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Rockstar Working 24/7 To Resolve “Inevitable” GTAO Issues

If you've tried to play Grand Theft Auto Online since it launched yesterday, you've likely been very, very frustrated more than once.

Any gigantic game is bound to have issues, but some of those issues have been critical. So, developer Rockstar Games will continue to work "around the clock" to resolve the problems ASAP.

As posted on the team's Support Page , Rockstar has identified many of the biggest issues and they're currently trying to repair them. Here's a statement:

"We are continuing to look into these issues and are working around the clock on resolving them as quickly as possible. This includes close monitoring of our Support systems, forums, social media, and in-game data to measure traffic along with Community sentiment to ensure ongoing improvements to stability. Please stay tuned for more updates."

The developer did anticipate problems, as they said prior to the launch of GTAO that players should expect some "growing pains," such as crashes, freezing, glitches and "crazy bugs." Basically, they say that due to the "massive" size of the game in question, the issues are "inevitable." Well, that's nice to know but personally, I've always liked the idea of pressing a button and being able to play my game. Like, immediately, and without such a mess. Wanna see me do it with my SNES?

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

All those folks complaining have self entitlement issues. Sorry folks but they told you this would happen before it even launched the other day. I'm patient, the single player component has me busy anyway.

10 years ago

Folks who want what they paid for to work have entitlement issues?

10 years ago

Well he's right. If millions of people are expected to go straight to multiplayer the day it releases, you're obviously going to get *some* issues. And just like Rockstar said, that was the case.

10 years ago

I dont like it when developers know the issues exist 2 weeks before hand but release it anyways.

10 years ago

It's all down to high load, it's obvious. Rockstar said they were doing what they could to get more servers online for launch.

10 years ago

Of course they knew it would happen. It *had* to happen.
You can't scale an online service to handle the initial load on launch day. It's a kind of traffic the servers will never ever need to cope with again. This *must* be expected.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2013 1:00:05 PM

10 years ago

Okay Beam… you can have your GTAO because its obviously a mess right now. If you cant enjoy the game when you want its more than an expected issue.

10 years ago

@World. Yes folks who sit there and complain when they got what the paid for in single player alone are being entitled folks. Rockstar said the issue was going to happen and they are fixing it. What more do people want? It's not like there is some additional cost to play online.

10 years ago

Hey I don't even have the game yet 😀

But if I did I would enjoy the single player game for at least a few days more before I tried the online part. Cause really, this must be expected – based on pure experience. It is always like this and it's a reason for that.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2013 1:24:35 PM

10 years ago

If they can't be prepared for the initial load then it shouldn't be released until they are prepared. You're all complicit in perpetuating the idea that a broken service is okay just because that's how it always is.

10 years ago

@World but it's not broken, which is what I am trying to tell you. Can you not turn on GTAV right now and play the game you paid for? The online portion of the game which wasn't even available day 1 is the thing having the issue. They *Rockstar* made it known to folks that there would be issue when it rolled out. It's their first go at something this large. Stop acting like they owe gamers anything. They don't. There is no "FEE" for something that is "FREE". Stop whining about it. This is my point. Folks act like they are entitled to everything even free stuff.

10 years ago

World, it's not really a question of being prepared or not. It's more a question of creating a service that is scaled for the *normal* load on that service.
The launch day traffic is of a level the servers will never ever through the entire lifespan need to cope with again – and there's just no way you can thoroughly test an environment for that kind of load prior to launch.

Compare it with an opening of a store. On opening day there might be a cue of customers around the entire block, with long lines in front of the counter. Still, you can't design that store to handle that kind of customer load cause *usually* it's not that much.
So if you don't want to stand in that cue just wait a few days, 'till the amount of customers have normalized.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2013 3:56:16 PM

10 years ago

SP and MP are different.

All I'm saying is there has to be a better way to do this than to just accept that every time an online game launches it won't work and gamers should just "live with it" or "shut up". The whole concept is preposterous.

10 years ago

Oh I understand the frustration.
Like I ask further down here, I really do wonder why this is not launched by gradually going live region by region over a period of time instead of opening the flood gates on full from day one.

There must be a reason for this, but I am unable to see it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2013 4:09:29 PM

10 years ago

Thanks Beam for proving my point. The mp obviously wasnt ready therefore the sp is the only option for now. The fact that they said they knew this was going to be a problem rather than saying they were preparing for it tells me that it wasnt prepared to be released.

10 years ago

It's pretty apparent that none of you had played FF14 when it launched back in August, this is a smooth launch compared to that. So please try again. No matter what anyone says this is barely a problem.

10 years ago

FF14 was a disaster no one is even comparing the two. Regardless it wasnt ready. So here we are.

10 years ago

No Im comparing the two, since I own both of them. Folks don't seem to understand the difference between a free service not working and a paid one not working. The whole entitlement thing comes to mind. I'm just preaching folks needs to have patience. Then again, this gaming generation has been horrible for it. :

10 years ago

Every major title with a multiplayer component has huge issues at launch and I just don't get it. If you've shipped millions of copies of a game then it would stand to reason that a good percentage of those people will want to play it. That's going to be doubly true of a title like GTA with an online world that you've advertised. I'm no longer failing missions three seconds after starting, but there are still huge problems and Rockstar should have been better prepared. It's so bad that even if you wanted to trade real cash for virtual you couldn't do it!

10 years ago

Just my view on this..The game was purchased and people were patient to wait until the 1st for mp. They had ample time to be far more prepared after spending $170mil to make the game. The fact that people can't even connect to the online is ridiculous. I believe the majority of people upset are the ones who can't even connect to it. Consumers have reason to be upset…now how they express that is a different topic. Every online game will have bugs..but this should've been solved through alpha and beta testing

10 years ago

how can you prepare for something when they have no clue on how many people are going to be playing , and when?
this always happens, hell i remember when BF3 released it was impossible to get into a server because EA greatly underestimated the popularity of the game and had to over a few weeks add more servers, then it worked like a dream!
same thing happened to diablo 3, christ you think GTA is bad buy a MMO on release then you will see a bad online launch!

10 years ago


10 years ago

Maybe because they knew it would crash thats why they released it after the retail version (aside from it not being ready) because they knew it could affect review scores.

10 years ago

probably one of the smartest comments on this thread…don't believe a bad 'online' review can shred a title? EA's sim city should be case in point! More and more, people are buying games for the online aspect (COD, BF, etc.), this failure will be be a definite sticking point for R*

10 years ago

I wonder why they don't roll out these kind of services region by region instead of all at once. Would be interesting to read what an insider had to say on that.

10 years ago

Maybe, it is easier for them to work by knowing exactly what to work on. By having a global launch, they can see where the problem lies and focus on it, as oppose to trying to fix the problem before launching it.

10 years ago

im guessing they dont want to piss people off.
people would be upset that they cant play it when their friends can, and being a MP game its not really fair giving others more time.
i remember being in the BF3 alpha and people were b*tching on the forums that the US always gets games a few days earlier and that its not fair because when EU players finally get their game they log on and have to compete with people who are already 30 levels higher than them because they have been playing for a few days.
id be much easier on a developer standpoint would help the server loads but im not sure its worth the other issues it would cause.

10 years ago

Managed to play earlier today, to find that right now, that lv12 character with 80g has been deleted off of R* servers. I don't think I have anything more to say right now. Sigh.

10 years ago

Is that your character you were using and had leveled? Is that what you mean?

10 years ago

If you have to start over, there's no way to skip the intro!

10 years ago

Yes it is their fault partially simply because they didn't have enough to support so many people playing the game. However the bugs in the online mode has to deal with their coding OR IP addresses. I'd have to say going by experience, is the fact that their client servers are not communicating correctly with their coding servers which runs GTA Online. Either way, in a technician field, nothing ever goes as planned because you run into issues along the way but you fix them. It's never easy, I give these guys a lot of credit for doing their hardest. These guys do a lot to make things happen, at least give them that.

10 years ago

im just glad its partially playable.
do i have to bring up the FF14 release?
or how about diablo 3?
how about dust 514?
oh MAG, that was a f*cking mess for weeks after release!
oh how about resistance 2 and KZ2?
come on, people act like this is the first game thats had launch issues!
i remember the first 2 months of KZ2 every single game i joined i got the same error message crashing the game, and the worst part all your experience earned in that game was lost.
im 1 trophy away from platting that game, and that was the come in the top 1% for a month in the servers.
i ended up missing out on that trophy by less than 100 points, and that was after like 90% of my XP going down the sh*tter!
so in other words if the game actually f*cking worked i would of easily gotten that trophy, and my plat!
if that can be so buggy for over a month, and it hardly had anyone playing, than i think we can excuse R* for a few hiccups when the biggest game of the generation both scale wise and player wise releases.
funny how when a $ony game releases its eh who cares its technology its bound to fail.
when its not a $ony game, well, all ill say is i feel sorry for the developers who bust their a$$es to put these things together.
if you people saw HALF the work that goes into creating these things you would litterally sh*t yourselves!
so lets give the guys and gals a little leniency, eh?

Last edited by ___________ on 10/3/2013 7:27:00 AM

10 years ago

If they didnt want everyone to try and access it all at once then they should have released it the same time the game was released. It's as simple as.

At the end of this generation with the amount of money they made to rent a few servers for even a month would have sufficed to stop half this problem.

Also, if they released it with the game, there would be two weeks more bug fixing work done at this stage.

I'm still happy playing the single player for now but it's still unacceptable.

10 years ago

& an "optional" (but "important") foundation of this "Tower of Babel" is faltering. Any surprise?

10 years ago

I don't really much care on the online feature of GTAV. the single player is more than enough for me.. ^_^

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