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Dark Souls II The Lost Crowns Trilogy Rolling Out This Summer

Gee, I thought there wasn't supposed to be any downloadable content for this game.

From Software producer Takeshi Miyazoe made headlines by saying there would be no DLC for Dark Souls II because the team wanted to "deliver a full game, the full experience, to fans who purchase the package on day one."

Ah, but you can't ignore the lure of extra income, right? Bandai Namco has announced that the challenging experience will indeed expand this summer thanks to three new DLC chapters. This will be called The Lost Crowns Trilogy and the first, entitled Crown of the Sunken King, will be ready to go on July 22 in North America. Players will have to recover King Vendrick's crowns and presents players with "an entirely different world within the Dark Souls II universe, where stepped pyramids span a vast underground cavern."

The second DLC, called Crown of the Old Iron King, is set for August 26. The final chapter, Crown of the Ivory King, will arrive on September 24. All DLC packages will be available on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, and they'll be $10 apiece. A Season Pass ($25) will grant you access to all three chapters, but this option is only available to PC players.

Oh, come on. You're not really disappointed at the prospect of more DSII content, are you?

Related Game(s): Dark Souls II

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10 years ago

Trying to get some extra cash before the flock moves back to the A teams game. As much as I liked Dark Souls 2, it's not nearly as good as the two before it. Hit boxes and tracking issues ruined the game.

10 years ago

I beg to differ. As much I loved Demon's Souls and Dark Souls — I think this is the perfect combination of the two. I felt Dark Souls had plenty of PvP problems and was a little bit on the easier side.

In any case, I'll be getting this DLC because frankly this is one of my favorite franchises from the past generation. I've totally ignored all releases after Dark Souls 2. Not interested in Watchdogs, InFamous, etc.

Praise the sun lol

10 years ago

this is one game i wudn't have a problem with getting DLC cos it is a legit good game

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Excited!!! Only game I play at the moment and I love it. Better than Dark Souls 1, but not Demons Souls. Bring on the dlc!!! Hopefully it's as good as the first games dlc and offers up some more challenging bosses than what was offered in the standard game. Also more atmospheric environments.

Last edited by FM23 on 6/5/2014 5:08:39 PM

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