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Just Add Water Offers To Create The MGS Remake For Kojima

A few days ago, we learned that Hideo Kojima is seeking an outside studio to work on a new Metal Gear Solid remake .

The idea is that a talented team would utilize Kojima's next-gen Fox Engine to create a re-imagining of the PlayStation classic. Well, somebody has already volunteered for the job: It's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD developer Just Add Water.

In an open letter addressed to the MGS guru himself, the studio explains why they're "ideally positioned" to deliver the goods. Here's their list of reasons why:

"1: We have experience working with legendary IP (Oddworld Inhabitants) and treating the subject matter with the respect it deserves.

2: Many members of our team are huge Metal Gear fans, with very good knowledge of the source material.

3: We really, really want to do it."

Just Add Water is also working on a remake of the original Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee , which was recently unveiled and entitled, Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty . They also want to make it clear that they're not just pulling a prank; they're sincere in the offer and they "eagerly await" a response from Kojima-san. So, what do you think? Good fit?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid

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11 years ago

Good luck guys!

11 years ago

I hope so… but I'm hoping someday they get to do a MG1 and MG2 remake.

11 years ago

I strongly suspect Kojima is going to do exactly that after MGS5. Complete/restart the cycle. In fact, the cyclical nature of art, and particularly the video game industry's compulsion to repeat itself, has been a central component of Kojima's Metal Gear work since the original Metal Gear Solid. It was really out front and centered in MGS2, when you think about that campaign as a "recreation" of the Shadow Moses events.

11 years ago

If Kojima actually wants to do a remake of MGS I think he would like another studio to do it but would choose to do it himself!

11 years ago

Hope they live up to their name…(lol)…I want the main feel of the game intact. Even that old school feel you get from the somewhat archaic mechanics. If they were up for it, I'd have the guys who did the HD collection do it; they did a perfect job. An eaiser job sure, as those games still look great, but you can tell they knew what they were doing.

Wonder if they'd use the FOX engine?

11 years ago

Believe that's the plan — use the Fox Engine to make an unbelievably awesome MGS remake. I'd totally play that. It's by no means the best Metal Gear Solid (for my money, it's part 3 by a mile) but the Shadow Moses Incident was maybe the coolest story, had some of the most memorable bosses (VULCAN RAVEN omg he was awesome) and definitely had the best locale of them all. Remote island off the coast of Alaska loaded with nukes and terrorists? HELL YES. So much potential here, fingers crossed someone gets moving on this soon.

11 years ago

No, I feel this would abolish all that mgs is if the odyssey creators get their hands on this wonderful IP

11 years ago

I woulda said the same thing about Platinum but it turned out okay.

11 years ago

I cannot even honestly consider rising to be a part of the mgs package, it basically made everything done up until mgs4 a kick in solid snakes snake eggs story wise if that's what everything had come to

11 years ago

Yeaaaah but there was a good reason why Platinum got MGR. They were a tried and true action developer. Who had 2 amazing action titles to their name. They proved with MGR, that they can put the awesome action flair into anything. PLUS! KojiPro were still heavily involved in the development process, so they could steer it in the right direction.

I don't really know if I want a dev I have never heard of before, handling such a major project. I mean MGS is one of the major milestone games of our time, it had a similar affect than what FFVII did for people.

It needs to be done right, and it is risky handing it over to an unproven team.

11 years ago

Original Music Please.If your true MGS Fans you will know how important that is.

11 years ago

MGS is my favorite game of all time so I would love to see it on the Fox Engine. I just wonder if it will be an actual remake or a reboot. When they do remakes, do they redo the voice acting, just update graphics, mechanics or what about control schemes? I guess it really depends on Kojima's definition of a remake and if he will have a hand in overseeing the project to it's completion.

11 years ago

Please God yes.

11 years ago

I can't be the only one who doesn't see the point of this… Metal Gear Solid is still fun to play. But lest just say new plays complain at the visuals, okay then they have Twin Snakes the remake on the Gamecube. The graphics for that if gone through a HD upgrade would be more than competent enough.

But even with Twin Snakes, it failed out right to capture the mood of MGS1. All through out the game it just feels really stale. I honetsly cannot explain why, I even love the MGS2 gameplay mechanics but there is just something about the atmosphere in Twin Snakes which is really bland.

Then there is the fact that another company have taken the source material. Just look at Metal Gear Rising. Very competent as a game. But so out of context in from of style to the rest of the Metal Gear series.

But they will continue it, I can't really complain as I am tremendously excited for The Phantom Pain. So they can go do it. but I dont see anything replacing the PS1 classic for me.

11 years ago

I'm with you, UD. I just don't see the point in remaking it, simply for eye candy. And, honestly, Ryuhei Kitamura kinda messed up that Twin Snakes remake with all of that Versus and Battlefield Baseball(awesome movie, tho) type action in the game. Snake flipping off of missiles and stuff. Plus, they ruined the Master Miller/ Liquid reveal. Unforgivable.

11 years ago

You know Twin Snakes is a graphical upgrade with MGS2 mechanics and updated cinematics right? Voice overs were redone too.

@Kid, actually Kitamura originally modelled the cut scenes to be exactly like the original, and it was Kojima himself who wasn't satisfied with that and directed him to change them into his own style.

11 years ago

please hope its a real remake and not remastered ,metal gear solid 2 story with some more stuff added to it to extend the game play a bit and with metal gear solid 4/5 3rd person grafix weapons and so fort will be a must buy for me i need this to be true .

11 years ago


I feel the same about this, as when TeamPixel tried to buy the Homeworld IP.

The risk with relatively unproven teams taking on major IPs like that, is that they MIGHT stuff it up, and it can only be done once. Their hearts might be in the right place, but they need to realise that they can't do it justice.

I am sure KojiPro isn't going to do this though, they understand the risk involved.

11 years ago

oh god no!
we NEED more oddworld games, and these guys take their sweet f*cking time so last thing we need is a stupid MGS remake wasting their time!
do this, and watch new n tasty, and new oddworld games not release for another 5 years!
finally had one of my childhood dreams come true, oddworld coming back to life, dont take that away from me!
now only if insomniac would return to spyro, ND return to crash bandicoot, and crystal dynamics return to pandemonium…….

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