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Devil’s Third Is About 80% Complete, Will Release In 2014

Unfortunately, we haven't heard much about Valhalla Games' Devil's Third in 2013.

But boss man Tomonobu Itagaki has given us a progress report, thanks to a recent 4Gamer interview (as translated by Dual Shockers ):

"Next year is the year we’ll launch our title Devil’s Third. At the moment the game is 80% complete and it looks finished. However I’m still polishing it further. That’s why I became independent. I would like to apologize for worrying our fans. Next year we’ll release it for sure, so stay tuned."

While Itagaki certainly has the requisite industry reputation ( Dead or Alive , Ninja Gaiden , etc.), we still need to see some extended, finalized gameplay for Devil's Third before we start to get properly excited. From what we've seen and heard thus far, the game has tremendous potential. But how will it fare if it's only available on "old" platforms? Should it also release for the PS4 and Xbox One? That might help.

We'll let you know more when we hear more.

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10 years ago

This is good news I cant wait to see a new trailer

10 years ago

this has to be releasing on next gen systems it would be suicide to release a new IP, in such a niche genre, on last gen systems!
really hope this is good though, ive always loved his games, and ive been yearning for a sword and gun mixed game for ages.
weve had how many release in the past 6 years?
if that!
WET was ok, but nothing amazing.
the shadow warrior remake was so freaking awesome, really brought back some memories!
its nice to see developers trying to bring back the 80s, FC3 blood drangon and shadow warrior were 2 of this years best games!
funny and sad how 2 of the years best games are rehashes of a era which ended decades ago!
lets bring back the good old days where guns and swords went together like chocolate and peanut butter!
and lets not make us wait several god dam years between each title, yes!?

10 years ago

what ever generation system it well land on i cant wait to try it out. i still have my Ps3 hooked up w/ my Ps4 so im ready.

10 years ago

I'm interested but kinda thinking it will be doomed no matter what.

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