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Insomniac: We’ll Keep Experimenting With Ratchet & Clank

The Ratchet & Clank franchise has undergone multiple changes in this past generation, and some fans say those changes haven't been for the better.

The last standard or traditional installment was the critically acclaimed Crack in Time ; after that, Insomniac started experimenting with some new ideas and consequently, the review scores fell. All 4 One, a more multiplayer-oriented adventure, and last year's Full Frontal Assault , a more strategy-based title, didn't fare as well with critics or gamers.

But Insomniac boss Ted Price says the team will "continue to experiment" with the series. In a recent OPM UK interview , Price first said that Resistance was a "brutally difficult game to work on at times," and then spoke about R&C:

"They’re great games, I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished with them. I think that, speaking for the team, we all want to continue experimenting with Ratchet. From the very beginning it’s been a universe that didn’t have any rules. We felt free to continue to keep taking it in new directions and maybe that’s what we’ll do. I don’t like to talk about where we’re going with future games, all I know is that Ratchet will always be near and dear to our hearts."

Well, that's good to hear but shouldn't they consider going back to the franchise's roots with the next installment? Those games always seemed to do extremely well, and ended up being widely beloved by gamers everywhere. Let's not totally abandon a winning formula, okay?

Only Japanese developers see the need to do that.

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11 years ago

The only one i remember playing was the co-op one with the customizable equipment. Id go over to my friends house and we'd spend hours playing that game. Shame all 4 one wasn't the same type of game though. To much platforming and i can't beat a game.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

I'd prefer they continue to experiment with Resistance instead….Resistance 4 on PS4 sounds lovely…..
Set in 2015..i'd love to see what 60 yrs has done to human beings after surviving on earth & dealing with its new ecco system!!

11 years ago

Although I loved Resistance 1, the series went downhill with R2 because they stay original and instead did things from different FPSs like COD and Halo and I'm not sure about R3 but I think it was a mix bag between originality and what others do, that and I think the multiplayer sucked. And I think sales spoke of that, and on top of that Killzone got a lot bigger and now seems to be Sony's FPS. I think those are the reasons why they left Resistance, or at least sales. Again, they only have themselves to blame, instead of staying true to Resistance they went and copied everyone. Resistance 1 is still one of my favorite games this gen though.

11 years ago

Please stop with it, we need you to go back to the roots with it.
All 4 One was ok but it's only fun when you're playing with friends.

11 years ago

friends are overrated

11 years ago

I loved Tools of Destruction and A Crack In Time. I wish they would just stay with that type of game.

11 years ago

im sick to death of insomniac dragging my favorite franchise through the mud!
take the series back to its roots or dont make anymore R&C games at all!
its disgusting how little self respect and pride people have in their creations these days!
youd think they would never want to degrade something they have spent their whole life working on, but you would think wrong.

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