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Dark Souls II: The Gateway To True-Blue Hardcore Gaming?

Yes, I know that "hardcore" is a very subjective term and in fact, many gamers hate that it even exists.

However, for the purposes of this piece, let's just assume we all know what we mean when we say "hardcore gamer." We know it means someone who lists video games as his or her #1 hobby, and who tends to frequent gaming websites and forums. We know there's a very big difference between a game like Dark Souls II and the latest Call of Duty , right?

So, let's operate off that common knowledge principle and ask the question: Can the recently released and widely acclaimed Dark Souls II act as a proper gateway for casual gamers? In other words, could DSII be the title that ushers some people into a whole new rold of virtual immersion, one which they never even thought existed…? After all, if you think about it, while the game is very challenging, it has a lot of universally-liked elements. Running around with a sword is appealing to a lot of people, ya know. Even my girlfriend seemed interested, simply because she really enjoyed the atmosphere and style.

Everyone has been saying that we "need" games like DSII, just because they're examples of the way video games used to be. Not in terms of technical elements, of course, but in regards to difficulty. You actually have to try ; you have to practice . While this may turn off a lot of gamers, there's no doubt that any challenge has a singular attractive quality: The lure of the reward. These days, our reward for beating a game isn't half as satisfying as it once was, just because in truth, it wasn't all that tough. But Dark Souls II delivers that good old-fashioned reward for a diligent, dedicated player.

Do you think it could be the game that turns "everyday" or "mainstream" gamers into hardcore aficionados?

Related Game(s): Dark Souls II

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10 years ago

I think Dark Souls 2 is in some ways the hardest souls game BUT if you play it right it can be the easiest one too. So I think it is the perfect gateway game.

There are little things built into the game to make it easier for the more casual gamer, dont get me wrong its still hard but if a casual gamer co ops as much as possible, uses certain builds, and equipement set ups you can get through the game with little plateaus.

I'm still having a blast with this game, even though there are some issues I'm having with the hit boxes and stuff it is still always a breath of fresh air to play a new Souls game.

10 years ago

It certainly is perfect in terms of showing new comers what to do, but at the same time telling them nothing giving them a learning they need to do for themselves. It has intense difficulty that once you learn more about the game, becomes easier and easier.

Its like getting a shot. It hurts extremely the bad the first time, the second time it stings, the third time it just burns and than everytime afterwards it doesn't hurt at all.

Dark Souls 2 is definitely the perfect gateway game into hardcore gaming. It won't tell you what to do, but lets you get used to it without throwing you into the frying pan. Once you're nice and seasoned from the first 4 big bosses, you get into the REAL game and the difficulty spikes and everything becomes hard-er. Its overly awesome and everyone needs to try it out at least once.

10 years ago

gateway into one thing, a broken controller and a spiderwebbed TV!

10 years ago

I think it helps to know that everyone else is dying too. This might help casual gamers feel better about the game

10 years ago

If this was a current gen game I would totally play it, but I'm really not interested in last gen anymore.

10 years ago

It all depends on the patience and determination of that "everyday" gamer. If that everyday gamer is used to being directed where to go in previous games or he/she is used playing FPS all the time then Dark Souls is probably not for them.

I agree with xenris that this game is probably the hardest of the three (including Demon's Souls) but in some ways it can be easier (not easiest). There are many ways to die and many places to get lost and feel helpless. Believe me, when you die a lot and the health is drastically reduced — it'll frustrate "hardcore" and everyday "gamers".

I'm currently on level 94 or 95 and there are places in the game that I'm reluctant to go (especially by myself) because of what may be awaiting around the corner.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 4/3/2014 9:12:44 AM

10 years ago

Until I found the ring of binding dying was annoying. Running around with half health was scary because I have a very low vigor build like 8 or something.

Right now the hardest place in the game I have encountered has been Shrine of Amana. I can see this place being a real big pain to casual gamers and hardcore a like. You pretty much need long range or you're going to get sniped hard. Alternatively you can do co op and it makes the area pretty easy.

10 years ago

I don't even have that ring — I wonder where it is because I've used up all my human effigy @_@. I cannot wait to have another Dark Souls 2 weekend.

10 years ago

Heides tower of flame have you been there yet? There is a chest before the old dragonslayer fight, it is slightly hidden right after you lower the drawbridge to the cathedral.

I missed it my first time through the area and noticed it when I returned to farm some of the old knights.

10 years ago

Thanks, I greatly appreciate it. This will definitely help me out.

10 years ago

anytime man. Add me on PSN my name is Xenris 🙂

10 years ago

If you have STEAM please help us VOTE "YES" for H-HOUR Greenlight .
I cant believe nobody talks about it here not a single word for the new socom game.
I guess its because it doesnt sell well but us the community we are the best community .We just need a little push that help us please.

Last edited by mid10smaradoarg on 4/3/2014 11:07:21 AM

10 years ago

They are dropping BETA keys on STEAM today. If you are tired of first person shooters that are all the same, definitely you have to give a try to H-HOUR.
Tactical 3rd person shooter without respawn, communication and teamwork are the key to succes on this game.
VOTE "YES" on STEAM plz.thanks

10 years ago

yeah i think what it comes down to is that the more gritty gamers are gunna be drawn in and people that want a great challenge but yeah a true blue hardcore gamers game.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

yeah i'd say this is the modern day hardcore gamers game for sure

happy gaming =)

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