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Give A Hearty Welcome To The New PSX Extreme Contributors

Under much duress and looking to the near future with a wary eye (the next generation might've killed me), I determined a little while ago that I couldn't hope to keep PSXE running at optimum capacity all by my lonesome.

In order to enhance the amount of content and specifically, the amount of quality, original content you won't find anywhere else, we decided to bring on some contributors. We looked to the community first and foremost; we didn't just want solid writers, creative thinkers and big-time game fans; we also wanted fans of this site. They deserved a shot above all others after being so loyal for so long.

And we have now selected no fewer than five new contributors, who should be able to start producing new content immediately. They were selected for distinct and unique strengths I perceived in their submission of interest, and I believe they can work together to really bolster the activity and visibility of the site. Here they are, in alphabetical order by last name:

I have every confidence that these guys can do a great job, and you should start seeing some really interesting things from them. They will also help with other standard content, such as reviews, previews, etc. So give 'em all a great big PSXE welcome! 🙂

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Welcome guys.

11 years ago

I think they'll be a big help for you, Ben. They're certainly active enough in the comments section! Seriously, congrats to all of you, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll have on tap for us.

11 years ago

Congrats to the winners. Look forward to your contributions!

11 years ago

Thanks for the intro Ben, and this opportunity to play a larger role here at PSXE.

Not much will change, you'll still get my patented flavor in the things I post, but I'll be striving for making objective observations where necessary (I am a representative of a site with a good reputation now). Overall I aim to entertain as well as inform you my friends.

I do have other responsibilities so that will dictate when and how often I can contribute, but you should know I'll do my best for PSXE, my fellow contributors, Ben, and all of you.

So if there are any things that you all feel would be right in my wheelhouse that you want to hear about from me, I'd be happy to take requests as I construct my own plans for the kinds of things I'd like to post, as our fearless leader has given us an open venue here to write about the things that drive us and make us think and facilitate the best conversations within the community.

It's a pleasure to be here in this new capacity, and a little bit humbling 🙂

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/2/2013 11:55:35 PM

11 years ago

Your username needs an Official PSXE contributor badge. Will you be making video stuff for the YouTubes as well? I feel we should get a somewhat official video introducing these guys, at least by voice. Because who doesn't like reading these articles in the writers' voice.

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 4/3/2013 12:25:30 AM

11 years ago

Excited to be reading your posts World.

11 years ago

Congrats. Looking forward to being entertained

11 years ago

After ages of wondering, "Who is World?", we finally know! Congrats man!

11 years ago

Thanks guys, um as far as the youtube stuff goes anything's possible, like anybody else I don't think I sound so great in audio but if that's something people are interested in I'm up for it.

11 years ago

Congrats World!

11 years ago

Congratulations! I look forward to you post! Keep that straight up flavor.

11 years ago

Looking forward to all the contributions!

11 years ago

Change. Change is good.

11 years ago

Oh look, I recognize most of those old people in that list. ;D

11 years ago

Nice. I look forward to seeing what you guys have to say.

11 years ago

Congratulations everyone. I'm sure you will make a nice contribution to the site.

11 years ago

And Yukian…! Oh, all right! Lol

Congratulations to the mighty 5! Wish we still get to read comments of each you too since they're entertaining! 🙂

11 years ago

HOLY F*CK! World's real name is David Nelson? That sounds like a rock star's name

11 years ago

Suits him fine. He's always been a rockstar to me. 🙂

11 years ago

lol yes it is, I've always thought it was pretty mainstream myself, but there was that "Nelson" hair band back in the 80's… 🙂

11 years ago

^^^Don't get too excited.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 4/3/2013 12:09:55 PM

11 years ago

Congratulations to all new contributors! Really looking forward to reading your articles here on PSXE. 🙂

11 years ago

Good job, looking forward to the good reads.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Btw, contributors- Your login information and the back end tutorial has been sent to all of you. Please just make sure you can log in, so you can check things out. If there are any issues, I want to know ASAP.

After that…time to roll! 🙂

11 years ago

What a year in gaming this will be!!!!
Congratulations to all the chosen ones, and more so to Ben for his vision in choosing this path, and picking just the right people for the task.
To all of those who did not get picked, remember this is a community and you're still very important and can always contribute by being active members of the site.

11 years ago

"To all of those who did not get picked, remember this is a community and you're still very important and can always contribute by being active members of the site."

You don't think we know that already?!

11 years ago

Congratulations guys

11 years ago

Thanks Ben, I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks for the welcome folks.

11 years ago

It's going to be interesting to see what your input is in the next generation, since you're anti-PS4. Hopefully it won't cloud your judgement too much.

11 years ago

I wouldn't exactly say anti-PS4, more like against lack of innovation.

11 years ago

Congratulations Highlander. Look forward to being educated by your posts

11 years ago

I look forward to this site having a lot of anti-PS4 articles.

Hard to imagine you writing positive articles for the PS4 after all the bashing you've done since the announcement.

11 years ago

@ ps3-wizard and Akuma

Being unimpressed with a product does not imply that one will not practice journalistic integrity.

11 years ago

Highlander, I'm expecting you to be all over any and all Criterion related rumours, news, previews and reviews! 😉

11 years ago

I'd ask everyone to give us each the benefit of the doubt and judge based on contributed content versus previously heated rhetoric expressed here in the comments previously 🙂

11 years ago

Looking forward to some Highlander post. Always informative. Congrats

11 years ago

Congrats Highlander! Looking forward to seeing your stuff.

11 years ago

As World stated, we should all hold judgement on Highlander until he posts "officially" for PSXE. I seriously doubt Ben will let his website be a launch pad for anti-Sony rhetoric.

11 years ago

lol, well, I'll be looking at JRPGs a lot, and I'll definitely be trying to find out more about criterion's latest for Burnout.

Regarding the PS4, I'll ask all of you to actually read the things I write – and have written. Almost every word I have written about the PS4 is based on fact, information and knowledge. Very little personal opinion is involved – except my personal skepticism regarding using an x86 design.

Look at what I wrote just yesterday for example;
"Not sure what MS can really do. Their next console will undoubtedly use Windows in some form. It will undoubtedly be based on almost identical base hardware to the PS4, with a few tweaks here and there, maybe a few more or less GPU cores, that kind of thing. But really, the consoles will be extremely similar in hardware.

MS will have their enhanced Kinect, but Sony has it's enhanced Move. So no real advantage there. I think that content and services will be the things that make the difference. 1st party PS4 games, multi-plats that don't suck and a back catalog like no other are all advantages that Sony will bring to bear. MS can only counter with iterations of 3-4 key franchises, and possibly the original Xbox back catalog too (original Xbox was an x86 design too, should be easy to emulate).

Sony has the advantage right now, and if they do not squander that advantage, I don't think that MS has anything that can compete. Though I am certain that they will try a lot of hand waving and posturing about Kinect and Surface, or is it Windows…? "

Not exactly the hot bed of anti-sony rhetoric. I have always said that for Sony and everyone else, I will praise where I think it's due, and criticize where I think it's due. I am absolutely not anti-Sony, that could almost not be further from the truth. Do not confuse my criticism of the PS4 design and the lack of innovation that Sony is displaying with the kind of anti-Sony attitudes you will find commonly on the Internet.

Let me put it this way. Suppose you have a great friend, someone that you respect and admire, and who has earned your loyalty and support over many years. You've stuck by them when things were tough, and defended them against all sorts of unfair criticism and outright bashing. What do you do if you see your friend doing something that you believe is uncharacteristic of them and a huge mistake? Do you remain silent and let things happen?

Or do you stop them and say "Hey, that thing you're doing, that's a really bad idea my friend. It's not like you at all. Don't do it, you might get hurt."?

For a good friend, you'd be prepared to take the risk of annoying them, in an effort to protect them from harm, wouldn't you?

OK, Sony is not exactly a friend, how can you befriend a corporation. However, they have provided me with countless moments of pleasure and fun, I have friends now I would not have had without Sony and their game systems, network and games. I deeply respect what Sony has accomplished in Consumer electronics, electronics in general, and video games. When PSN was attacked, I was right there trying to blow away the non-sense rumors and all the distortions and mis-information in the media. I have been called a Sony 'fanboy' so many times I have lost track. Heck, I almost wear the name with pride out of sheer defiance because as much as I support them, I also criticism them when it is needed.

So, please read what I write, and do not judge it without reading it. It's like that 'rule' of Internet debate, don't criticize the person, criticize the idea. I may be critical of a particular product, or design, or action, but not Sony itself.

11 years ago

Congratulations HighLander! Would you be the official tech specialist on the site? Its always good to know what makes our entertainment of choice tick.

11 years ago

I meant the anti-sony thing in jest.

But I agree with what World said, moving on folks.

11 years ago

Awesome staff. Looking forward to their contributions (as I have always in the comment sections). I'd also like to see Sensei Temjin up there, too.

11 years ago

Congratulations guys!

Make this site much more awesome.

11 years ago

congrats guys!!

11 years ago

Thanks a lot for the introduction, Ben.
I look forward to get started on this, and equally look very much forward to read what the other contributors will write. It was about time this site get more than one voice – no matter how great that voice has been. 🙂

My motivation for joining PSXE was mainly to try and contribute by tackling news stories and topics of a more technical nature, written from my perspective as a developer. As a reader of PSXE I've missed that now and then, so I see that as my "main task".
As those of you who has followed the discussions lately will know, I am like most other developers extremely optimistic about the PS4. I would not have made it much different had I designed it myself. I seriously believe Sony got a good chance as regaining the #1 spot now.

I am also a huge fan of coop gaming (the real deal, storyline coop, PvE) and western RPGs.
I was a slave (let's call it what is is) to mmorpgs for many years and look very much forward to the first *good* mmorpg for consoles (it's bound to happen during the PS4 period – with all that memory it's practically designed for it). MMO and coop are areas where Ben has not had that much focus and interest, so my profile is a good match in that sense.

So that's me, for those who didn't already know. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/3/2013 2:03:43 AM

11 years ago

Congrats Beamboom. Looking forward to your posts.
ps: How's the weather in Norway? 🙂

11 years ago

The weather is mighty fine here in the land of the Vikings. As we say over here, "There's no such thing as 'bad weather', just 'bad clothing'".

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/3/2013 4:54:11 AM

11 years ago

Welcome Beamboom.

I want to ask about your job. So you work in a game development studio? Or something similar?

Also are most Scandinavian people fluent in English?

11 years ago

I don't work in a game development studio, my current employer is a company that builds payment solutions for internet, mobile and physical commerce. So it's essentially transactions and everything around it, mostly back-end and middle ware programming.

Very early in my career I actually did write games, although simple ones. This is way back before Flash, back when Java "applets" was the tool for making interactive content on the Internet. We had a few customers then who wanted game content on their sites. That is in fact how I learnt Java – a language who has ever since been one of my favourite languages. I love Java almost as much as I love Perl and Linux <3 <3 <3

When I was a kid I started out learning programming cause I wanted to create games, of course. Soon after I started a fanzine (not sure if that is even a word any more!) for games programmers in Norway. Haha – we distributed our code by printing code listings on paper. Imagine that… 🙂

I got quite a few coding projects running in my spare time, and those are typically front-end and very visual, for variety. I am right now learning a game engine with the lofty ambition of writing my own RPG. We shall see how that goes. 🙂
Another project I got running is something that started out as a music automation system for broadcasters, but has ever since evolved into a more mainstream client for the music server MPD. There's actually quite a few users of that program now, so I'm quite proud of it.

As for your last question, I often hear English people giving complements to Scandinavians when it comes to English abilities. I *suck* in spoken English, but I've written and read English since I first started learning programming. I guess that pays off!

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/3/2013 8:35:58 AM

11 years ago

Congrats Beamboom! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

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