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Actor Michael Biehn: Aliens: Colonial Marines Felt “Passionless”

One of the reasons we were initially psyched for Aliens: Colonial Marines is because the developers had secured some solid voice acting talent.

For instance, there was accomplished acting veteran Michael Biehn, who played Corporal Hicks in the 1986 film "Aliens." But, like so many other people who worked on Colonial Marines , Biehn called the project "passionless."

In speaking to Game Informer , Biehn had this to say:

"It seemed kind of passionless. I think in movies, television, and the gaming world, you get some people that are really, really passionate, and some people that are just going through the paces.

They think that because they have a brand name they're going to get a hit game or hit movie out of it. That certainly was the situation on [Aliens: Colonial Marines]."

Yeah, the game turned out like crap but if you want to hear Biehn in a cool performance, play Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon . Not only is the game oodles of fun , but Rex "Power" Colt (Biehn's character) is a total bad-ass, and he does an awesome job.

Colonial Marines , on the other hand, was doomed.

Related Game(s): Aliens: Colonial Marines

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10 years ago

Blood Dragon must have been more fun for Mr. Johnny Ringo.

10 years ago

Is it really all that necessary to keep the repetition of throwing Colonial Marines under the bus? The game was a monumental failure – 'nuff said. Move on. I understand the dirt keeps surfacing, but jeez… dead horse much?

10 years ago

You can't really forgive someone when they won't honestly acknowledge that they've done wrong. Randy Pitchford has not only not apologized for the "vertical slice" shown to the gaming press, but has even suggested that other devs should do the same. Aliens: Colonial Marines was a travesty and until the ones responsible step up and admit to it, we should keep talking about it. If gamers are constantly made aware of it then other developers won't repeat those mistakes!

10 years ago

I guess I just don't care. There are enough great things and good people in the industry to make this whole debacle forgettable; or insignificant by comparison, at the very least.

10 years ago

It is such a shame that this game turned out so badly. It has such huge potential.

There is no excuse and the creative director should be fired, if not the whole studio responsible, especially after they created a trailer that looked awesome!

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