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PlayStation Bid For Greatness Auction: Check The Winners

The idea was great: Use your hard-earned Gold Trophies as currency to bid on real items in a PlayStation "Bid for Greatness" Auction.

But sadly, as is so often the case these days, that good idea was marred by idiots who had to cheat . It's too bad, but Sony has taken the appropriate strides to deal with the issue.

And now that it's all said and done, the goodies have been given away (with a few winners still pending). Check out how many Gold Trophies were needed to pick up these great collectibles; the winners needed lots :

That's cool and all but I'm sorry, I didn't have enough time to compile that many Gold Trophies. In all honesty, I'm not sure I want to meet the person who does. That's probably unfair but, well…

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10 years ago

honestly I never even figured out where to bid at even if I'd wanted to. granted I didn't put a lot of energy into it as I have been rather busy lately, but still it wasn't exactly jumping out at me on my ps3 or elsewhere for that matter.

If not for psx I wouldn't have even known there was an auction.

10 years ago

Man I don't even know how many I have, but I do pay attention to my level when it goes up. I think I'm 13 or 14.

10 years ago

how the crap do u get that many trophies and have a life well u can't i don't think as for me i didn't bother don't have that many trophies anyway i don't game to get trophies in all honest anyway but hey watever congratz to all the winners.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I'm level 15 and not sure what I have. How many golds do I get if I trade in some platinums? Ahhh the memories of DnD.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Damn… those numbers make me look meager in comparison. I didn't bid, I knew my chances. This just reminds me that it's the quality of my trophies that matter. I get them to extend the life of my games. I've seen what has to be done to get those kinds of numbers, and I refuse to stoop to that level.

I found a website that tracks PSN profiles that are put in, people with over 1000 gold trophies are using all manner of cheapness like playing duplicate, but different region games, just for that extra edge since it registers as a separate entry on the trophy list. Dead Space 2, Shadows of the Damned, Anarchy Reighns/Max Anarchy, Arkham Asylum… The list goes on. I'm not gonna tarnish my name with those tactics. I mean some of these guys go so far as to get games for easy Platinums, of DL titles that have several if not all gold trophies. I personally knew a guy that had went through Hannah Montana the Movie game for that very purpose… And trust me, this guy didn't get the game for a relative, nor did he like Miley all that much.

Forgive the rant, but my point is simply that some people are so thirsty that they'll go for anything. Don't throw away your pride as a unique gamer just for a large number of trophies. It worsens the experience and gaming becomes a chore. I dislike unnecessary chores.

Last edited by Sol on 8/7/2013 2:05:28 AM

10 years ago

If they're different versions of the same game then they're at least PLAYING them. It isn't really dissimilar from playing the same game on PS3 and Vita. It's the people who are so far gone that they'd cheat that I can't respect. In the case of the guy who won the Black hand outfit, I'd have to seriously question whether he legitimately popped 300 platinum trophies.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

wow.. they must be retired 60 year olds and really love… gaming(?)…

10 years ago

I´m only level 15 @ 50% of reaching 16. Those numbers are insane.

Speaking of which, I once had in my friend list a guy named Akoooma or something like that, and he had like an exagerated number of trophies, it was insane. He added me because he wanted to platinum MX vs ATX online trophies. But I think that account must´ve been played by various players, because he was online like 20 hrs a day playing different games, and I think he was from Iran, or Saudi Arabia or something. He once told me, that in fact he played 20 hrs a day, that´s crazy!!

Keeping on topic, the only items that I would be interested in are the skyrim ones.

Last edited by godsdream on 8/7/2013 11:08:40 AM

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