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Harmonix: We’ll Return To Rock Band When The Time Is Right

Evidently, Harmonix's new game isn't coming to the PlayStation platform, and that's why we didn't cover it yesterday.

Their new title, Fantasia: Music Evolved , is headed to the Xbox 360 and Xbox One and is inspired by Disney's classic 1940 animated film, "Fantasia." Players will use the Kinect motion control to manipulate the flow of music, and they'll be able to alter the mix of songs in real time. More than "25 leading artists" are signed on for the project.

But what about Harmonix's once-blockbuster franchise, Rock Band ? Is it gone forever? Thankfully, studio CEO Alex Rigopulos told VentureBeat that the series won't be abandoned. They just need to wait for the right time to bring it back:

"I'll also say that we don't view Rock Band as something that's being left behind. It's something we'll return to at the right point in time and reimagine it as appropriate for its time."

The last entry in the acclaimed franchise was the downloadable Rock Band Blitz , which was an homage to old rhythm titles like Frequency and Amplitude . So, when do you think the series will return? And if it does, will the plastic instrument craze return along with it?

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11 years ago

I'm kind of bummed to hear that Fantasia project isn't coming to Playstation (right now at least), it sounds interesting.

Since next gen won't be BC, I'm guessing that will eventually be when "the time is right" to bring Rock Band back. Makes me wonder if they're going to make us all abandon our collection of Rock Band music. I have quite a catalog, I would love to be able it transfer to the next gen.

11 years ago

It would be a very unwise decision on their part to make us abandon our song libraries. I'm not saying the won't do it, but they really shouldn't, and I hope they realize it.

11 years ago

Their new game basically looks like Dance Central re-skinned as a Disney game with virtual magic spells. I understand that, for this reason, they would need pop songs, but somehow I feel like it's lacking what made the movie magical in the first place.

As far as Rock Band goes, I'd love to see a return to the series at some point, as well as the occasional new DLC (still plenty of songs that would be fun to play), but for now, I'm happy with RB3 and the existing catalog. I primarily use the game to hone my keyboard skills, thanks to pro mode, and I've even learned a couple songs that I've jammed out to in real life with some friends.

Last edited by 556pineapple on 6/4/2013 11:28:37 PM

11 years ago

The way that this sounds, I'm getting kind of a Child of Eden vibe from it.

11 years ago

Well, MS did say they were getting exclusives…

11 years ago

and why does it have to be "reimagined for its time"?
who says its not appropriate for its time?
sigh, so f*cking sick with this bullshit attitude to popular famous franchises.
a franchise is ALWAYS appropriate to its time, otherwise people would not be asking for it, thus you would not be making it!
i dont see people saying why are there still 2D games, come on thats sooooooo inappropriate for the times!
next fighting games wont come with fighting sticks, because thats so inappropriate for the times because it reminds people of old arcade cabinets.
why has this world become so anti nostalgia?

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