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From Software Ramping Up The Freedom In Dark Souls II

If you're looking forward to Dark Souls II , you'll want to know about this.

In a new Digital Spy interview with From Software director Yui Tanimura, we learn that freedom will be more pronounced in the upcoming sequel. Are you excited?

He says they're putting a premium on more exploration this time around, so "things don't have to necessarily be done in a certain order." While you could certainly explore quite a bit in Dark Souls , it appears that Tanimura is promising an even larger, more open world, which will encourage more freedom and decision-making. Essentially, he's saying we can do whatever we want a little more often, and that's not a bad thing…is it?

Tanimura also added an interesting tidbit:

"We're hoping that if the player tries hard enough, or are willing enough, they could even start halfway through the game, depending on how willing or how brave they are. You won't have to follow a certain line, it will be unique for all players, I think."

Start halfway through the game? How would that work? Well, there's no doubt that avid followers of Demon's Souls and its spiritual successor are looking forward to Dark Souls II . Now all we need is a solidified release date. When's that coming, guys?

Related Game(s): Dark Souls II

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11 years ago

Interesting. looking forward to it.

11 years ago

Was Dark Souls easier than Demon's?

11 years ago

For the most part it is. Bosses are easier but other enemies are a bit more difficult. You can beat the game at level 1 without much difficulty.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 7/10/2013 12:32:36 AM

11 years ago

Do you get back any of your sh*t after you die or does it still get spent no matter what?

11 years ago

You can get your souls back by reaching the spot you died. But if you die again before that it's gone.

11 years ago

What a crock of sht

11 years ago

@sirbob6 I have to disagree. Dark Souls was/is a much harder game. Demon Souls had 5 levels broken off into 3-4 sections with formidable, but predictable foes after the first play through. The game is also very linear and its easier to exploit good weapons. Dark Souls, on the other hand, has the most random never-ending world with brutal twist at every turn. The bosses are much harder and powering up takes more effort.

The fact that your lost more than half the time in Dark Souls is both annoying and rewarding. Example: You are thrown in a level where you are traveling through a pit from hell with steep edges and a long drop….and its pitch black. And the enemies here are no pushovers here just like the rest of the game.

Dark Souls in my opinion was much harder. I found myself relying on help from online players and guides just to complete it unlike Demons Souls.

@World You lose all your souls (currency). You can recollect them if you find the bloodstain where you died. That's if you don't die getting there. That's the most annoying thing. Gotta be precise, like in GT5.

11 years ago

I thought darksouls was easier and harder at the same time. If I hadn't played Demon souls first Dark souls would have been a nightmare.

However I knew how to approach situations because of Demon souls. Also you could break demon souls more easily as magic was severely overpowered.

11 years ago

Same. Those who stuck it out with Demon's had an advantage coming into Dark Souls. I presume those of us who are familiar with how these games must be played aren't going to be struggling with punishing mechanics of Dark Souls 2.

Learning from repetition is the golden ticket to beating these games. Don't worry too much about dying often. The novice and experts will both die multiple times . You lose your currency but you keep everything else you've collected unless you choose to discard it.

11 years ago

dident they already announce the release date just before E3?
march something.
anyway, looking forward to this dont get enough games like it.
but then on the other hand 50 bucks says it will be cheap as hell just like the other games, so it will be back to square one.

11 years ago

Get good noob, the game isn't cheap. Learn how to play, if it was cheap people wouldn't be able to beat it doing level 1 playthroughs.

All the game takes is patience, something that you are obviously lacking.

However you might be excited to know that you wont make that mistake you made in Darksouls, because they are apparently going to be more clear on where you are supposed to go.

If you think the Souls games are cheap you never played and NES games did you?

11 years ago

Learn to use shield properly and get enough stamina to endure a full combo from mob and you re set .

Can t play it like a cod game so take you re time going forward .

Or wait a couple of month , buy it cheap and look at faqs .

11 years ago

when will people learn the difference between difficult, and cheap?
seriously, must i be a preschool teacher EVERY day!?

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