playstation owner. I've owned the PS, PS2, and PS3 now. I have been loyal to Sony since the beginning. However, I've got say that they have made a big mistake with the Move. It's a bullsh_t idea. Especially the glowing ball on top. From what I've seen of Kinect, its going to destroy the Move and Wii. Because it seems to go beyond gaming. It's a concept that is more futuristic then the Move or Wii.

14 years ago

Um, OK, I'll play. Kinect has two modes, 320 x 240 at 30fps, 640 x 480 at 30fps. So no game controlled by kinect will work at a framerate faster than 30fps because the camera can't keep up. But remember that the 360 has to process the information from the Kinect camera and turn it into controls, so the response time of Kinect is 33ms + ??ms (aka more than one frame at 30fps) for processing. This is known as LAG.

PSEye features two modes, 320 x 240 at 120fps, 640 x 480 at 60fps. So basically the 4 year old PS3 accessory is already twice as fast as the Kinect device… The fact that the PSMove controller uses the glowing ball is easy to make fun of – yes. However have you ever noticed that *all* of the motion capture technology used by Hollywood uses a neutral colored body suit with bright dots or balls fixed to key points on the body to allow the motion capture to be done with precision. So, that colored ball on the top of the Move controller is there, for a reason. As are the accelerometers and other sensors within the controller.

As for what you've seen of Kinect, you've seen NOTHING because it's not here and won't be until November. However the journalists who *have* seen it describe the lag and lack of precision which sounds just like EyeToy games. The Eyetoy was by the way capable of two modes, 320 x 240 at 30fps and a 640 x 480 mode…

If you're going to troll, at least *try* to be convincing.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/2/2010 9:24:00 AM

King James
King James
14 years ago

Get off the gas, amzngskillz.

One word: Kinectimals

Last edited by King James on 7/2/2010 9:30:16 AM

14 years ago

Just because I'm in a mood now, read this, and guess what product (I removed the name) it's talking about.

"*** includes twelve interactive mini-games (available under the label aptly named ***: Play), each offering a unique gaming experience. Wishy-Washy for example, challenges the player to use their hands to wipe away the dirt filling the screen before time expires. Get your groove on with Beat Freak (note: some sense of rhythm would work best here), or unleash some high-knee action with Soccer Craze. Moreover, you can compete with friends and family to achieve the top score in any of the respective games. Keeping in the vein of interactive fun, there's also a feature called the Play Room, allowing you to apply a variety of special effects to their on-screen image including being immersed in a snow storm or swimming with a sea of fish. Additionally, ***: Play also allows you to leave a 60-second personal video for family and friends to play back. A visual indicator will notify others when there's a saved message."

That product being talked about is…


…The Eyetoy. The text was taken from a review of the original PS2 (yes PS*2*) EyeToy. My, my how times change and things advance. Microsoft now has a product that can compete directly on features with the EyeToy from 2003. It's a nice try on their behalf, but generally speaking when you copy the features of a seven year old product, no one believes you when you call your product new, innovative or revolutionary.

14 years ago

"I am a diehard loyal Playstation owner. I've owned the PS, PS2, and PS3 now. I have been loyal to Sony since the beginning."

Ironically, the moment I finished reading those sentences, I knew you weren't a "Playstation owner", a "Sony fanboy", or someone who's "loyal to Sony" lol

14 years ago

@Highlander – Look, I'm not a 360 fanboy. I'm a Sony fanboy. However,the move appears to be a copycat of the Wii in HD period. That's pretty non innovative and lame. Besides you missed my overall point. Based on the videos and advertisements for Kinect. It seems to be something beyond just gaming. It appears to be a voice activated motion capture device. Which is very intriguing. If you see the videos on youtube of Kinect, its potential as a home entertainment hub is amazing and futuristic. Clearly different from Wii and Move. Sony seems to be lacking in forward thinking sometimes. For example, who wants to carry around a PSP and a phone? They should've been combined already. They could slap any phone on a PSPGo and it would sell like hotcakes. As a loyal PS3 owner the potential of Kinect is both scary and alluring at the same time.

14 years ago

Dude, you're so off base I almost don't know where to start. Move is in no way a cop[y of WiiHD. It operates in a completely different manner. This has got nothing to do with being a fanboy of any kind. You'll find that I do not, as a rule, base my arguments in fanboyism, but in technology and truth.

Wii doesn't use a camera solution or use a motion capture technology similar to the Sony device. Kinect literally is the same as EyeToy with perhaps a bell and a whistle. Note that I have not at any time said that PSMove was the greatest thing since sliced bread. However you have had plenty to say about the other two.

To review you said "From what I've seen of Kinect, its going to destroy the Move and Wii. Because it seems to go beyond gaming. It's a concept that is more futuristic then the Move or Wii." The trouble is that your statement is demonstrably false. Kinect is little more than the Eyetoy was SEVEN years ago.

As for WiiHD, you just said "However,the move appears to be a copycat of the Wii in HD period."

What? PS Move is a development from both the PS Eye which is a higher resolution, better Eyetoy, and the original Sixaxis controller. In fact if you take the original Sixaxis controller and PSEye, you have two of the three Move components. WiiHD is a higher definition wii-mote. It's nothing more than an evolution of the original Wii concept.

You do know that there were both wireless and motion capturing controllers for the PS2 long before the PS3, Xbox360 and Wii, right? The EyeToy pre-dates all three current consoles by two or more years. So , let's be really honest here. Who was leading the way on motion capture? Who's technology has been copied?

Lastly you said this; "If you see the videos on youtube of Kinect, its potential as a home entertainment hub is amazing and futuristic." Kinect is a camera add-on for the Xbox 360, it is not, and never will be, an entertainment hub. It is at best a controller.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/2/2010 9:57:22 AM

14 years ago


14 years ago

A very good argument Highlander…however, when the average person looks at the two, they're not going to take anything about the Move's technology into account. I'm not hating on it, but I'm being realistic over the fact that a lot of nongamers who buy consoles are unimformed buyers who do no research on the device other than its price.

Last edited by sonic1899 on 7/2/2010 12:21:30 PM

14 years ago

@Highlander – Yes the Eyetoy was out first. Since then the Wii has taken it and ran with it. I liken it to Nintendo stealing a six shooter pistol from Sony and turning it into an all out gatling gun! Anyway, I think you are underestimating Kinect as simply a controller. If you can sit on your couch and manuver through the system with voice commands or simply waving your hand to scroll through menu's pictures etc. then that's pretty impressive. The voice command integration is a first for video games. The nun-chuck style Wii controller and playstation Move with sub controller are limited as the console becomes useless if you lose or break the controller. Pure motion controlled activity without the nun-chucks is limitless. Eventually Sony & Nintendo both could end up copying the Kinect format down the road.

14 years ago

The Wii system does not use optical input at all, so Wii did not take the EyeToy and run with it. Eyetoy is a 'controller-less' system, Wii uses the Wii-mote. They are not the say, Wii-mote is not a development of the Eyetoy concept.

Voice command is nothing new, nor is it unique to Kinect. PS2 games featured voice command, PS3 games feature voice command. The PSEye has a microphone array for voice input. The microphone is an array allowing the PSEye to sense sound spacially (as in 3D).

You're just not living in reality when you say "Pure motion controlled activity without the nun-chucks is limitless. Eventually Sony & Nintendo both could end up copying the Kinect format down the road. "

The PSEye does everything that Kinect does except include the ability to remotely pivot the camera. Sony has to copy nothing that Kinect does, since Kinect is a copy of EyeToy and PSEye concepts.

You know what, I'm done. You're trolling, and I'm no longer playing.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/2/2010 10:54:44 AM

14 years ago

Lol – is Modern Warfare's multiplayer better than Uncharted2? I'm addicted to UC2 multiplayer. What multiplayer game in your opinion is better than UC2?

14 years ago

By the way…..what is trolling!!????

14 years ago

Posting a comment against the currect topic to get an angred/emotional response from someone.

If you claim to be a 'Sony fanboy' (interestingly not a PlayStation fanboy) on a PlayStation site, yet you insist on defending Mircosoft, you're likely to get nominated for the 'Troll of the Week' awards.

14 years ago

@Sonic I am a Playstation fanboy true to the core. I'm just trying to say that the Playstation Move looks like somebullshit Wii copycat. I'm not buying it. Kinect seems to have more potential in my opinion. That's all. The 360 cannot touch the PS3. I'm a fair person. I wont just defend any product Sony puts out if its garbage. I was hoping they would come out with something more exciting than just a souped up Wii nun-chuck copycat that's all. I wasn't "trolling at all".

14 years ago

If move doesn't have potential then Kinect (or kinetic, if it wasnt already a eyetoy game) has a complete lack of it. Their circus showing to try and get attention for kinect is complete utter proof of that. It really is just the technology we have been using to since the ps2. Sony has realised the failings of the controllerless approach.

The difference is the wii controller handles like complete balls, it's why i never got a wii. good for when u've had drinks at parties but that's about it. I'm interested in the move due to it having such great response time AND ease of development for developers, they dont need to think of what the controller can do first then create a game so much as just create a game for move.

14 years ago


MSNBC: Motion gaming review:Xbox vs Wii vs PS3

Kinect Specs, Only 2- Player Max

The capabilities of Kinect were somewhat enigmatic until E3, where more details finally came out.

Full article here:

LOL, want a good laugh, just read this, MS spin-doctoring galore….

Microsoft: 'Hard-core' will be first to buy Kinect
As a hard-core gamer who spends hours each day playing video games, I can say without reservation that I'm not all that fond of motion gaming. And I'm not very excited about Microsoft Kinect or PlayStation Move. But Microsoft's worldwide product marketing manager, Ryan Moore, believes it will be a person like me–the hard-core gamer–who will be first to pick up Kinect when it hits stores later this year.

Read the full article here:


Retailer Says Kinect Too Pricey, Pre-Orders Low

Xbox 360's Natal Will Fail, says Former Microsoft Exec

Even "Destructiod" didn't like MS's Kinect"……

Oh wow, looky here, will this be a great game, or what?(dripping sarcasm)….

Kinect: Yawn Inducing for Consumers but Marketers are Intrigued

Microsoft Investors Think Gaming is a Waste?

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