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Polyphony Preparing Content For GT6 They “Haven’t Touched Yet”

Gran Turismo 6 is undoubtedly a massive endeavor. And that means working on it right up until the moment of its release…and a little after.

Franchise creator Kazunori Yamauchi told Eurogamer that the incoming GT6 will receive a "fairly large" day one patch due to "an incredibly tight schedule." He admitted they wanted to get everything done by the launch but unfortunately, that probably won't happen. And they will continue to tweak and refine for at least a year:

"I think for the 12 months following the release we'll continue to update the software. Because in Gran Turismo 6 we're preparing a lot of different things we haven't even touched on yet."

The online features are also being worked out, and part of these will be updated with that day one patch. They're also "overflowing" with additional stuff they intend to do, so you can expect to see GT6 grow exponentially as time goes on. This is a little disconcerting from a gamer's side because it's really starting to sound like an incomplete project. However, considering Yamauchi's reputation as a perfectionist, we still trust that what arrives on December 6 will be pretty amazing.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 6

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10 years ago

I get the patch concept and wanting to get it done right….but releasing a game that in essence is knowingly unfinished is just unfair to the consumer. Yesterday I started in on GTAV…this is seriously the first game in a very long time that I have played and not experienced a system crash, bizarre graphic glitches,or the immediate need for a patch…What a breath of fresh air. I can appreciate why rock star took their time. I think given the immense popularity of the gt series that fans, like those of gta, can wait for a more polished and less haphazard game if it means fewer issues.

10 years ago

It's just too easy to patch up the games these days.
I like that old-fashioned style that Rockstar sports of making a complete product first and *then* release it.

10 years ago

Just to be clear, the patch Kaz is talking about isn't about glitches or whatever, so they're not planning to release a broken game if that's what you're thinking.

As for Rockstar, they're also a publisher in their own right. They make the decision. Plus they are huge compared to PD. Put Rockstar in the same restriction as PD, and I can guarantee you they will be in the same boat, and that's worrying about deadlines and what they want done.

But yes Beamboom, your point still stands, although Rockstar has yet to patch in their online portion. It would be nice if all games don't have to face this patching stuff. The problem now is that Video Games have become more complicated and take much more time to complete. In GT's case, their production speed versus Sony, the fans, and even PD's own demand just don't match up to how we like.

10 years ago

Yeah, in a perfect world it would be awesome to wait 5 or more years to get a really polished and fleshed out game from day one.

However, for those out there that have short memories, let's not forget about how much whining and crying everyone was doing over the five and one half years between the release of GT 4 and GT 5.

I think that it's smart for Kazunori to launch GT 6 at 90% complete, and then patch in the other 10% of goodies as they are ready.

The engine notes for each car are also seeing a revamp through a post-release patch according to an article I read elsewhere.

10 years ago

I really don't see why he doesn't delay the release date. GT 4 went through 3 seperate release dates spanning a year and a half. I think GT 5 did the same but they gave us the $30 demo GT 5 Prologue to dip our toes into until GT 5 was done.

10 years ago

Sony makes publishing decision and they put the deadline for release. Trust me, Kazunori will take any delay he's allowed for.

10 years ago

This guy will continue to refine something forever so there's nothing wrong with just boxing up all the progress so far and giving it to us. Plenty of people will get way more than $60 of value come December.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/18/2013 8:51:34 PM

10 years ago

I feel for people with poor/no internet connections, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere between demand and time. Sony is pushing for this game to release this year, and PD has no choice but to obliged. And even if they do delay it, there will be a whole 'nother group of whiners and complainers and more silly jokes on the matter.

Face it. Gran Turismo has become a monster. It's no longer a simple racing game. Kazunori's vision for the franchise is big, and that vision requires a lot of time and effort. He's also very much into technology so they actually push hard as Naughty Dog and Rockstar does. And really, it's not that they "like" doing this, so please just appreciate the effort. They're doing as much as they can in the limited time they have. I swear, if I see a comment like "lazy" here, I'm taking a break on this site.

You also have to put in a bit of trust that they're not going to give you a crappy "vanilla" copy and that the original released state will still be very enjoyable, otherwise, they wouldn't think about releasing it by the said date.

10 years ago

This will probably be the only other full priced game I pay for this year.
Actually, DOA5: U was $40, so I suppose it will just be GT6 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/18/2013 8:46:48 PM

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

What the hell?!

10 years ago

well, this cant be any worse than GT5!
……. right!?

10 years ago

i think it'll prove to be an amazing game when i get on the other hand is a different question

happy gaming =)

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