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Capcom Details New Mechanics For Ultra Street Fighter IV

It's time for a few important updates that fighting aficionados will appreciate.

Ultra Street Fighter IV is an improved version of Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition and it'll boast five new characters, along with new stages, modes, and gameplay tweaks. Now, Capcom Capcom has revealed the new battle mechanics for the game.

First, there's "Ultra Combo Double," which lets players select Ultra Combos for both their characters, rather than just one or the other. However, the sacrifice is that each Ultra Combo will deal less damage. So, if you want, the classic single-Ultra option will still be available. "Red Focus Attack" is the other new system, and it's an altered version of the game's existing Focus Attack. Red Focus Attacks can absorb damage from multiple attacks, but at the cost of the Super Meter; the basic Focus Attack could only absorb damage from one strike. Oh, and those unblockable moves that everyone hated? They've been removed.

Ultra Street Fighter IV will hit the Japanese arcades soon, and if you already own either SFIV or the Arcade Edition for consoles, you can pick up the Ultra add-on for only $14.99. It will be released as a standalone game for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC in 2014 for the price of $39.99.

Related Game(s): Ultra Street Fighter IV

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10 years ago

So basically when Capcom makes a fighter you should wait 3 years until every single improved version is done before buying anything.

10 years ago

Ha, no.
Gotta remember fighters reside in multiplayer's domain. These soft updates exist only for them. It's essentially new dlc map packs for shooters but for fighters.
You wouldn't wait for a goty edition of Uncharted just to have the extra map packs would you?
In uncharted.s case the game pulls from two audiences.

10 years ago

I also think this won't be the last of the SF4 updates. Considering the year over year growth of competitors and viewers of Evo tournaments where SF is the most popular fighter, I'm sure we'll see more updates to freshen up the fight. Heck I expect a full Sf4 collection for ps4 at some point.

10 years ago

I'll just trust you on that.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Trust him world. The FGC is in a whole different league.

10 years ago

It's k. The FGC is so staged. Kappa


10 years ago

I hope 3d, more grounded, as in less crazy jumping, makes a return to dominate next gen. I like 2d fighters and all but I'm much more a 3d kind of guy with large move lists. Long live Virtua Fighter!

10 years ago

Move on allready!! So I guess there will be two more versions before we see a new one.

10 years ago

I don't understand SSF4. I thought it came out like 3 years ago and theres been over 3 versions of the same game? I think i got a free one with Ps+ and it didn't seem any different than it did in the trailer.

10 years ago

I'm still content with the original edition, none of the new additions interest me in the slightest, the majority of the new fighters are silly, then the rest are just modes or other junk i'd never use. Might aswell wait for the PS4 edition before buying this, I'm sure Capcom wont hold back another release of SF4 after this…

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Removed unblockables??? Craaazzaay.

10 years ago

The 39 characters in Arcade Edition are already too many to the point of being useless, unless all you do is sit at home and play this game. Adding five more most likely near-identical-to-someone-else characters is just the excuse Capcom needs to milk fighting fans with more money than common sense.

I'll stick with Arcade Edition.

10 years ago

Capcom sure can milk their franchises dry, can't they?

Why not just make a ton of improvements, add a bunch of new characters/levels, and call it Street Fighter V, FFS?

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