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Feudal Japan One Of Many Possibilities For Next Assassin’s Creed

The environment and atmosphere is what makes each Assassin's Creed installment special. That background is absolutely critical.

So, where are we going next? We've been to Constantinople in the Middle Ages, Italy during the Renaissance (still my personal favorite), America during the Revolutionary War, and the South Seas during the golden age of pirates. How's about feudal Japan as the next era…?

Ubisoft still says it's a possibility. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag creative director Jean Guesdon told VG24/7 that feudal Japan is one of the many time periods and locations the team is considering for the future. However, Guesdon added that "the entire human history is our playground," which really means they can focus on anywhere and anything. That's the cool part about this series, by the way.

Fans have also requested ancient Egypt, World War II and the British Raj (colonial India). I still want to go to Europe during medieval times; you know, when the Knights of the Round Table were in existence and all that. Considering that we start to hear about Templar lore right around that time, it would also fit in with the franchise's ongoing underlying plot.

Where do you want to go?

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10 years ago

Ancient China. Feudal Japan is ok too, I guess. Viking age in Scandinavia and Celtic Britain would be great as well. So many possibilities.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Vikings! Good call.

10 years ago

They could work in the one's came before quite well with norse mythology too.

10 years ago

Yeah, they all sound like awesome ideas!

mike rlz
mike rlz
10 years ago

Vikings would be cool. It would be interesting considering they were the first to reach North America. I think they could tie that into the story pretty well.

10 years ago

Still want Russia at the end of the dynasty. What -really- happened to Anastasia? A lot of conspiracy in there that ultimately eventually led to a major power in communism! Don't forget, awesome architecture and lots of wildlands with all 4 seasons.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/21/2014 11:46:33 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Another good idea…love those crazy tsar stories.

10 years ago

Perhaps for comic relief they throw in Rasputin (accompanied by Boney M's song)


10 years ago

That's probably a good choice because the previous games have already laid a lot of the groundwork. Daniel Cross was descended from a Russian Assassin in that period, the Romanovs used a Piece of Eden to hold sway over the populace and when they lost that they lost everything and the Tunguska event was caused by the detonation of a Piece of Eden. Feudal Japan would be a good setting but pre-Bolshevik Russia would tie in really well with the established lore.
Underdog, they've already mentioned Rasputin is a Templar; not really comic relief.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 1/21/2014 10:53:59 PM

10 years ago

I was thinking of the Boney-M song. Imagine that being in game! lol

10 years ago

If you get to play a ninja in the next AC it'll be the best Tenchu game to never come out.

10 years ago

If they altered the combat to fit the locale I'd be interested.

10 years ago

ever since ive seen this picture ive always really wanted to see a futuristic AC, not sure how they could work it into the running story line though

10 years ago

Ha, maybe a Deus Ex Assassin's Creed, that could be great.

10 years ago

I didn't expect it to look THAT cool.

It is too bad a futuristic AC game can't happen, not in the current universe anyway, since the Animus can only go into someones memories, they would need to create a new technology to look into a persons future.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Damn you for bringing up Medieval England. That would be grand. I think it'd be exciting to see the Boxer Rebellion and all of what was happening in China during that time. And ancient Greece could be brilliant. Assassins + the Olympics + God of War 🙂
There really are endless possibilities, but having said that, I do wish they'd give the series a break and come up with new ideas within these locations. Why are more games not linked with history?

10 years ago

lol if i had a katan wielding Samurai like Assassin that would finally make me play an Assassins Creed game. Id be all for that

10 years ago

Japan is well and good but I'd rather be excited for and play the FFXIII-3 Lightning Returns demo that's up now on PSN. That's right. I noticed it supports these fabulous resolutions. 120p, 1080i, 1080p.
So if you don't happen to have a 1080 capable TV, guess what? S-E says screw you, play in 120p muwahahah!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/21/2014 3:25:36 PM

10 years ago

You're kidding right? Just messing around,..right?


10 years ago

kidding 'bout what?
I do actually look forward to trying the demo. I think the game looks compelling and unique unto itself. I'm not totally on the "I hate FF bandwagon cuz it's not like it was 10 years ago. not turn based blah blah" Sure I enjoy the old but it's time to move on and accept reality. This is the new face of FF, like it or hate it, it is what it is now. which seems to be just about anything. FF just doesn't want to follow a fixed template I suppose. That's sorta bizarre, but whatever. Capcom didn't need to re-stylize DMC but they did. such is life.
And the PSN store gallery has the resolutions listed as I stated. It caught the corner of my eye, not that I go looking for weird facts like that.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/21/2014 5:22:17 PM

10 years ago

Just saw the Difference video between Ryu Ga Gotoku(Yakuza) : ISHIN on PS3 and PS4 , holy shit mind blown.Defintiely buy the PS4 version, Better video difference shown than Ground Zeroes. Feb 22nd will be the Day PS4 launches.

10 years ago

Egypt is still my requested locale. Ancient Egypt is still a mystery so that would be interesting

10 years ago

Noooooooooooooooooo. That would be lame.

They would need to bring a LOT more of the First Civilization story into the mix, which would make the future entries too convoluted.

10 years ago

A bloodbath under the cherry blossoms. Iga and Koga reign begins.

10 years ago

Feudal Japan. Medieval England. Vikings. Ancient Greece. World War II COULD be good.

BUT if it is India or Egypt I might not play it. Egypt I probably would actually, but not India. And not Persia.

10 years ago

I want Feudal Japan to play as a Ninja in AC. The only other one that was suggested That I really would want to play is Vikings.

10 years ago

first they were saying it would be too predictable and stale, and now there teasing exactly that.
i guess ubisoft really has gone mad and just doing whatever the noise wants.
knew adding the mission rating system was the first step of a VERY bad idea!

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