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Dark Souls II: 4.5 Million Deaths Recorded

Dark Souls II has only been out for a few days (and it's not even available on PC yet) but even so, players have recorded over 4.5 million deaths .


Publisher Namco has released a death tracker for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the newly released game, and you can see how many times individuals have died, and how they've died.

Of the four and a half million deaths, death at the hands of an enemy tops the list, with 1,342,561. However, it's interesting that so many deaths occurred due to falling; 365,728, to be exact. Traps caused 33,743 deaths and thus far, human players have been responsible for 22,241 deaths. The "Other" category is pretty huge, though: 54,559 deaths registered thanks to mysterious causes, apparently. These numbers will obviously continue to grow as people progress in the game, and newcomers start their adventures.

Then, when the PC iteration comes out on April 25, the numbers will get even higher. And don't forget that Namco can only track deaths if the player is logged in; if they're offline, obviously they can't.  Ever wonder what the real death total is…? In our review , we said the game was hard but very rewarding, and perfect for a certain type of gamer who desires a hefty challenge.

Related Game(s): Dark Souls II

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10 years ago

I read an article last night about ways to make the game even harder. What is wrong with people?!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Maybe it's akin to Flappy Bird syndrome.

10 years ago

Its called the bonfire aethstetic I think. I've been using it, and wow does it make the game way more difficult <_< BEWARE THE RAT KING

10 years ago

Lol i know. I joined the brotherhood of champions by mistake. Most enemies 2 shot me xD after the second boss I figured I could leave that evil brotherhood by talking to a cat and I now find the game almost easy XD seriously it really makes the game totally unforgiving especially on a first playthrough lol

10 years ago

Doing that is actually useful since it cause enemies to respawn at NG+ levels along with NG+ specific loot so you can continue to farm them.

10 years ago

I've died like 50 already lol it's cool though there are probably 100 more deaths to go

10 years ago

Sad to say I've had around 30 of those deaths. I really love this game, such an epic improvement over Dark Souls.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

you can find out your # of deaths by checking the death counter in offline mode.

10 years ago

Whatever floats your boat I guess!

10 years ago

I picked up Darks Souls 2 at a Gamestop midnight release, it was more for Titatinfall but there were a few Souls fans picking up there copy to. When I made it to Majula, a round 1:00am central, there were already about 3 thousand deaths.

10 years ago

They should release the # of players in order to get the interesting statistic of avereage # of deaths per player. Just a thought.

10 years ago

yeah um people die alot in dark souls thats kinda part of the game even if ur gud.

happy gaming =)

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