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Square Enix Might Consider FFXII HD, If They Get Enough Requests

The Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remasters are already available in Japan, and they'll be out in the US next month.

So, now that Square Enix has issued a high-definition overhaul of two PS2 Final Fantasy entries, how's about the third? What's stopping them from doing Final Fantasy XII HD ?

Well, they're not ruling it out but for now, there are "no plans" for such a project. Speaking with SG Cafe , series producer Shinji Hashimoto was asked about Yoshinori Kitase's previously documented interest in a FFXII remaster. Hashimoto's response:

"At this moment, we do not have any plans [to release a HD remastered version of Final Fantasy XII]. But as Kitase-san has mentioned, if there are a lot of requests from the fans for a HD remastered version of Final Fantasy XII, we might consider it. But with that said, at this moment there are no plans to do so."

As for the idea of Final Fantasy X-3 , that won't be happening. They expanded upon FFX-2 a little for the sake of the HD Remaster, but the developers won't be revisiting that particular story arc. If you're wondering, the FFX/X-2 HD Remasters have sold over 400,000 copies in Japan alone…which, by the way, is just about what the latest entry, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII , has sold.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XII

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10 years ago

XII was a hella grind and I missed the turn based battles but I'd probably still get the HD version because all of our hopes for fun in Final Fantasy now live in the past.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Technically, it was still turn-based. The only difference is that you could move your characters in real-time (which didn't amount to much).

10 years ago

For me it was automatic, I'd set my strategies before battle with gambits and then all I had to do to win every fight was cure people who got low on HP.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Oh, you missed out. Pausing to select your own commands was the way to go. The only time I relied on Gambits was against Yiazmat, just because characters would die so fast that you wouldn't have time to resurrect them manually.

10 years ago

Huh, is that so? To this day FFXII has been the only Final Fantasy that hasn't resonated with me enough to even finish the main story (though FFIII is the other one as it wasn't released here for a very long time). I even own the collectors edition! Which… is the only CE I own, of anything. I wasn't a fan of the license board really, and the gambits were interesting at first but made the game extremely automated.

However, what you said Ben, I didn't even think about trying to play it traditionally. I just assume (like auto-battle in FFXIII) that the gambits are there for a reason. I should use them. Is it really a good idea to go through the game without using them? Now I'm kind of excited to go back and play FFXII. Though I've tried it three times already since it launched, and after about 30 hours I stop playing. Something else comes up.

I'm definitely down for an HD remake though!

Last edited by Zemus101 on 2/15/2014 3:47:48 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I didn't say I didn't use them, I said I didn't rely on them exclusively so it was full Auto-Battle for each encounter.

10 years ago

One of my favorite FF titles…such a great game

10 years ago

Right! Well I'm thinking about giving it a try again sometime this year. Whenever I don't have something current to play. I'll try going through it using gambits sparingly. Maybe just have some basic emergency ones in place.

10 years ago

Honestly fate chaining was more OP than Gambits first thing I did was kept reloading my save to make a map of the license board to get fates as soon as possible I wiped Adrammelech out with a single 50-60+ Fate chain at around level 17 or something. XD
Though having Fates early does allow you to beat the big bomb boss early on allowing for a cool little secret cutscene for visiting the Nechrohaul way before you should.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I enjoyed XII enough to warrant purchase of an HD Remaster. Hell I still have my original CE with the bonus DVD…

10 years ago

Same here but I had a dud DVD one of the videos on it was simply a dead link. ='(

10 years ago

It's not for me, I couldn't stand the game but not one can deny this is a game that would at least look spectacular with a HD revamp.

10 years ago

i have the CE edition of 12 but honestly im not thrilled about a HD version of 12
i much would prefer an HD version of star ocean 3 and 2
or an HD version of Valkyrie profile 1 and 2
its not impossible because SE is mixing different system games in HD versions

10 years ago

I enjoyed XII. Sure, the story was weak and dry and the ending anti-climactic, but it was the gameplay that warranted digging into. The battle system was fresh, the license board was intriguing, the Espers were pretty cool, and the hunts… o, the hunts. Needless to say, I'd be on-board for a FFXII HD.

10 years ago

I think I would like to play this game, but only if its on the ps3 or ps4.

10 years ago

Loved that game. I was actually wowed by it. I don't want an hd version though because I have enough of a back log as it is

10 years ago

It would be a perfect thing. I'd definitely go for it.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I can definitely vouch for this. Strategy was huge.

10 years ago

I got considerably farther into XII than XIII, but ultimately it's not what I wanted.

10 years ago

Cool, one of the best games around getting HD treatment.
Though I wished we could have 4 active members in the party, having only 3 kinda sucked when there's quite a few inactive.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Considering how long it took them to get the FFX/X-2 HD Remaster out the door, this would have to be a PS4 title, wouldn't it?

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 2/15/2014 4:51:16 PM

10 years ago

I would pay $100+ for this game, make it happen.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Me thinks I would too buddy

10 years ago

It's my favorite battle system. And I also want to visit Ivalice again. I want this.

10 years ago

Agreed loved the battle system I feel it was as far as Square should have went in regards to action combat but look at them now. =

10 years ago

This title sure is dividing, either you love it or hate it. I liked it, but I didn't like neither the story/characters or the battle system, however I still fully completed it. *shrugs*

I could go without the HD update.

10 years ago

I would love XII in HD as World said it was def a grind but it was sure one hell of an enjoyable grind! There was just soooooooooooo much to do in that game. I just wonder if they would give us the basic version or the International version which has set classes but also allows you to control your espers.
Wonder if there would be any chance of basic WITH controllable espers.

10 years ago

Why wait just do it!!

10 years ago

I loved 12 and was really hoping for a remaster, it would be absolutely stunning with a remaster.

I know a lot of people didn't like the gambit system, but I loved it. You could utilize it very little and maintain control of the battle yourself or go gambit crazy.

So where do I sign/send letter to make this happen?

10 years ago

Hey what about FF Crisis Core? That one was a gem!

10 years ago

The mark hunts were definitely my favorite part of the game.

10 years ago

"If we get enough requests"

What? Do you mean like the several million requests you have had for a FFVII remake.

Don't act like you actually listen to your fans.

10 years ago

they need to remake final fantasy 6 HD or Chrono Trigger HD. let those be a option of choice too SE.

10 years ago

The problem with an HD FFXII is that it will come out for the PS4, using PS3 graphics, but it won't hit until after everyone switched to the PS5.

10 years ago

What they need to bring back is Kazushige Nojima

10 years ago

People have been requesting HD remake of FFVII for how many years now? and then they came out and say this? Insane.

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