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You Might See Movies Based On Saints Row And Metro

Deep Silver wants to go Hollywood. Or at least, several ideas to do so are on the table.

In speaking to VentureBeat , Koch Media (parent company of Deep Silver) CEO Klemens Kundratitz said they're looking into exploring film opportunities for all its franchises.

So that means movies based on Saints Row and Metro are very possible, as Kundratitz said that "if a company can deliver that transmedia experience, we are probably one of the few that have the ambition and ability to deliver that." Deep Silver recently picked up the Saints Row IP from the now-defunct publisher THQ and Saints Row 4 is due later this year. Metro: Last Light is set to release next month. Kundratitz did remind everyone that these are "long-term strategic goals." Also don't forget that a Dead Island film is already in the works.

A "Saints Row" movie would be absolutely downright totally insane . If it was done faithfully, I'm not even sure it could squeak in with an "R" rating. That sucker might have to be NC-17 or something.

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11 years ago

No more saints row.

A franchise that lets you drive around spraying crap all over the place, and beating people up with dildo's…… How low can a series go?

11 years ago

I like it, the game is pretty much all the stuff that they took out of GTA4 that they had in San Andreas with some extra

11 years ago

yeah because thats always successful…….
what is it with this industries sudden obsession with turning everything into a movie!?
wasent doom enough of a deterrent!?

11 years ago

"Sudden obsession"? This is nothing new, several companies have been doing this for decades. And unfortunately if ScyFy's god awful movies can make money so could these. There is certainly a market for this kind of thing.

11 years ago

not as much as it is now.
$onys never done movie adaptions of their games, now suddenly they want to bring GOW, uncharted, ect to the big screen.
when was the last time eidos brought a game to the big screen?
how about EA?
there allot more prevalent now than they use to be!

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