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Will Grand Theft Auto Online Become A Separate Entity?

Just go with me on this one.

I like to try to read the tea leaves now and again, so it's hard for me not to look at the current situation with Grand Theft Auto Online and try to connect a few scattered dots.

When I do connect them a previously hazy picture begins to take form: that of a separate online entity for Grand Theft Auto . Let's take a look at the facts surrounding this curious case thus far.

It has its own title, Grand Theft Auto Online . While this is not unheard of ( Metal Gear Online ) it is a rarity. Most games including Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV, Max Payne 3 , and Red Dead Redemption simply had their own online component rolled into it without a separate designation. At first that's what we assumed would be the case for GTAV, but GTAO has its own artwork and presence.

The online part of GTAV was set to debut a bit after the main game, which meant it would likely get its own separate reviews from news sites. Clearly that little bit of extra time wasn't enough to have made the difference in the server load, so why was it done that way?

Then we learned that the online portion would include microtransactions in the form of real cash for game cash. While this is a great way for a company to make money, it typically catches some hell from gamers unless it is part of an MMO strategy that makes business sense for a long-term product.

The initial online rollout went kaflooey and the microtransactions got put on hold. While perhaps this is just another case of too many people overloading the servers, the continuing problems make me wonder if something else is going on. Is the whole online system, having been built during this lengthy period between GTAIV and GTAV actually much bigger than we can see? Does it include the framework for a bigger online experience which complicates making the core online experience function properly?

Finally, I noted that on the Playstation Network it says something kind of strange in the ticker about GTAO : “Now Free With Purchase Of Grand Theft Auto V.” Since when is the online component to a game you bought marketed as “free”? Do they know something we don't yet?

I may just be over thinking things as usual but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Grand Theft Auto Online moved past GTAV and became its own entity. They could charge a separate fee for it, have a small monthly cost, or go free to play with it as a service that makes money through microtransactions. If there was a fee for those without GTAV then all you'd have to do to waive that would be to buy the latest GTA game because they aren't going to stop making them. Perhaps each game would give you access to its city and you'd have to buy access to the others or buy the next game to get into and move between the various cities.

In this scenario Grand Theft Auto Online both avoids the pitfalls of debuting as a controversial MMO product and funnels GTA fans into a new product without their even being aware of it. It also allows GTAO to retain the potential to grow to include all past and future GTA cities with its online universe if the plan succeeds.

Do you think this is feasible? Do you think it could happen? Would it interest you?

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

Sounds about right dave. Though I thought they announced already that it would eventually be it's own game. I might be wrong and just assumed it would be. Either way more gta can't be bad…can it?

10 years ago

If they have then I missed it, but it will be interesting to see how it comes into being if so.

10 years ago

"Now free with a purchase of GTAV".

So basically you can get into GTAO without purchasing GTAV but for a fee. If that's the case, then I think R* planned ahead for GTAO to be a seperate thing. It looks like it will be an MMO that will be patched up everytime a new GTA arrives. I think that in doing so, GTAO will have a very long life.

10 years ago

So it does seem some comments were made about this earlier from the devs about being "considered separate" that escaped me, eh, I'll leave this up so people can discuss what they'd like to see from it anyway. It will still have to detach from GTAV somehow.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/8/2013 10:58:22 PM

10 years ago

Yep. Its been in the works since gta3. They plan on running with this for as long as they can.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Head to los santos international & fly to vice city or las venturas,maybe san fierro or liberty city too!
Sounds AWESOME!!!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

each with their own radio sets!

10 years ago

you have to remember though according to the GTA "HD Universe" the old Vice City, Liberty City and San Andreas never existed… its only the new Liberty City and the new San Andreas that exists… so if a GTA Online was to happen and multiple worlds were to be included you could only travel between the new Liberty City and San Andreas… so I'm guessing a new Vice City will be set for GTA VI possibly?

10 years ago

^If it was going to happen, it should of been Vice City made before San Andreas.

10 years ago

it makes sense, would a regular mp game have its own cloud servers?

i'm no tech and way out of my league, involving cloud,
seems GTA O will become its own thing.

10 years ago

Downloadable version

10 years ago

so in other words it becomes its own game and no longer tied with GTA releases.
could work, but i cant see it being worthwhile.
for it to become its own game that means its on its seperate own time schedule, so when GTA6 releases that does not mean will get a all new GTA online.
they will stick with the current tied in nature, it really does give them the best of both worlds.
it benefits them of being able to update it whenever they want, add new content as DLC or free content, add microtransactions, have community events, everything.
but having it tied to the GTA series, and tied to the GTA release schedule also gives them targets and timeframes knowing when people will most likely be playing it.
MGO a perfect example it was really popular when MGS4 released but after that its popularity dwindled.
if it was to stay its separate entity it would not see the spike in players it would if it was tied into MGS5.

there really is no reason for these online games to separate themselves from their campaign brethren.
ok yea it gives them the ability to charge for the MP, if its part of the campaign people will complain as it use to be part of the package.
but that said they could introduce other subscription packages thus getting the money other ways instead of a pay for entry deal.

10 years ago

Most of us forget that Metal Gear Online in Japan was a separate game, it wasn't included with MGS4. So it is certainly possible. Wasn't Call of Duty meant to have an exclusively online release… what happened to that? Is it just not viable on its own? – Despite being the main appeal to the franchise.

If online counterparts were released as stand alone games I dont think I would go for it. unless I knew that it is a game I'd be full invested in, like Metal Gear Online, if they decided to released that separately I'd be Furious at the industry but feel I'd have to give in. I hope they don't though, especially as we're now going to have to pay for PS+ to go online now, charging a fee for for the purchase of the online game separately would be rather insulting, then subscriptions for the game on top of that, barbaric – I'm not paying three fees to play one game. That's why Final Fantasy XIV is completely out of my radar for the PS4.

10 years ago

i cud definately see it happening it wudn't surprise me one bit if they did do that

happy gaming =)

mk ultra
mk ultra
10 years ago

I'm hoping San Fierro and Las Venturas are expansion packs in the future.

10 years ago

You know, I think it well and that's great and all, but I still enjoy the offline/campaign portion a lot more. The last games I played online were Resistance 3 and Starhawk and the players were a lot more mature than players I've run into in GTAO (no surprise there).

Unless I get some of my friends to team up with me on this was I'll stay away from it for the most part.

10 years ago

"Finally, I noted that on the Playstation Network it says something kind of strange in the ticker about GTAO: “Now Free With Purchase Of Grand Theft Auto V.” Since when is the online component to a game you bought marketed as “free”? Do they know something we don't yet?" I was about to bring that up as well. At this point I can't tell.

10 years ago

It could happen. Guerrilla Games released Killzone 3's multiplayer on PSN for $15 while Naughty Dog released Uncharted 3's multiplayer as a free-to-play title. Same with Valve. Team Fortress 2 eventually became a free-to-play title.

I could see the same happening here (and it would have Rockstar rolling around in cash if they did).

Still have my fingers crossed Rockstar eventually brings this game to next-gen. PS4 version please!!

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