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Cage Dismisses Question Of His Games Not Being “Games”

By most accounts, Quantic Dream boss David Cage is a true visionary.

However, there are some who claim that his interactive productions, while critically lauded, aren't "video games" in the strictest sense of the term. These detractors call such titles "interactive movies" or something like that.

Cage has spoken out about this subject in the past, but when recently asked the question again in a new OPM UK interview , the Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy creator said he's pretty much done talking about it:

"That’s really a question I’m not interested in. Look at The Walking Dead. How interactive is that? Is it a game? Who cares? No-one cares. Did you have pleasure, did you enjoy it – yes or no? The amount of input per-second that you have to make is not, for me… it doesn’t have any importance."

Well, that's true. Who's to say what constitutes a video game and what doesn't? If it's interactive and it's on a screen, I'd have to call it a video game. Just because we're not shooting something or pressing buttons constantly? And let's not forget that we're talking about several of the most memorable experiences in the history of the industry. They're also progressive in a number of ways, so should people really by complaining?

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11 years ago

100% agree. People just have to find dumb excuses to bash games. I'm not saying Cage's games are without flaw, but they're pretty damn good and refreshing. The latter word being important as not a lot of games are refreshing these days.

11 years ago

I hate it when people trot out that cliche. Every game forces you to engage a certain set of buttons in order to progress. And Quantic Dream is likely to have more options and outcomes than most of those, so what is there to complain about? Unless you're just really upset the game isn't a shooter or RPG or something it simply wasn't intended to be.

Last edited by Jalex on 7/2/2013 11:29:54 AM

11 years ago

Haha, I like that response. It's silly to try to put these games outside of the experience of video games in general.

11 years ago

I usually do not do this but here goes.

From the pages of Wikipedia:

A GAME is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire, or some video games).
Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, simulational, or psychological role.

Mr Cages " interactive experiences" fall very well into the aforementioned categories. Is it that some do not know the definition of GAME anymore? Or chose to define it otherwise. A game can be as simple as seeing who can throw a stick furthest or as complicated as finding your way through an elaborate maze. These detractors need to get over it and move on. You have no business here! The gaming industry is HERE TO STAY!

11 years ago

how many times did your mommy told you, Don't play with guns!! it's not a game!!!

11 years ago

We see what thou hath stated! LOL XD

11 years ago

MAN !!! i wish if sony buys Quantic Dream

11 years ago

Quantic Dream's games are definitely unique and belong in their own category. A very lonely category though, sadly. 🙁

The products QD releases appear to be video games to me. As long as their fans are happy, they don't need to worry what others say.

11 years ago

Thanks for bringing this up. I think I need to play Heavy Rain again…

11 years ago

Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain were awesome. They're different from traditional games, but you still have to use that funny looking thing called a controller to get stuff done.
Just haters who didn't put Madison in the fridge 😉

11 years ago

I remember some xbox fans that over hyped LA Noire(a good game) calling him better than Heavy Rain and actually a game… and that was the last time I read about something like that didn't know they are people that still claim Heavy Rain it's not a game >_>

Last edited by Oxvial on 7/2/2013 9:02:18 PM

11 years ago

Honestly, I think there needs to be a distinction between "interactive experience" and "game". It's hard to put my finger on it but there is a distinct difference.

11 years ago

"However, there are some who claim that his interactive productions, while critically lauded, aren't "video games" in the strictest sense of the term."

Silly blighters – if you're going to get strict about it, Cage's work is a game standing on it's head. There's no shortage of narrow-minded people that want to push their views on other people. Probably better they're ranting about gaming than trying to ban abortion or force people to wear clothes in certain ways, but it's never a good thing wherever it is.

11 years ago

ouch, hit a nerve did he?
its a valid question though, and actually allot of indie titles have been releasing lately that brings up the same question.
Bientot l'ete which translates to soon the summer, proteus, dear esther.
a interactive experience is a pretty good way to describe heavy rain, and even a appropriate and fair category to file it in.

11 years ago

Heavy Rain and The Walking Dead. Two of my favourite gaming experiences this generation. People may quibble but I'm just going to keep voting with my wallet!

11 years ago

I say great reply to a stupid question Cage! Just because you're not constantly shooting people in the head doesn't mean it's not a game.

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