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Kojima: The Phantom Pain Will Require “Much More Time”

We'll get the prologue early next year, but we might have a long wait for the main course.

Hideo Kojima recently told Famitsu (as cited by Siliconera ) that due to the "enormous volume" of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , that project will require "much more time" than the initial offering, Ground Zeroes .

The latter is being prepped for a spring 2014 launch and it'll be a budget-priced, relatively bite-sized introduction to the new world of Metal Gear Solid . Kojima did say it "would've been better" to release the game all at once but as The Phantom Pain is just nowhere near ready, it unfortunately couldn't be done. Said Kojima:

"If I were to put it in Hollywood movie terms, the prologue, that is Ground Zeroes, would be similar to the first 10-15 minutes that are meant to ‘captivate’ [the audience]. At first, something will happen, then the title will appear like 'bam!' and then nine years later, a big event will be the start [of Metal Gear Solid V]. That’s how the story will be connected."

The Phantom Pain is set in an "immense open world" while Ground Zeroes doesn't feature the same breadth and scope. The prologue will be available for all consoles, but the PS3/360 iterations will be $10 cheaper ($20) than the PS4/Xbox One versions ($30). Here's hoping that aforementioned main course isn't too far off.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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10 years ago

Yes, please, take plenty of time. Very rarely does a rushed project turn out well. Heck, even projects that have had ample time can even feel rushed, so whatever can be done – be it taking more time or whatever – to ensure that this project is fantastic, by all means.

10 years ago

U cant rush metal gear!

10 years ago

Can't rush perfection, but like I said his prequel is going to have to turn some heads or it will be bad press for years to come.

10 years ago

Least its not 60$

10 years ago

I can wait, this is the game that I will be buying a PS4 for, so I want it to be perfect! I'm honestly content with waiting until 2015, nothing else on the PS4 has grabbed me yet.

So I have no decided to get Ground Zeroes for PS3. Looking at the early PS4 games on both consoles like AC4, the difference is minimal. I'd still buy a special edition with both on the PS4 when The Phantom Pain is released and in a way am grateful to have something to play in 2014. But with GZ, we've kind of seen what happens in the trailer… so I'm not as excited for it in all honesty.

10 years ago

well i hope when it comes out that it comes out it'll be worth the wait.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

"would've been better" to release the game all at once but as The Phantom Pain is just nowhere near ready, it unfortunately couldn't be done. '' He thinks we are idiots? what about canceling Ground Zeroes and just make MGSV the Phantom Pain with Ground Zeroes as the introductory chapter INSIDE the disc.

Kojima becoming extremely arrogant, I'm not gonna buy this game that was going to be a psp one, jumped to the PS3 and 360 and now he doesn't want to release it until more people buy the PS4.

10 years ago

suck it up princess, at least we get a taste of the next metal gear masterpiece

10 years ago

A taste? lol you must be the sheep customer Kojima wants all of us to be.

I prefer he takes all the time he wants but release the complete game.

Last edited by Oxvial on 12/4/2013 7:44:49 AM

10 years ago

Oxvial, your theory holds water. Yes, it could be that Kojima san didn't want Phantom Pain to be constrained by last gen technology (especially since Phantom Pain is open world and will be memory-hungry), yet he still wanted to take advantage of the large install base of ps3/360 and keep MG's name relevant, which he would do with Ground Zeroes. I wouldn't call him out for being arrogant, though.

10 years ago

Maybe arrogant it's not best way to describe his latest actions it's more about him trying to deceive us, like the reasons why he changed the voice actor for Snake or his ''time'' issues for releasing MGSV as a full game, anyway you are being logical there and I agree with you

10 years ago

I establishment of Outer Heaven in MGS5 the phantom pain

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