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PSXE User Review Contest: Time To Give Away Another Prize

We've done this several times in the past, and the voting is usually pretty close. In fact, one contest ended up tied after a full week of voting.

But this time, we have an easy runaway winner. The latest victor of our ongoing So You Think You Can Review Video Games user review contest, as selected by the PSXE community, is-

Temjin001 , for his great analysis of the single-player component of God of War: Ascension . The game has earned quite a bit of widespread praise, although many critics weren't overly impressed with the new multiplayer element. As usual, the single-player adventure is the bread-and-butter of the esteemed God of War franchise, and Temjin001 explained why in great detail. So he just has to email me at bdutka[at] and we can talk about his free prize…maybe he wants Dead Space 3 , or another of the random goodies I have lying around.

This week, with all this talk about the new Xbox possibly being an "always-on" console (i.e., you need an Internet connection to play games, even single-player adventure), we want to know what PlayStation fans would think about a constantly connected PS4. Would you care? Would it ultimately affect your purchase decision?

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11 years ago

Congratulations Temjinationalizer.

Always-on = always-bad.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

And as always, if he doesn't claim his price, it goes to me!!

Always connected next-gen Xbox… I honestly don't care, in my case anyway. It doesn't really affect me much because I will have a Ps4 most likely. I always thought of my Xbox as a secondary console. whenever I don't feel like playing my Ps3 and want to just have fun in a non-competitive way, I will boot up my Xbox 360. In this case with the next-gen Xbox, it will be no different. People are always connected anyway nowadays. Even current Xbox users need XBL GOLD to be able to do anything on the console anyway, so in a way they are "always connected". Ben, I know you don't like the idea at hand, of always being connected, but sometimes, it's easier to follow the flow of the river and not swim against it. An always connected world is inevitable. You're going to have to deal with it at some point in your life.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I can see the other side of the argument. it can be disastrous, like with the case in SimCity. Honestly though, if my net is down for some reason or another, or the game at hand is having technical issues at the moment, I will just do something else instead. There is quite a large world to explore outside my perimeter doors, with a diverse group of animals and other creatures roaming the crust of the surface of the earth in the milky way galaxy.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 4/7/2013 11:22:18 PM

11 years ago

I can only imagine your in a intense boss fight and your internet fails, that will **** everything up. If the PS4 has that "always online" feature, I'm not going to own one. This is just silly though, I know Sony won't be stupid to pull this s*** on=off.

11 years ago

Sony have said the ps4 will NOT have to be an always online in order to work console. Strong rumours suggest the nextbox will be. One of their first party developers recently tweeted to sort of confirm this. He got a major web bashing for the arrogant manner in which he told nextbox fans to "#dealwithit"

Last edited by Dukemz_UK on 4/8/2013 2:51:27 AM

11 years ago

oh, I don't check twitter out.

11 years ago

Congrats Temjin, hope you have fun with your new game!

I really will hate it if consoles become always-on online. My ISP is usually ok, but I do get service interruptions from time to time, and I don't like the idea of my console temporarily becoming a very expensive paper weight when it happens.

11 years ago

I'm in the minority but I don't actually have internet at home, all the posting I do on this site is from my android smartphone. So I wouldn't even get the ps4 then, which would suck cuz I want one. That next Xbox crap alienates people like me and those tweets from that Microsoft guy came off as very snobish and even though he doesn't represent Microsoft, he works for them and thus should have some code of conduct.

I want on board with the 360, why have one when I don't like halo or gears? Halos fine but not if I'm not online.

11 years ago

"Snobish" tweet from that Microsoft guy (his tweets are "protected", so article below shows screen grab):–1142689

Deal with it!

11 years ago

Congrat Temjin!

I've said this before, but I suppose it bears repeating. I'm usually pretty forgiving and accepting of DRM: devs and publishers are going to do what they think they need to do and I usually won't let that stop me from enjoying an otherwise good product.

But requiring an Internet connection, even for offline content, is the exception and a no go for me. I didn't get Diablo 3 or SimCity (despite wanting both games pretty bad), and I won't get any new console (regardless of which) if they go that route. I'll be perfectly fine with being a pc only gamer.

If the next time EA or some other a**hole tries to feed the public some bullsh** about it not being DRM, well by all means, tell us what it is instead. Because until they do, we will continue to (correctly, IMO) call it DRM.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/8/2013 11:11:10 AM

11 years ago

Seven people actually voted for me! 😀 Ah well, if I was in it only for the win, I wouldn't have made it to the voting part. I'm glad I was able to get this far again. Now, to practice and better hone my reviewing skills…

Congrats Temjin001, I look forward to assimilating your prowess, and as my good buddy Seth said as his lab blew up, "become a part of me" *laughs evilly*

Last edited by Sol on 4/8/2013 4:13:32 AM

11 years ago

always on is THE stupidest thing EVER thought of!
what if M$ suffer a attack like what $ony did and they need to bring the servers down for a month?
sorry 10s of millions of people who bought our system, you cant touch it for the next 4 weeks.
yea, thats going to go down well!
not to mention areas where internet is far from reliable!
hell the copper lines here are so f*cking old every time we get 1 drop of rain the net stops working and telstra has to send out a technician to fix it.
honestly should start charging them for parking at my house, id make a freaking fortune!
no, just no, its f*cking stupid!

11 years ago

Thank you everyone who voted. Thank you to those who took the time to enter the contest. And thank you PSXe for making this possible.

I do have something of a victory speech prepared so here it goes…

I came here a while ago…
and I didn't know what to expect.
I've seen a lot of people hating me…
and I didn't know… what to feel about that, so…
I didn't like you much either.
During this review contest… I seen a lot of changing: the way you felt about me… and the way I felt about you.
In this contest… there were 7 guys… killing each other. But I guess that's better than a million.
What I'm trying to say is…
if I can change…
and you can change…


…and if you can guess where I stole that from, then you're pretty dang awesome 😉

11 years ago

That would be Rocky iv. And congrats Sensei Temjin!

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