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Kiefer Sutherland Claims The Role Of Snake In Metal Gear Solid V

Okay, so it isn't David Hayter, but it isn't a bad choice, right?

Konami has confirmed that Kiefer Sutherland will take over the iconic role of Snake in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain .

Hayter has played the part since the franchise's inception in 1998 but now it's Sutherland's turn. The "24" actor with a long list of film and television credits will also perform the facial capture for Snake's face in MGSV. Said series creator Hideo Kojima:

"This time with Metal Gear Solid V, the themes are a little different from previous games in the series. We're taking on some very heavy subjects, such as race and revenge. This makes the tone much darker. As a result, I wanted Snake to have a more subdued performance expressed through subtle facial movements and tone of voice, rather than words."

Kojima added that as the game takes place in 1984, Snake is 49 years old. Therefore, they needed someone who could genuinely pull off the facial and vocal performances of a man in his late 40s. A friend of Kojima's, Hollywood producer Avi Arad, recommended Sutherland and Kojima's reaction was- "Why didn't I think of that?" As for Sutherland, he said that "there's a real personal quality to the character that I've connected to."

Well, maybe he really does fit nicely.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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11 years ago

Hmm, I may have to agree with Kojima that Kiefer will do great. He also has the voice. However, I don't think there would be anything wrong with sticking to Hayter, but Kojima wants it to be as authentic as possible so I can understand.

I'm cool with this. "Hayter's" gonna hate… bad joke I know.

Last edited by daus26 on 6/6/2013 11:06:18 PM

11 years ago

Authentic would be using the same cast as always… that means Hayter as Snake. Thats authentic.

11 years ago

The authenticity thing is subjective I guess. I figure Kojima wanted an experienced actor doing the motion capture and the same person to do the voice. It may not be as "authentic" had they just use his voice and use someone else for the acting, motion capture part.

But yes, it's not the best of reasons. I'm just trying to keep calm and understand this.

11 years ago

Im calm… I just dont understand it.

No its fine, I mean its a game and it wont ruin it (hopefully), and it certainly wont keep me from playing it.

11 years ago

Or maybe not… Hollywood interfered. Personally theres a million choices better than Sutherland. All he is, is a voice. They could use any one for the facial motion capture and it wouldnt matter.

This is annoying to me more than anything.

11 years ago

Amen bigrailer

11 years ago

Well, I think to an extent it IS safe to say Hollywood interfered.

The fact that Kojima stated it was filmmaker Avi Arad who recommended Sutherland to Kojima, and on Arad's IMDB page he's listed as producing a Metal Gear Solid movie… putting the two together, I think they just announced Kiefer Sutherland is playing Solid Snake in the upcoming film.

11 years ago

We'll see how this turns out…I have faith in Kojima, but the die hard Metal Gear fan in me is still wishing Hayter was the voice. By the time the game comes out, hopefully I'll feel I'll have forgotten about it like the DMC and inFamous 2 changes.

11 years ago

I thought Kiefer voiced the bandaged man, Ishmael, in the gameplay video? I still think Hayter will voice Big Boss/Snake. I think Kojima just likes riling up the same crazy tards that sent him death threats when he said he wasn't going to direct Metal Gear Solid 4.

11 years ago

I think it may be too late for that now. Keifer may be playing Big Boss, but I still think Hayter will be playing Solid Snake always.

11 years ago

I agree with KidPresentable, it did sound like he voiced Ishmael in the trailer. Other reasons I think it can't be Kiefer is the fact that hes only 5ft8 and Kojima said that the guy voicing snake was about 6 foot. David also said on Twitter that 'Can't wait for E3, just hope I don't lose my voice ;)' What is this if not a stunt on Kojima's part?!

11 years ago

I like Kiefer, he has a great voice, but no. That's HIS voice, when you hear it on car commercials you know "Hey that's Keifer!" and you picture him just like when you hear his dad you say "Donald Sutherland, wow he's in everything!"

I don't mind gaming merging with Hollywood (Beyond looks to do this well) but I don't agree with this choice for the same reasons I couldn't get behind Mark Wahlberg as Nathan Drake in a movie. Good people, wrong parts.

11 years ago

Apparently when you hit 46, you go through major changes in facial expression. So the fact that Sutherland is 46, 2 WHOLE years older than Hayter, makes him much more qualified. And it must have been hilarious to watch Hayter voice Snake for all those years without changing his expression. What a joke. Metal Gear has always been my favorite series but this explanation really gets under my skin…

11 years ago

Hahaha yes if he said he wanted Big Boss to have his own voice I would be okay, they already did it on MGS4, but the 40's age excuse when Hayter is also on his 40's was awful.

11 years ago

Maybe this is just the thickest piece of wool Kojima has pulled over everyone's heads & Hayter is still the voice. Maybe they just got Kiefer for that video to really trick all of us. Yeah…I'll bet that's it! …….*sob*

11 years ago

I believe in this decision. It makes sense to me.

Think about it, how much longer can Hayter play both Big Boss AND Solid Snake? If they keep on telling the story of Big Boss, they will eventually get to the Foxhound days, it would be weird to have both characters voiced by Hayter. Big Boss in MSG4 was someone else too.

I personally think that there is still some trolling going on, but I am fairly convinced that Keifer will play Big Boss. I think that there will be a post-credits scene, where we hear Big Boss talking to someone about joining Foxhound, THEN he says something like "Welcome to Foxhound, David (Or maybe call him Snake)".

Then everyone will piss their pants.

To me, when I think of Solid Snake, I think of Hayter, and vice versa, but when I think of Big Boss, I don't automatically think of Hayter.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 6/7/2013 12:08:17 AM

11 years ago

Exactly. There already was enough confusion between Naked Snake/Big Boss and Solid Snake since they're already identical looking, unless you knew what time period the game was set in. They definitely should've done this change earlier, before everyone had gotten cozy with Hayter as Big Boss too.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 6/7/2013 1:01:05 AM

11 years ago

The sad thing about MGS3 was…..

I didn't know it wasn't Solid Snake until the final scene where the named him 'Big Boss'. I played that entire game thinking it was Solid Snake. I definitely had many questions, like when he lost his eye. That game confused me so much. I was very young at the time though hahaha.

11 years ago

im pretty sure it was established that solid snake is a clone of big boss so naturally they would look the same. i know liquid is also a clone of big boss but i guess solid snake is the more perfect clone.

11 years ago

Liquid, Solid, and Solidus were the 3 'sons of Big Boss'.

Solid looked exactly like Big Boss in his younger years. Solidus looked exactly like him in his older years, but I have no idea what Liquid is meant to look like.

11 years ago

I see.. lol, MGS3 did pretty good with painting Big Boss as a good guy after all, when in the earlier games he was seem as the main antagonist. I definitely remember thinking while playing, "Aren't we suppose to hate this guy?"

@ john Yeah, one of the three living clones. From what I remembered, they mentioned Solid Snake having the recessive genes, somewhere in the first MGS. Liquid believed he had the recessive genes, but later on they said he apparently didn't. I believe Solidus was the more perfect clone, as Ocelot mentioned him being the spitting image of Big Boss.

11 years ago

I'm not angry, I would have expected to be but I am not really. The only problem I have is the consistency. I wish they decided this before MGS3. Unless of course they get Hayter involved for Ground Zeroes and then change the voice for phantom pain after his coma. That I could accept.

But if anything I am hoping for a new trailer showcasing the core gameplay of The Phantom Pain.

11 years ago

Why not just use Kiefer for the facials and David Hayter for the voice.

Sorry as far as I am concerned David Hayter is the voice of Snake and Big Boss.

Gutted over this. I know I have to trust in Hideo man but come on.

This is one of my all time best ever gaming series.

11 years ago

In the end I am indifferent. Execution is key. Casting is irrelevant until we see execution. I haven't been disappointed thus far, so I'm just fine watching and waiting.

11 years ago

so Kojima is making an episode of 24?

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

until now ive always that his name was keith sutherland

11 years ago

I don't know about the masses but I really liked the voice for Big Boss in MGS4. Big Boss and Solid Snake are two different person and it just makes total sense to have two different voices. Also, I loved the show 24 and Mr. Sutherland is a great pick.

11 years ago

Indeed, I will miss David as the voice of Snake/Big Boss, but as far as casting goes for this role, I think you could do far worse than Kiefer. I understand Kojima's reasoning to an extent (the bit about an actor in his late 40's doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but we all know Kojima's a perfectionist, to the extent that he badmouthed the masterpiece that is MGS4.) In the end, as long as the story is compelling and the game is a blast to play, it doesn't really matter to me.

11 years ago

you would be hard-pressed to find many MGS fans bigger than me, and for what it's worth, I'm loving this move. David Hayter was distinct, but completely over the top and by any fair measure it was just not a great voice performance. Keifer is a total pro, can't wait to see what he brings to the table.

I also agree whole-heartedly that Hayter WILL be back as Solid Snake at some point, perhaps in this game. Remember, this is Kojima we're talking about. The whole theme of his career has been — be careful believing everything you hear and see…

mad pony
mad pony
11 years ago


11 years ago

Hasn't anyone been taking notice of David Hayter's twitter account…? Nothing is ever what it seems with Kojima and it's always exciting.

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