While Gamescom remains one of the most important industry events every year, this year's show didn't exactly light a fire under everyone.
According to our latest poll, the majority of our readers either weren't impressed at all or were only mildly interested. It probably doesn't help that Sony didn't have a press briefing at this year's proceedings.
We did get some pretty cool game trailers and announcements, though. Square Enix dished on some Final Fantasy XV info , the Dark Souls III trailer went over very well with fans of the series, EA and DICE showed off the new Battle Squadron mode for Star Wars: Battlefront , and we especially liked the vids for MGSV, FFXV and Mirror's Edge: Catalyst . But maybe Sony didn't want to spill any secrets at Gamescom and they're waiting until the PlayStation Experience in December…
This week, two huge games are on the horizon: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Mad Max . We think MGSV could hurt Mad Max's sales potential but maybe not…maybe if enough of you say you're getting both (or neither), it won't matter. Then again, if a lot of you say you're only getting The Phantom Pain , well, that says something.