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Ueda Tells Fans To “Keep An Eye Out” For Last Guardian Info

Could Sony give us a long-awaited update on The Last Guardian soon? Like, say, on February 20?

It's possible. Creative director Fumito Ueda has offered a relatively vague teaser on his website (as cited by GameSpot ), saying fans should "keep an eye out" for new information arriving…soon?

He did say that the timing of such info is up to Sony, but he confirmed that the game in question is still under his supervision and "in development by an incredibly talented team." Ueda also added that he left Sony to pursue "other creative passions" and he continues to work on Guardian on a freelance basis. Most recently, we had received confirmation from Sony that the game was still intended for the PS3. But now, we're starting to wonder if all the development delays – and the fact that we might get an "official announcement" on February 20, when the PS4 is supposed to be unveiled – are pointing toward a next-gen release.

Next week is shaping up to be awfully interesting.

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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11 years ago

In other words nothing new..

11 years ago

Isn't this at least the first time they said that we should hear something about it "soon." I have no clue so don't mind me if it isn't. It just doesn't seem like they said anything much after revealing it. They didn't make any promise of it releasing at a certain time other than it being a PS3 game.

11 years ago

Considering Sony announced a late 2011 release and only one trailer has been shown the answer is no. News to me would be along the lines of a real progress report,gameplay information,screenshots or a new trailer.

Last edited by bebestorm on 2/13/2013 12:59:22 PM

11 years ago

The game being released on the PS4 could be something new, though.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Ben every time you mention TLG as a ps4 launch title my bank account has a heart attack.
Here's hoping for PS3 release date come the 20th.
7 days

Last edited by Lord carlos on 2/13/2013 11:43:34 AM

11 years ago

The event is all about Sony's future as are the previous meetings. I don't think this game will be mentioned on the 20th. There has never been a PlayStation meeting where it talks about a next gen console while mentioning release dates for the current gen console.

I'm thinking E3.

11 years ago

Oops, my assumption was that this game is still a definite PS3 game. If it ends up on the PS4, then we may see some hints of it on the 20th. If not, I definitely don't think so.

11 years ago

Personally, I'm not sure that's right. Even if it remains a PS3 only title Sony may want to remind people the PS3 still has life even with the PS4 launching. I wouldn't be surprised if they touted the STRONG upcoming lineup at the end…

Last edited by PoopsMcGee on 2/13/2013 12:58:25 PM

11 years ago

It's a "future" PS3 title

11 years ago

Can't wait to know more about this masterpiece!

11 years ago

This kind of development usually leads to a big turd.

11 years ago

Keep an eye out for it?
Sorry Ueda, not after YEARS without any information at all.

11 years ago

I know this, eer, stupid stud of a guy who got a little teary eyed with the music and feel of the trailer for this game. He would probably buy the ps4 for this game.

Not me though. I am a Cimmerian. For I do not cry. I will let little nerds who hate fpser's and love playing dress up with little girls in jrpgs cry for me.

End of Line.

11 years ago

I loves me some little girl jrpg dress up 😛

11 years ago

I like cinnamon. (that's what he said, right?)

Anyways, real men know how to be gentle.

11 years ago

I have no clue what he was trying to say there, I'd recommend an English class or two.

11 years ago

Zack cried for Angeal. And that guy was tough as nails.

And he knew English enough to speak coherently.

11 years ago

WOOHOO! 2/20/13 is shaping up to be LEGENDARY! I am praying TLG is a PS4 launch title! (Runs for cover) Seriously, it will be the most epic launch of all time!

11 years ago

I had pretty much given up hope on the last guardian.

11 years ago

cant decide where i want to see this.
on one hand its been in development for 7 freaking years at the very least, and i just want to see whats been going on since then.
chances are if it is a ps4 title they will change a few things, and i really want to see this on the ps3, to be another defining artistic title.
it really needs its own ico!

on the other hand you obviously want it for the ps4 simply because of the extra advances it would allow.

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