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PS3 Overtakes Xbox 360 In Worldwide Sales…Is It For Good?

Obviously, this depends greatly on a variety of factors, as some sources may claim otherwise.

But according to VGChartz at least, the PlayStation 3 has overtaken the Xbox 360 in terms of global sales: 77,313,472 to 77,311,669.

It's safe to say the two consoles are essentially neck and neck right now, but there are two important things to remember:

First, the PS3 launched over a year after the 360 did, which means the PS3 has sold the same number of units in one year less time. Secondly, the catastrophic failure rate of the Xbox 360 undoubtedly resulted in plenty of multiple purchases from the same consumers; I've often wondered just how many of those 77 million sales were repeat purchases due to failed systems. Thirdly and lastly, PlayStation somehow always manages to sell consoles after a new generation is upon us. Look what the PS2 did in comparison to the Xbox after the PS3 and 360 were launched. Nobody cared about Xbox after the 360 arrived.

Therefore, is it safe to say that if the PS3 has indeed taken over the lead, that it will never again relinquish it? That may be the case. In fact, as you couldn't give away a Wii now if your life depended on it (hell, you can't even give away the Wii U), it seems the Wii will be stuck at 99 million units forever. Given the fact that the PS3 will likely enjoy two or three more years of really solid sales, it's perfectly feasible that it'll eventually overtake Nintendo's machine as well. Maybe it's inevitable.

And who, may I ask, predicted that at the start of this generation? Right around the time Sony had sold only a few million units and every last headline on the Internet was predicting doom and gloom for the PS3…?

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11 years ago

It has no games!!!
Crappy multiplatform port!!!
Lack of killer-apps!!!
Lost of exclusive titles!!!!

Can't believe it has been years since those craps are the headlines.

11 years ago

It took FOREVER for the PS3 to lose it's "It has no killer apps" tag, even after all the exclusives of 2008.

11 years ago

The PS3 is a great console with a good catalog of games and Microsoft haven't made themselves any friends this week. Sony has caught up and they'll continue to extend their lead.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 5/27/2013 11:18:32 PM

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
11 years ago

Xbox is in the rear view mirror. The real question is whether it will catch the Wii.

11 years ago

Lets be honest…we all saw this coming.

11 years ago

Most of the Sony fan base did and with that said, I would be willing to bet that the anti-Sony crowd will now throw up the "sales don't matter" excuse.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

It took them a freakin' generation.

11 years ago

Feels damn good to finally say "I told ya so".

as opposed to 2? They had a year head start. I'd say it's damn impressive.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/28/2013 1:30:59 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

It only took every CoD sequel a couple of months for it to surpass its last game.

11 years ago

I'm telling you PS3 had overtaken 360 way before this.Xbox one is revealed and suddenly PS3 overtakes 360,talk about timing

11 years ago

I did. lolz

11 years ago

I think Molyneaux declared 360 the winner somehow.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

He would.

11 years ago

Well I was discussing with my friend who has a 360 "What exclusives have you got coming out let?" He couldn't name anything. The PS3 still has plenty of life with The Last of Us, Beyond, Gran Turismo 6 and Metal Gear Solid 5 – Even if it is on the 360 lets be honest it's a Playstation franchise – I would be interested to see how the HD collection sold on both consoles.

But yes, there really aren't many titles left for the 360 I can see the switch to the 'Xbox Inconsistency' being a lot faster than the switch to the PS4, as of yet I feel that I don't need it. E3 could change that though.

11 years ago

gotta love it how every single time sales are mentioned, the RROD is first in line but the YLOD, RLOD, and rampant bluray drives failing, just as ps1 and ps2 had the same problems, are nowhere in site.
bias much?

as for the third moot point, you do realize that M$ stopped manufacturing the xbox the instant the 360 released right?
of course its sales plummeted, its kinda hard to buy a system when no ones selling it!
*rolls eyes*

but to answer the question no one can say.
M$ says there preparing another dashboard update for the 360, and allot of rumors going around saying this will add allot of the xbox ones features over to the 360 which will come in handy.
that alone could help boots the sales of the system and reverse the tables.

11 years ago

Let's be realistic here, when a product sells 77 million units you are guaranteed people will have problems. Sony's statement that there is a "0.1% failure rate" would result in what – close to a 100,000? And I know this is just personal, but my console still works just fine in it's 5th year.

Whereas the 360 was heavily reported as having a 50% failure rate. I can tell you right now that was exaggerated, but anything close to that number is appauling. Again this is just personal but anybody I know is atleast on their second 360. So maybe that's why the PS3's minor problems aren't talked about in contrast to the 360's major problems.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

30% failure rate for xbox360 vs 0.1% for PS3
What about the fact that xbox360 disc drives were scratching peoples games.
MS stopped having the xbox produced in 2007!
Get your facts straight and stop thumbing yourself up,your not fooling anyone.

11 years ago

oh rubbish!
$ony has had problems with lasers in their systems since they entered the industry!
the ps1 had such a poor laser, if i had a nickel for every time someone came over and said hey why is your ps1 upside down, id never have to work another day in my life!
ive been through 2 ps3s due to laser problems, and god knows how many else with both YLOD and RLOD issues.
still got my original 360 though.

and the disc drive was scratching peoples games because the f*cking morons were moving it.
hey i got a great idea, pop a disc into your computer and copy your music onto it and while its doing that jump up and down next to your computer constantly till it stops.
than ring up the manufacture of your DVD drive and whinge till your face is blue that the disc got scratched.
as the saying goes, only a bad tradesman blames his tools.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Learn to do some research.

There was as high as a 33% failure rate reported by the five biggest retailers who stock the Xbox 360 in the US. That's insane. The PS3 – in fact, no PlayStation and no other video game console ever – even approached that level of failure.

On top of which, Microsoft let the RRoD thing last forever because they knew people were re-buying the 360 and artificially inflating system sales. They were also insulting enough to say they "didn't know what the problem is." Then, four years after the 360 comes out, you give us a new piece of 360 hardware that supposedly doesn't have the problem? Yeah? Thought you said you didn't know what it was?

YLoD was never even remotely close in terms of widespread failure. The PS1 and PS2 weren't, either. Retailers have almost never reported defective rates of over 5% to Sony. The only time that happened was at the start of the PS2 generation when putting the system vertical scratched discs. Sony fixed that almost IMMEDIATELY and it was gone in a matter of months.

Please stop acting like you know everything. From what I can tell from your maniacal rantings, you know next to nothing.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/28/2013 10:40:12 AM

11 years ago

Funny that you said the word bias concerning the ps3 when you obviously love you re xbox more .

Also it look like yo re in denial that the problem the ps3 had just fail in comparison to the 360 ( why rrod is brought up way often , not because of bias crap ) .

11 years ago

Ben, do actually expect "________" to do some research when can't even find the CAPS lock button?

11 years ago

Let's assume that the PS3 did have a failure rate similar to the 360's. Would that even change the fact that Sony sold as much or more units than Microsoft in less time?

11 years ago

If I remember correctly blank troll you were the idiot who opened up his ps3's innards to "clean" with the spray. You are the one that $@"&#% up your ps3 for being an idiot. Then you say you went through so many of them. Hmm I wonder why? You biased idiot!

11 years ago

lol @ "0.1% failure rate" for the PS3. Source?

"[T]he [Electronics-warranty company SquareTrade] study found 10 percent of PlayStation 3s surveyed failed within two years of purchase"

Game Informer is the source of the 50%+ 360 failure rate figure. Their survey found "10.6% of PS3s" fail.

So where's your source on the 0.1% failure rate for PS3s? Fanboy Digest Monthly?

11 years ago

"On top of which, Microsoft let the RRoD thing last forever because they knew people were re-buying the 360 and artificially inflating system sales"

Have a source on that?

Here's a source that says something different: "Looking at 500 units purchased in 2009, SquareTrade found that less than 1 percent had suffered the Red Ring of Death."

Also worth noting – warranty replacements don't count toward sales figures. After the 360 launch debacle, they introduced a 3 year warranty. "Broken systems inflate sales numbers" is a retail myth. Or would you also admit broken PS2s inflated sales numbers too?

11 years ago

Reminds me of the Vita's start! 🙂 Naysayers be warned!

The PS3 will stay on top and will over take the Wii. Way to go Sony!!

11 years ago

While I had a 60GB PS3 get the YLoD (fixed under warranty) and have heard of a few others I know getting it on early units, it's hardly the RRoD/etc. problems of the first 11 million 360's…I know at least 2 people who are on their FIFTH 360 and all but maybe one 360 owner I know have had the issue 1-2 times.

11 years ago

Great news for PS3, but I believe that with the decreased interest in handheld devices in NA at least, I don't think the Vita will have the long term success of the PS3.

11 years ago

Not to mention the 360 has sold about 1k units in Japan during its entire life. Talk about missing a huge market because they don't/won't understand what drives Japanese gamers.

11 years ago

That's really nice to hear, but I kinda doubt that it will catch up to the Wii, 22 million is a lot of units.

And I really do believe that a LOT of those 360 units are people buying another console due to RROD. I used to work for xbox customer support for UK and Ireland and I can't even begin to tell you how many people just chose to buy another console because the warranty had expired.

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