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Kiefer Sutherland Impressed With Cutting-Edge Game Tech

At least one accomplished actor is suitably impressed with the technology that goes into modern video games.

"24" actor Kiefer Sutherland is on board to voice the iconic Snake in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V . And during a recent IGN interview , we find out that Sutherland is just blown away by the process:

"You know, I've got, like, 50 metal dots on my face, 50 cameras recording my every facial movement. The process and the technology and what I have to go through just to do a line, and what the engineers and technicians have to do, it's unbelievable."

Sutherland mentioned one scene that was so impressive that he was actually able to see his character's ears move. Hell, he could even detect a pulse based on how Snake's throat moved. …that's pretty insane, by the way. As for a comparison to the film industry, Sutherland says in fact, this is how Hollywood is going to do things in the future.

"This is how they're going to make movies soon. They're halfway there now, you know, but they're going to make films like this. This is not far off."

I know the long-time MGS fans were sad to see David Hayter go, but I've said it from the start: I think Kiefer will do a bang-up job.

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10 years ago

I'm sure he will do a good job, it's just that his voice is so well known it looks wrong coming out of Snake's face.

I kind of wonder what he's talking about saying that's how they are going to do movies. That could be taken in many different ways.

10 years ago

I think he means movies will be made all in CGI in the future. With real life actors doing the mo-cap and facial recording exactly like they do in games right now.

It might be cheaper, and also a lot easier from a production point of view. Without the need for real set locations, props and such.

What he says is fair, I mean in recent years I have noticed a sharp increase in the number of hollywood actors doing game stuff, and also doing the mo-cap and facial work. Most characters are being designed after their real life voice actors. Look at Beyond for example.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 2/9/2014 6:02:15 PM

10 years ago

Totally off subject here but. Is it just me or does KS not look like he could be related to Michael Keaton?

10 years ago

Now that they are both old he kinda does.

10 years ago

No, not at all.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Good to see that gaming is gaining traction in Hollywood nowadays. Maybe it means we'll see better adaptations in the future. Now if only the Hollywood talent contracted for games wouldn't phone it in (or be allowed to go all out). The widely criticised American rah-rah campaign of CoD: Ghosts, written by Stephen Gaghan, springs painfully to mind.

10 years ago

I personally don't like to see hollywood connected with gaming in any way. I'd much rather have a no-name actor do voicework than a well known star. It takes me out of the game and the character if I'm able to identify with the voice in a facial way.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Aside from something like Beyond, which requires considerable acting chops on the part of the person playing the role, I agree with you LV. Just saying that when developers feel it necessary to get Hollywood talent in, I'd rather see them actually trying to do the game justice.

10 years ago

Very soon i think Movie business will shift to the big screen only and the living room will be taken over by Interactive Entertainment.

10 years ago

As acting goes, he does do a good Kiefer Sutherland, I will give him that! Now we just need Emilio Estevez and Jon Bonjovi and it will be a Young Guns, Kevin Bacon fest…

10 years ago

Love Kiefer Sutherland! Will be very wierd tho hearing his voice come from snake….

10 years ago

I don't think his voice fits.

I mean, you can't just write it off, Snake is Hayter, Hayer is Snake. It's like if you spent 30 years of your life as a male, then got a sex change to become a female, it just wouldn't feel right when looking at the person.

That's how I feel about Snake, that he has had a sex change……. ahahahaha

But seriously though, I don't like KS in this role. His voice is waayyyyyyyy too monotone. From all the interviews I have seen him do, he is way too disconnected with the character. The best actors for me are method actors, the ones who REALLY put themselves into that role. Hayter knows Snake, he made Snake, KS just seems to see this as more of a job rather than something he is a part of.

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