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GT6 Microtransaction Prices Announced

Yep, microtransactions are gonna be everywhere.

They're going to be available in Gran Turismo 6 , which is slated for a worldwide launch this week. We knew they were coming but we weren't sure of the pricing.

Now we are. Sony has confirmed the pricing for the GT6 microtransactions; you'll be able to purchase in-game credits with real money if you're so inclined. Those credits can be used to purchase anything in the game, from upgrades and customizations to new cars. Typically, credits are earned by performing well in events; that's the traditional way and most purists say that's the only way you should earn your credits.

But if you'd like to take the shortcut and shell out your own hard-earned cash, here's what you can get:

Sony did make it plain that they "do not require players to purchase or use purchased in-game currency." You can just buy stuff faster, that's all. If you want to get an idea of how much you could end up spending, it seems the most expensive vehicles can be as much as 20 million credits. If you were to actually buy one with real money, that would amount to over $130.

…yeah, I think I'll stick with the old-fashioned way, thanks.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 6

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10 years ago

Better than spending 50$ on a single car, Forza 5.

10 years ago

I hate to be that guy, but is their actually a single car in Forza that cost $50.00? I have never played any of the games before, but I find that highly unlikely. I heard $10.00 packs of cars, but never a single call that cost $50.00 to purchase, C'mon.

Microtransactions or not, I can't wait to get my preorder copy of GT6 from Gamestop this Friday.

10 years ago

According to Eurogamer, Forza 5 has the Lotus E21 F1 car selling for 32 Pounds or roughly $50 U.S. and Gran Turismo 6 does them even better! The most expensive car in GT6 is the Jaguar XJ13 will sells in-game for 20 million credits or $140!

10 years ago

Honestly Kryten1029a, that blows my mind. I Googled the Lotus E21 F1 and found that to be accurate. From what I read you can earn the credits to buy the car, so that is good news.

I have owned every GT in the US except for GT 5 Prologue and I don't recall any cars costing 20 million credits. In GT 5 I seen a number of cars costing several million but not 20 million. I worry now that they are going to double the amount of credits to buy a car or lower the amount of credits you receive for winning races. I pray they don't make this a Pay to Win style game, in the fashion of many F2P games on the market, especially since this is a full price retail game. I feel that this is not going to be an issue due to this being a full price retail game.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Knights, how is it better? It's $140 for a single car in GT6.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

There are actually several cars in GT5 that cost 20 million, no small number that go for more than 10 million. It is pretty disgusting to think of how much you would have to put in this way to get even a single vehicle, regardless of how high-spec it is.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 12/5/2013 1:54:22 AM

10 years ago

It's better than Forza in the sense that the grind in Forza 5 seemed to have been much worse than before. You don't even win cars as you level up like before. Races give little credits.

Whether this is true for GT6 or not, I don't know, but from what I've seen not so much.

10 years ago

I don't like this but at least it's not a requirement. The day it becomes one, I stop buying said games.

10 years ago

It's not a requirement yet, but if publishers can get away with it then it won't be optional for long. If they start designing games with these types of systems in place then it it'll pretty quickly grow out of control. I've seen it in Mass Effect 3 and it can only go downhill from there.

10 years ago

Those prices are way too high. I think they'd have more success if 1,000,000 credits were about $2.99-$3.99. I'd be tempted to jump in at that price, but no way am I going for it at $9.99.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

This is precicely what Microsoft was trying to combat with their DRM policies. Too bad it was killed in its youth.

10 years ago

I'd much rather see this type of thing than ingame content you can only obtain via microtransactions.

It just enables you to get content faster, rather than only getting the content if you cough up more than the $60 title cost.

I think the credit values need to be higher though, if it's going to cost $140 real money to buy the more expensive cars.

10 years ago

The problem is they are making it harder and take longer to get more credits "the old fashioned way". Its not just GT6, its the industry. They know people will actually buy this stuff.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

You really would have to have more money than sense to even think of taking this route, especially for the more expensive vehicles…

Thankfully, I've read reports that the impact of microtransactions on the game aren't nearly as strong as they were on Forza 5 (reportedly), as in you do still get prize cars and there seems to be little change in the amount of cash and experience you get from races, so that is some consolation.

Still, microtransactions really do need to die in full-priced games. They may work fine in free-to-play titles while the costs are relatively small, but something like GT… You naturally want the best cars as soon as possible, so they fix the costs at some rather ridiculous level to maximise their potential profit from you. I mean when it becomes possible to sell a single car for more than double what you buy the game for – a FULL-PRICED RETAIL GAME – then there is something desperately wrong with the way that you're working things.

Surely you could reward your customers by having such vehicles unlockable without going through all the rigours of having to grind your way to that many credits… I'm complaining unjustifiably, I know, but microtransactions really never bothered me until very recently (mainly because I can't actually pay them, not that I can foresee wanting to…) and seeing that Sony is attempting to gouge some subset of their player base in such a fashion is almost nauseating. The quality and inventiveness in their games, as well as the general quality of their hardware actually had me thinking of the company almost as a friend… not so much anymore, unfortunately. I'm rambling, so I'll cut it short there.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 12/5/2013 2:03:14 AM

10 years ago

Don't like it. That's what made me stop playing GT5. I looked at the number of credits some of the cars cost, then back to the number of credits in my wallet and then to the amount you could win for a single race and traded the game in.

Has the game industry gone so mad that they are honestly expecting us to be happy with this? They are taking the fun out of gaming. You can only get the best cars if you pay real money or grind for weeks… How is that fun?

10 years ago

They're expecting that at some point, the overwhelming tedium will short-circuit your common sense and you'll break down and pay them money. It's not enough that you paid full price for the game; they just can't stop themselves from double-dipping. Short answer? Yes, they are that mad!

10 years ago

How much did you play the game? GT5 was ridiculously easy to earn money in the later stages.

10 years ago

yeah i'm peved and disappointed this is just over price discusting crap and i won't be buying any money packs o might still get gt6 next year i broke atm ps4 and 4 ps4 games and a headset later with the next round of ps4 or maybe mid year i just not sure unless theres cheap ps3 games i won't be buying anymore new release ps3 games for awhile.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

one thing i hate about racing games in general, allot of the faster cars are ridiculously hard to obtain.
no you dont HAVE to use your own money, but its either spend tens of hours racking up enough credits, or pay to get it on the spot.
this is exactly why micro transactions have such a bad name.
you dont HAVE to use them, but to not use them is practically pulling teeth.
cant understand why the higher end stuff has to be so hard to obtain, i mean yea it should be a challenge, and a reward.
but spending all that time to get just one vehicle, by the time you get it you would of spent so much time playing the game your sick of the game and dont want to play it any more.
thus rendering the past 2 weeks of effort for nothing!

10 years ago

If this will become the norm or not is ALL up to us, the gamers.

Just don't buy it. It's the only language they understand.

10 years ago

I have played GT since the first one and I know the feeling of accomplishment when you win so many races and championship and you finally have the money to buy XYZ car that you have been wanting. If I just spend real money to buy said car then it takes that feeling away which pretty much defeats the purpose of the game.

I will not be spending one dime on virtual money and additionally even if I had 20 million in game money I would definitely not spending it on a car made by Jaguar — those cars tend to have terrible handling.

10 years ago

The day will come when that $59.99 game will be a see as a playable "demo" and to get the full game or the full experience you will have to do microtransactions. I do not want the $59.99 purchase to feel like an incomplete game. Well I am referring more to single campaign games. I can see the microtransactions happening more in multiplayer, but they should not take away from a single player experience.

Who knows. We shall have to wait and see how this evolves, but the "casual gamer" is use to microtransactions and I will put myself out there and say, many will do the purchases. Good little consumers that we are.

I don't see gamers rebelling. If the XboxOne is anything to go by. Gamers whine and complain, but come on, we cave in because we want to play our games. Not sure what it would take to get gamers to revolt at something int he gaming that is or maybe be crucial or important.

Some where, some must have done their graduate paper on the animal we know as the gamer. lol.

Keep playing and guard your purchases!

10 years ago

With those microtransacions GT6 will be free to play. It would be crazy to add that kind of microtransactions to a for purchase title.

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