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Sony: New IP Creation Is “Critically Important” for PlayStation

PlayStation fans have known this for a while, but it's nice to hear it from Sony.

Many hardcore gamers will agree that PlayStation platforms often feature cutting-edge new IPs and exclusive software, and it seems the company remains dedicated to freshness and innovation. Now, SCE president Andrew House has reinforced this view; as he said during a recent MCV interview :

"In terms of sheer breadth and depth, we are in a better shape in terms of third-party support for this console launch than certainly any I've ever launched. We are more committed to new IP establishment and delivery than most other platform holders out there."

House added that the production of new IPs is "critically important" to the health of the PlayStation universe, which is why we'll be seeing fresh stuff like The Order: 1886 in 2013. We'll also see continuations of new franchises that began during the PS3 era, including Uncharted , Killzone and inFamous . New IPs are all sorts of risky in an industry that tends to thrive on established franchises, but they're also necessary for the sake of originality and unique interactive approaches.

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10 years ago

How about resurrecting dead IPs, that's always better.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

Like Legacy of kain:soulreaver

10 years ago

The established IPs were risks at some point. It really is about mixing the new in with the old, assuming you have good established IPs.

10 years ago

Please more new IP's. In as much as the same old same might be good for a while, it just gets old and boring. Dare to try something new. Best of both worlds.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Third Party and New IP in the same sentence, i'm incredibly Happy.

10 years ago

Please Let it be Japanese THird Party

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Which is why it boggles my mind that the PS4 launched with Shadow Fall. Hulst from Guerrilla said, prior to the launch of KZ3, that their next project would be a new IP. Even if they were working on KZSF in tandem, I much would have preferred them to launch with the new IP. I get that there has to be a mix, but the third parties came with the established brands…

Anyway, I do believe this statement, and I am really anxious to know what else is coming from the first party studios.

10 years ago

Yeah word is they were working on 2 games, I figure an FPS is much easier to slap together while the new game probably takes much longer.

10 years ago

Killzone started in the ps2 era

10 years ago

I love new IP's, especially if they are blockbuster titles. I love sequels that come out from great games. The best for me is when you watch a Sony conference at a trade show and they show a trailer for a new IP that gets you excited. Don't seem to see these as much in conferences anymore, normally annouced before hand.

10 years ago

yeah i mean i like some more of the same if the game series is a great one like rachet and clank for me getting the new one for christmas in a couple of days quite excited for it but i also like to see some cool new games comin through other wise i wud get bored of just the same old same old all the time i think the industry wud die if we didn't

happy gaming =)

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