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Sony’s Compensation Plans For PSN Holiday Woes

It was a tough holiday for Sony and gamers alike.

Hackers disrupted service to both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, but it took the better part of a week for the PSN to return to mostly full service.

Obviously, customers were none too pleased and to compensate for the mess, Sony has offered a Holiday Thank You, as detailed over at the PlayStation Blog . Sony Network Entertainment vice president Eric Lempel announced the company's plans of contrition, as it were:

PlayStation Plus Membership Extension: If you had an active membership or a free trial on December 25, you'll receive a membership extension of five days. The extension will be applied automatically.

10-Percent PlayStation Store Discount: We get a 10-percent discount code that is good for a one-time discount on any PlayStation Store purchase. Sony will announce more details soon.

That's not bad, considering the PSN was down for only a few days. Even so, you can bet this kind of thing will continue to follow Sony around for quite some time, unfortunately.

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9 years ago

All good stuff! I never have an issue justifying my ps+ membership. Been supporting it since day 1 and don't foresee an end to it.

9 years ago

Pretty meh, but I'm not complaining. I go pretty much unaffected by outages.

9 years ago

I don't think it was meant to be something extraordinary. It's meant to compensate for lost time. Essentially adding the 5 days of PSPLUS for active members would be enough.

9 years ago

This is a little too generous imo. I would have been happy to get that plus extension since that is the only way we can play mp games on PS4. It baffles my mind that people put the blame on Sony for what happened. Yes, demanding stuff from the company that SUFFERED, not CREATED a DDOS attack is a real dick move. And does not make the gaming crowd any better.

9 years ago

I agree. Good of them for sure, but I'm happy with the lost time added to my PSPLUS account.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

They did nothing wrong, why are they compensating us? I would have been fine with just the Plus extension, as I could see some getting annoyed about that.

9 years ago

Thanks Sony.

Advent Child
Advent Child
9 years ago

This actually kinda pisses me off. So many freaking gamers are acting like babies and demanding Sony compensate them because they let their servers go down. Why don't you freaking get a clue first and learn what a DDoS attack even is! No one was hacked! Don't literally did nothing at all wrong yet douchebags everywhere are screaming that they want free crap to make up for not being able to play some games for a few days. Not to mention the freaking people screaming about filing a class action lawsuit against them. Sometimes I really feel like leaving the country before the stupidity reaches a climax.

9 years ago

well there you go they are appeasing all the winning babys out there but its nice for us who who weren't really on but get some free stuff outta this anyway

happy gaming

9 years ago

my expiration is coming very soon. i wonder what will happen if it expires before they extend it.

9 years ago

A FREE game (BOTH platforms) would've been better.

9 years ago

So, Sony gets to listen to whine about not getting online for a couple of days, or whining that they're trying to make up for being offline a couple of days. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Though why complain about compensation? You're getting 5 extra Plus days, and 10% discount. Even if the reason's stupid, you're benefiting. But hey, you can always just send me your code. Wouldn't want you using a code you don't think you deserve.

9 years ago

@Feryx You get 5 free days regardless. then you can decide if you want to renew it.

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