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Dark Souls II DLC Depends On Fans

At the end of last year, Dark Souls II producer Takeshi Miyazoe went on record saying that his team wasn't planning any downloadable content.

But From Software seems to be rethinking that plan.

According to a recent OXM interview with Miyazoe, the developer is going to act based on fan feedback:

"There is definitely potential, I think. Again, it's all about fan feedback. Right now we are concentrating on completing what we've got, but I think there are next steps on how we can expand on Dark Souls II. So I'm not really ready to say look forward to more information, but I think the potential is definitely there."

Initially, the producer said they wanted to deliver a "full experience" right out of the box, so DLC wasn't in the cards. But these days, it's such a fixture among high-profile titles, and gamers have come to expect it. It's not like From Software hasn't given us DLC before; they released the Artorias of the Abyss DLC for the first Dark Souls .

I still like Miyazoe's first sentiment, though.

Related Game(s): Dark Souls II

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10 years ago

Caught a post early on, cool.

I think if the DLC is something similar to the quality of Artorias of the Abyss, that I would be totally cool a year or so after the release. DLC like that easily revives a game for awhile. I wouldn't mind spending like 1.99 or something to remake a character as well. Like a respec option or something because in both Demons and Dark Souls I've made at least 50 or more characters because I want to try something new.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

So DLC confirmed.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Don't really see why. By the time they push DLC out the door, most "core" gamers won't be overly interested as they would have migrated over to the PS4/X1. Better to just move on to a new project on the new consoles.

10 years ago

all i keep seeing is "definitely potential"

10 years ago

This is how DLC should be handled: Deliver a complete game, and create DLC if there is demand for it. Day 1 DLC is a joke.

Last edited by ProfPlayStation on 2/1/2014 8:26:29 AM

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