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Pre-Order Diablo III For PS3, Boost Your XP With Infernal Helm

If you're interested in trying Diablo III on the PlayStation 3, you might want to pre-order.

Activision Blizzard has revealed a great pre-order incentive: It's the Infernal Helm, which will grant users an experience boost. And of course, we can all use an XP boost in role-playing games! XP is a staple .

Here's the item description:

"Wearable at level 1, the Infernal Helm confers a +EXP bonus to help you whip your new PlayStation characters into tip-top shape. Plus, it looks sweet as hell (pun intended) on all five mortal heroes of Sanctuary–Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Wizard, and Monk."

Diablo III is slated to hit the PS3 some time later this year, and the Infernal Helm would be available on launch day if you pre-ordered. The item will apply to all PS3 characters but will not transfer to any characters from the PC version. Also, don't forget that the title is headed to the PS4 as well, but there's no knowing if PS4 gamers get this pre-order item.

Featuring a new control interface and other upgrades, Diablo III for consoles might be a great experience. It also helps that it boasts offline play; the PC and Mac versions require that you always be connected to Blizzard's service to play. …which, I'm sorry, is just dumb.

Related Game(s): Diablo III

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11 years ago

This might actually get me to check out this game. The biggest problem with the PC version was the always online "feature" and the Real money auction house. I have a very good feeling that these issues will be remedied and the item drops wont be so insanely ridiculous to try and encourage use of the auction house.

Also, local co op is just awesome 🙂

11 years ago

Well heres hoping it doesnt take too long to get to the PS4 because I wont be purchasing it for PS3. Really looking forward to playing this one.

11 years ago

*sigh* It seems like my only only choices are to either play the game in what I consider to be an inferior format or put up with the always online bullshit. Thank Blizzard.

11 years ago

Cant wait i'll be playing it both on the Ps3 & Ps4. & i dont care if its always have to be connected

11 years ago

I didn't realize they planned on bringing it to the PS4, might have to give it a go on there instead of the PS3.

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