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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Just Got Much More Attractive

If you missed out on the flashy, challenging action game that was Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance , now's the time to remedy that mistake.

Konami has announced that the acclaimed action title from Platinum Games has dropped in price; it's now available for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 for only $29.99. But that's not the only good news.

Included with that very reasonable price tag is extra content, as the Jetstream and Blade Wolf downloadable content will be featured. The publisher didn't mention if the content would be included on the disc, or if we'd have to grab it digitally. But either way, it makes the game that much more appealing, yes? The Jetstream DLC boasts Samuel Rodriguez as a playable character, and the Blade Wolf DLC features a side story where players assume the role of LQ-84i.

Revengeance turned out to be a really solid spin-off, so give it a try if you haven't already. It's worth your time.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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10 years ago

For those who played this and Vanquish, is it worth getting if you generally liked Vanquish?

10 years ago

I only played the demo of Revengeance but they handle very differently I'd say. You definitely get that same crazy balls to the wall Platinum vibe all over the place. This time you'll actually need to guard and avoid getting hit though. Also you must be willing to overlook the terrible story presentation and dialogue again.

10 years ago

I only played the demo of Vanquish and didn't like it, Metal Gear Rising gameplay it's really different also it has a decent plot, may not at MGS level but if you are one that enjoy the codec conversations this game has one of the best codecs in all the series, it absolutely destroy that awful codec Metal Gear Solid 4 had.

I don't get why people say the story it's awful, also Raiden got finally manly at the mid of the game, and Bladewolf it's an awesome character!

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/4/2013 11:02:59 PM

10 years ago

^ Since I didn't play the whole game the story could be great but it's the presentation I was talking about. That Saturday morning cartoon way of doing things that some people aren't big on is what I'm talking about. I'm fine with it usually, like in Ninja Gaiden, but even just the opening scene of Revengeance made me cringe.

10 years ago

Have in mind this it's a platinum game so it's full of action sequences who are over the top, if you enjoy guilty pleasures movies like Kill Bill or The Man of the Iron Fists this game it's for you.

Anyway what was your problem with the opening scene? it was great imo! loved the little conversation Sam and Raiden had in their first fight, that later made when Raiden changed more significant, or maybe you think the demo had the opening sequence? because that wasn't the case.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/5/2013 12:03:50 AM

10 years ago

The scenes have a way of going over story information, at length and in an annoyingly blatant fashion, for the benefit of any audience members with low IQs. who couldn't have picked up what was going on without it being spelled out for them at every cut scene.

10 years ago

@Jawk I think you like MGS almost as much as I do, so I feel I should let you know I really didn't care for this. It was fine for a while, but where others saw tight and responsive controls, I felt I was repeatedly making perfectly-executed moves but the game did not respond as I hoped. I was more frustrated with this game than any other in years. I still haven't beat the last boss, because I gave up after several days and many hours of trying. THAT hasn't happend in a LONG time!

Lots of people love the game, but I really don't.

10 years ago

I could get it for a lot less than that but I choose not to.

10 years ago

Good choice.

10 years ago

Only 30 dollars? Wow! Who cares about a next gen system when I can get this overrated piece of crap? YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!

End of line.

10 years ago

Overrated lol, this game was hated since day one, if anything it's underrated.

10 years ago

***SPOILERS*** (to Rising obviously)

It was a nice action title. The story "tried" (very hard) to be as Metal Gear-esque as possible (I think that Metal Gear Excelsus appearance was just "Ugh, really?) but didn't live up to the name. Dialogue is rather unengaging and the story is lame. Also, the game is pretty damn short.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

We got it for PS+ this month.

10 years ago

I haven't given up on this one yet. The demo left me feeling let down and frustrated with some of it's mechanics but I need to give it more of shot before writing it off.

10 years ago

Let me/us know how it goes. The mechanics drove me up the wall.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I may be interested at a budget price. Played the first three hours when I grabbed it off a mate, but it didn't grab me anywhere near as much as DmC, so I put it aside to pick up some other time.

10 years ago

Temjin keeps trying to make fun of DMC in front of me, all it does is make me want to play it again more! 🙂

10 years ago

I'm glad that I traded my copy. Now I have a chance to play the DLC if it's within the disc. I have fun playing this especially the zendatsu's and boss fights. It's much much more enjoyable than Enslaved.

10 years ago

Still not interested in it. Don't see the point of its existence and placing Raiden in another situation like this ruins his rather satisfying ending in MGS4 and counteracts it.

Thought the demo was solid, but it wasn't enough to get me interested in the game.

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