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PSXE Poll Update: Gamescom 2015 Was Only Average

While Gamescom remains one of the most important industry events every year, this year's show didn't exactly light a fire under everyone.

According to our latest poll, the majority of our readers either weren't impressed at all or were only mildly interested. It probably doesn't help that Sony didn't have a press briefing at this year's proceedings.

We did get some pretty cool game trailers and announcements, though. Square Enix dished on some Final Fantasy XV info , the Dark Souls III trailer went over very well with fans of the series, EA and DICE showed off the new Battle Squadron mode for Star Wars: Battlefront , and we especially liked the vids for MGSV, FFXV and Mirror's Edge: Catalyst . But maybe Sony didn't want to spill any secrets at Gamescom and they're waiting until the PlayStation Experience in December…

This week, two huge games are on the horizon: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Mad Max . We think MGSV could hurt Mad Max's sales potential but maybe not…maybe if enough of you say you're getting both (or neither), it won't matter. Then again, if a lot of you say you're only getting The Phantom Pain , well, that says something.

New MGSV Details: Length, No Swimming, Online For FOB

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain isn't far off now, and the game's Twitter page has been awfully active.

Thanks to those responses, we now have a few more details (which you can find summarized at GamingBolt ).

First, the developers confirmed that the story mode in MGSV will indeed be longer (as anticipated) than in previous franchise entries. And of course, the inclusion of side missions will add to the longevity. Second, we find that Snake can't swim; he can only walk through shallow water. Third, it seems his iconic eye wear might be customizable; currently, different outfits change his eye wear but players can't change it individually (yet).

Lastly, if you want to play and build your own Forward Operating Base, you'll need either a PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold membership. You will be able to customize that FOB offline but to actually use this element of the game, you need to be an online subscriber. Seems like a requirement in some way for almost any game made these days, but whatever.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain should rock your world on September 1, when it will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. And by the way, Konami recently confirmed the tech specs for the game.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

New 30-Minute MGSV Gameplay Trailer: Snake’s Rocket Arm

As previously promised, publisher Konami has released a new gameplay video for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain .

It's in Japanese but you get over a half-hour of footage from a mission called "A Hero's Way." Here, Snake must take down a Spetsnaz commander and he'll have the help of Quiet and a sniper.

There's a fair amount of stealth action but then there's the part where Snake fires a rocket-powered arm and guides it through a base before using it to slam into an enemy soldier. Snake's never had a rocket arm feature before, although it did show up in Peace Walker when Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zadornov fired his prosthetic arm at Big Boss.

Options abound! Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will launch on September 1 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Modder Gives Ground Zeroes An Intense First-Person View

Ever wonder what Metal Gear Solid would look like as a FPS?

Well, Konami will probably never indulge you, but one ambitious gamer has given a first-person view to Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes .

As found by Eurogamer , modder "Pao" has created quite the new experience. YouTuber BenBlatcher has some comments about it, too:

"Not being able to see what's round corners makes things much more tense, and you've gotta be really careful and try and get a good view on things beforehand. You've got to rely on your senses a lot more, and it's obvious I wasn't [For example not hearing a truck coming at one point.]"

There are a few problems, of course, but otherwise, it's a pretty cool presentation. Would you like to play MGS this way? Did the new first-person viewpoint in Grand Theft Auto V convince you?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Can’t Handle The Heat In MGSV? Here’s Your Chicken Hat

If you're a pansy, you should be treated like a pansy.

During a special Christmas stream, MGS guru Hideo Kojima revealed that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will include a special item for those who don't want a challenge (via Kotaku ).

It's a chicken hat, which was included in the two hour, forty-five minute stream. Sadly, he didn't reveal a release date, which is what many fans were hoping for. The chicken hat will be offered to players if they keep dying and retrying in the same section; donning the silly hit makes enemies dumber and slower. The only downside is that you have to continue with the knowledge that you're just a chicken-ass military dude.

Provided the game provides players with a decent challenge without being especially difficult, I see no reason to partake. The Phantom Pain is due out some time next year for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Rumor: Entire MGSV Plot Leaked

It might be entirely fake, anyway, but just in case:


According to Gentleman Gaming , an "anonymous source" has revealed the entire plot of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain . Anything that's entirely anonymous should be taken with a grain of salt, of course, but if there's any truth to the breakdown, long-time fans of the legendary series are in for a treat.

Supposedly, we can expect the return of major characters, how Big Boss became a villain, and hints at what future MGS adventures might hold in store. It's an in-depth 3,000-word synopsis so if it's fake, someone went to an awful lot of trouble to create it. I actually don't mind reading it now because I seriously doubt I'll remember all of it. Remember, The Phantom Pain probably won't be ready until the end of 2015.

I'll probably have to replay Ground Zeroes again, too.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain