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SOE Gets DC Comics and Matrix Online Licenses

Sony Online Entertainment and Warner Bros have come to an exclusive long-term
licensing agreement allowing SOE to develop a DC Comics massively multiplayer
online game for PC and next generation consoles, as well as the acquisition of
The Matrix Online game by SOE.

"By working with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment we will fuse the
knowledge SOE has in the online space with some of Warner Bros.' phenomenal
properties," said John Smedley, president, Sony Online Entertainment. "SOE will
work closely with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Comics to
maintain the authenticity consumers demand from the DC Comics franchises. We
will also take steps to continue the same high level of service that subscribers
have come to expect from The Matrix Online game."

DC Comics is home to such characters as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the
Sandman. SOE will be creating a DC Comics game for the PC and next generation
gaming platforms, and is currently planning on a fourth quarter release in 2007.