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Beyond Makes An Impact At The Tribeca Film Festival

The Tribeca Film Festival has once again played host to a video game. And it's Quantic Dream's upcoming dramatic thriller, Beyond: Two Souls .

This included a panel discussion with director David Cage and the Hollywood cast that is featured in the game. Boasting a "gripping, non-chronological narrative," Quantic's latest includes voiceover work from acclaimed actors Ellen Page ("Juno," "X-Men"), Willem Dafoe ("Platoon," "Spider-Man"), Kadeem Hardison ("A Different World," "The Dark Party") and Eric Winter ("The Ugly Truth," "The Mentalist").

The anticipated title is slated to launch in North America exclusively on the PlayStation 3 on October 8, 2013. The aforementioned panel featured Page, Hardison and Winter, and it was led by journalist Harold Goldberg.

Said Page:

"This has been a really intense and exciting experience for me, and one that I am extremely proud of. I’m excited to see everyone’s reaction to the extended scene we are going to be screening – and to feel the powerful emotion that David Cage instills in all his games."

Dafoe added that "this is a momentous event both in the world of gaming and in the history of the Tribeca Film Festival," and that Beyond is "unlike any project I've ever been involved with before." Thanks to cutting-edge performance capture technology, these great actors will come to life in the game. We've seen really impressive mo-cap tech before and from what we've seen thus far in Beyond , we're bound to be impressed again.

Finished Cage:

"Quantic Dream is incredibly proud to share this vision of storytelling in games that redefines and breaks the boundaries of what games can achieve. We hope that BEYOND’s recognition as an Official Selection of the Tribeca Film Festival will only act as a catalyst to create more emotionally-charged games that explore mature themes."

And we were treated to a new trailer, too!

Related Game(s): Beyond: Two Souls

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11 years ago

caught stream. only caught last 15min of gameplay and the panel/panel clips. im absolutely sold on this game. truly a must have for me

11 years ago

I'm tempted to watch that trailer but this is an experience that must not be messed with.

It's amazing that they'll have a game like this ready already. Heavy Rain wasn't that long ago.

Oh yeah, and it's good to have games get recognized by film places and all but it's not film, there needs to be more STUFF for gaming.

11 years ago

Even if you wanted to watch the video, it's hard to get a clear understanding of what's going on. You probably don't know any less about the game than someone who has watched it.

11 years ago

I thought trailer was very intriguing and certainly no other game like it.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

World, just watch it man. Who cares anyway? It's just a trailer. You will only be that much more desperate for it.

11 years ago

It's part of my process, I'm doing the same thing with The Last of Us. Trust me it makes a difference.

11 years ago

The trailer even seems like a movie trailer but I know it has a better story than most movies out there! :p

11 years ago

I'm not so sure on this one. I loved Heavy Rain, it was a tremendously engaging thriller which had me hooked from the first teaser. This however I am still not sure. I think it is the supernatural element of Ellen Pages character. Heavy Rain thrived on realism, while the telekinesis seems a bit extreme in comparison. Maybe I am being too harsh, after all their previous game Fahrenheit/Project Indigo was far more supernatural and I love that game. So I will certainly wait and see.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 4/29/2013 4:24:47 AM

11 years ago

really looking forward to this looks very interesting.
i just hope the story is going to be a tinsy bit more believable than what heavy rains was!
shame it releases so late in the year though, im really worried this is going to get left behind, forgotten in the sea of the usual big holiday rush.
$ony really should of pushed QD to get it ready for july, or even august, releasing it after august really is suicide!
no matter how good the game is it cant compete with the storm of the holiday season.
hopefully it will be a ps4 launch title too, help it get a few extra sales that way.
plus it will be interesting to see what the differences are.

that said though, i cant wait for this to be done and dusted because i REALLY want cages next game to be based off the kara tech demo!
its such a shame how few bionic man games we have, its such a interesting concept and could make a really interesting complex story.
but no one has really touched it.
really hope cage goes to that next, theres just so much that can be done with it!

11 years ago

To keep it short. Definitely getting this game although I am not sure about getting the Gamestop exclusive content and upgrade… but eeee okay. 🙂

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

That is a fantastic trailer! You can tell that there are no real details about the story leaked within it, but it gives you just enough info to keep you(me) interested. This along with Watch Dogs are definitely holding the highest spots on my must have list.

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