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Cage: “I Probably Have My Next Three Games In Mind”

Beyond: Two Souls is probably still a little ways off. But that isn't stopping Quantic Dream boss David Cage from looking into the future.

Far into the future.

In speaking to , the man who brought you Heavy Rain says he's already thinking of his next three games after Beyond is released some time later this year.

"I actually have probably my next three games in mind. Although I'm full speed on Beyond, I know what I'm doing after it because it's already in development. And I know what I'm doing after that and it probably after that. It's great because I have more ideas than I can develop."

Cage said he is continually brainstorming new ideas for games, which "come naturally." However, he added that it takes time for those ideas to actually evolve to the point where "they're ready to be written." It's a little more difficult when you're not simply thinking up scripts for sequels, isn't it? Cage and Quantic Dream don't really believe in sequels so they always have to come up with completely original ideas.

Try doing that while practicing "annualization."

Related Game(s): Beyond: Two Souls

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11 years ago

I actually know how he feels. Not sure if it relates and while I don't make video games, I tend to have many visions at times in video productions. When I'm working on a current project, I have multiple, original ideas going through my head at the same time as well. The problem is just having the time and budget to pull it off. In most cases, it doesn't. 🙁 I hope for David Cage, he'll be able to do so.

11 years ago

I know how he feels too, I have more great ideas for fiction than I can ever actually write. Drives me crazy because I always want to start the new project. When people ask about them I just say they are in R&D, which means they are kicking around in my head and gathering parts like a Katamari.

11 years ago

I don't know about you guys, but this is GREAT news to me. I love all of David Cage's creations. It helps that he has a very talented team with QD. Fresh ideas are what's moving this industry in the right place. And David Cage is one of the people at the forefront

11 years ago

wow, wouldn't you know, just like Daus and World, I too know how he feels.
As do most others who has ever done anything creative I would assume, since this in fact is how creativity works. The rest of us just don't feel the need to brag about it cause after all it's, you know, normal.

(sorry but I can't stand Cage. I totally respect him as a great games maker, but whenever he speaks I think he sound like a pompous prick, to be honest.)

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/13/2013 2:42:42 PM

11 years ago

I like him but he should tone down his rhetoric on his own genius, maybe take off the crown of laurels for a bit and get to work.

11 years ago

his next game better be based on the kara tech demo!
always been fascinated by androids and what it means to be human, so when i saw the kara tech demo suffice to say i was giddy as a school girl!
so, so, SOOOOOOOOOOO much more to be done with that theme of ideas!
one reason i was so disappointed with binary domain, it claimed to take on those themes but dident really.
not a very complex well thought out developing story.

i just hope davids next game, and especially the characters and motives are just a tinsy bit more believable!
hate it when games try to make you believe things that are really stupid, or just a little convenient.
i dont believe in coincidences, and i sure as hell aint going to try and frame the mafia!

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