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Do All These Aliens Patches Actually Make The Game Playable?

We're fairly certain that a patch can't totally fix the deeply flawed Aliens: Colonial Marines , but maybe it'll at least make the game playable.

Sega's new update for the critically panned shooter evidently fixes a host of issues . It also improves the visuals and texture resolution, repairs a few audio anomalies, increases the enemy and AI responsiveness, and enhances the enemy collision detection. Spawning issues have been addressed, you can't just wander outside a map anymore, and we even get an increased light radius from our lamp. Oh, and the flamethrower will no longer fire continuously on its own. That's good to know…I wish I had seen it happen, though.

Since the title's release, Gearbox and TimeGate have pointed fingers but that isn't really helping gamers. This patch, on the other hand, might actually make Aliens: Colonial Marines somewhat alluring as a bargain bin game. The only question is whether or not this patch will come to console versions of the game; for now, it only seems to be confirmed for PC. For the latest updates for the PS3 iteration, check here .

Related Game(s): Aliens: Colonial Marines

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11 years ago

Patch 1.08, which was out a day or two after release, went a long way to making the game more playable (well, presumably – I only played after patch 1.08, and didn't find it a bad experience at all, although it clearly wasn't a AAA game either!) Good to see they're continuing to work on it.

11 years ago

lol, I love how when a terrible game comes out the devs start saying "It wasn't me!"

The sad thing is that some games are released just to recoup the costs of lengthy and failed development. And we get suckered into buying it.

11 years ago

I personally found the game to be more then "playable" and in fact, it was plenty "alluring" too.

One of the more enjoyable Platinum Trophy's on my list if I do say so myself.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 3/19/2013 1:49:04 AM

11 years ago

Really! Seriously, it's great to hear this. Since you got the Platinum, congrats by the way, is it great for the fans? I wanted to play this so bad but passed because of the messed up development and bad reviews. I would really like to hear your take on it. I LOVE ALIENS so hope springs eternal!

11 years ago

Do NOT believe the reviews (my apologies Ben).

First off, the atmosphere is fantastic, as the look and sound are taken from the Aliens move.

As Ben even pointed out the game has good control and plays like a typical FPS. It is not a horror title.

One point I want to go over is the knock on the AI… I can confidently say that the Aliens AI is better then advertised. The soldiers behave like the bullet sponges they are and the lurkers use cover and quick movements… just like the movie! I can point scenes of the Aliens film if needed.

Yes, the game is FAR from being perfect but equally distanced from being as bad as the reviews indicate.

11 years ago

Excellent, thanks for the info. This is back on my radar. It's really all about shooting ALIENS and I really liked that they added different versions as well. I love shooting ALIENS. So just to hear something positive about the game is all I needed. Thanks

11 years ago

With all the crap this game got, which was deserved, wish Skyrim would've got the same treatment. 9.7 score for a broken PS3 game at launch :/

11 years ago

You would think, but things like this is exactly why game reviews are becoming difficult to trust.

11 years ago

lol – to even compare Aliens with the achievement that was Skyrim… Some people.

11 years ago

depends on how you define playable.
playable in the sense that its half competent at what it does then yea sorta.
but its so boring, stupid, and out of place for a aliens game you wont want to play it at all!

Advent Child
Advent Child
11 years ago

Ugh and here I thought I might be able to play my stupidly preordered copy for ps3

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