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The Last Of Us Left Behind DLC Is More “Playful” In Tone

The Last Of Us is dark. Really, just very… dark.

And although we'll be in the same desperate, post-apocalyptic setting, the upcoming single-player expansion, Left Behind, will be more "playful" in tone. So says voice actress Ashley Johnson (Ellie) in a new PlayStation Blog interview :

"You'll definitely see a more playful side to Ellie and get to know her a bit better. You're going to see a lot of different sides to the character that you definitely didn't see in The Last of Us."

The new downloadable content focuses on Ellie's life before she met Joel, when she survived with a friend name Riley. It's the first single-player DLC Naughty Dog has ever created, and it will introduce players to the "real" Ellie. It will also cover the time period when Ellie was bitten by one of the Infected. Sure, that sounds all sorts of dire, but Johnson maintains that the theme is really a bit more "fun."

"It's a little bit more 'fun,' because you have two teenage girls going through a mall. It's kind of like a post-pandemic version of two teenage girls hanging out. Definitely not a normal hangout! It's very different–a little more playful."

The combat will be familiar, of course, but the tone will be a tad lighter. And given the dark and forbidding nature of the game in question, I kinda welcome that change.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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10 years ago

I am glad for the fans, but as I mentioned before in posts, know the outcome so… its a miss for me. Really does not add much to the storyline that we did not already know or guess. Would have preferred more story with the Bill character or possibly Ish. BUT I hope it adds to fun for the diehard fans.

Anyway, enjoy!

Keep playing and look around corners before proceeding!

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
10 years ago

Does ND know how to cast same age group voice actors to same age group characters or do they think we are all stupid? Ashley Johnson a 23 yr old to voice a 14yr old was bad enough. I watched the trailer today and the actress who voices Riley sounded unmistakably old. Way worse than Johnson! Threw the character way off! Not getting this sadly. Really no reason why ND cant get same age voice actors.

Last edited by Lone Wanderer on 1/14/2014 1:30:15 AM

10 years ago

and it will be releasing…………!?
come on ND, its almost 9 months since the game released and we STILL know practically nothing about the DLC!

10 years ago

Yeah, we don't know timing or pricing! Both are pretty important.

10 years ago

actually, there the only two we do know.
pricings on the blog, and ND said dec-jan last year, exactly why people are so pissed jans almost finished and we STILL know almost nothing about it, and dont have a actual date!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I should be able to get DLC by the time this comes out… Ah, the benefits of moving to the city.

I kinda like the sound of this nugget, and I really hope that ND are focussing more on the stealth and other aspects as opposed to combat. Makes sense that they'd do that.

I just can't wait to see how ND decides to handle the bites and Riley's turning as well as Ellie's reaction to it as it dawns on her that she's immune. Something tells me it's going to be emotional as hell.

10 years ago

seems like we've been waiting like, Forever for this DLC.

hope the wait will be worth it…….its ND so i'm sure it'll be
worth it, imo.

10 years ago

Remember all the complainers who said this site is biased?

Yeah. Just won IGN's GOTY too.

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