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Disney Infinity Exceeds Expectations, Sells 3 Million

Skylanders is a billion-dollar franchise for Activision. But they've got some competition.

According to a New York Times report , Disney Interactive has sold 3 million units of the Disney Infinity Starter Packs since the new game launched on August 18.

The NPD results show that 551,000 of those sales came in the month of December alone (and don't forget that each Starter Pack costs $75), so parents were springing for the new phenomenon left and right. In comparison, Activison's new Skylanders: SWAP Force sold 597,000 units since its November release. Got quite a race going, don't we? As for Disney Interactive, the sales of Disney Infinity "greatly exceeded" the company's internal expectations, and helped bring the division a $16 million profit after a loss of $76 million the previous quarter.

Yeah, you could argue Disney totally ripped off the idea of selling little plastic figurines as extra game characters. You could argue that Activision's team thought of it first, and you'd probably be right. But hey, that's how things sometimes go in this industry.

Related Game(s): Disney Infinity

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10 years ago

They should slap the Kingdom Hearts characters in there and get all those fans.

10 years ago

You mean Cloud and Sephiroth, right? xD I kid. I would so buy those cartoony figurine versions of Sora.

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