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Dark Souls II Update: Hollow Form Won’t Stop Player Invasion

Don't worry about developer From Software saying Dark Souls II will be more "accessible."

That really got all blown out of proportion. The sequel will be brutally difficult and the more we hear, the more scared we get.

For instance, during a recent OPM interview with producer Takeshi Miyazoe, we find out that being in Hollow form won't protect you from invaders.

In Demon's Souls and Dark Souls , if a player should succumb to Hollow form (after being killed and losing his Human form), other players wouldn't be able to invade the game and make things monumentally difficult. Yeah, well, no such restriction exists in the upcoming sequel. However, Miyazoe promises that the game will receive extra balancing to compensate; for instance, the existence of a new covenant that acts like a makeshift police force.

"Also, there will be penalties for players who invade, but still lose. There are risks. And there will be ‘policemen’ against invaders and a ransom system where if you constantly invade or kill NPCs there will be motivation for summoned players to go after you."

Another covenant, The Brotherhood of Blood, is all about invading and causing problems. It's all a matter of how you want to play, really. But just remember that you're just as vulnerable as ever when in Hollow form, and if you see someone else…um…


Related Game(s): Dark Souls II

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10 years ago

I've seen this article in a few places, but this was already announced.

10 years ago

Old news, lol

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Then go yell at GameSpot too, because their article went up yesterday as well.

10 years ago

What a brazen, inflammatory, and unproductive comment. A moment of silence, gentlemen, for the KB's of data that were murdered to make space for this post.

10 years ago

I think it's a neat idea, but I've always hated dealing with invaders. I just want to explore the game. I enjoyed the other online interactions though.

10 years ago

Not always in the mood for dealing with invaders. But I suppose that can be taken care of by just signing off.

Advent Child
Advent Child
10 years ago

Yep I'll definitely be playing offline now.

10 years ago

Playing offline detracts from of the complete Dark Souls experience in my opinion. Yes twinking was indeed a problem with DKS in early parts of the game and discouraged many a new player. I am sure FromSoftware is aware of this and will be addressing this behavior in Dark Souls 2. The Dark Souls community is simply amazing don't let the behavior of a few rob you of the full experience. Let Dark Souls restore your belief in the kindness of complete strangers. For me, the rewards outweigh the risks.

Last edited by Palmetto on 1/30/2014 12:54:45 PM

10 years ago

I am surprised that we are not getting more up to date information out of From and Namco with the game only 6 weeks away.

10 years ago

there goes my peace of mind

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