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Aliens: Colonial Marines Developer Suffers A Round Of Layoffs

Raise your hand if you're surprised at this news. …nobody? Really? Gee, I can't imagine why.

As reported at Polygon , TimeGate Studios, the developer that created much of the single-player campaign of the critically blasted Aliens: Colonial Marines , has announced a round of layoffs.

Company president Adel Chaveleh said that although it's "never easy," they're doing everything they can to assist those affected by these layoffs. Furthermore, he says TimeGate "is preparing for the transition to next-generation consoles and new business models." As such, all current projects will continue to move forward and if that's the case, we'll have to hope for a much better showing next generation. TimeGate didn't reveal the exact number of employees who got the ax, but various sources are saying it's about 25. It's always tough to deal with but after Colonial Marines , we all saw this coming.

We say the recent Aliens entry is easily one of the worst games of the entire generation. A big steaming pile of…well, just the read the review, if you must. It's amusing, at least.

Related Game(s): Aliens: Colonial Marines

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11 years ago

Off with their heads!

11 years ago

its a big mess when it comes to who did what, just watch the credits
at the end of the game…..oh wait, nobody probably bought the game :p

11 years ago

Well, I guess somebody had to pay. Frankly when I read the headline I thought Gearbox staff were getting laid off. That's who Sega hired to make the game. If I were Sega I would look into legal action of some kind. It's obvious Gearbox put little of their own resources or time into Aliens.

11 years ago

at the risk of sounding mean, this is what happens when you make shit games!

11 years ago

Yeah, Aliens Colonial Marines isn't the best game, but that sucks for those who lost their job over it.

11 years ago

Timegate did it on a contract basis; it's Gearbox that should be seeing the layoffs. For that matter, the FTC should look into this since Randy Pitchford and company blatantly misrepresented what the game would be like.

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