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Does Square Enix Even Remember Announcing FFX HD?

Because I don't think they do.

There was a time when I thought Square Enix had one final shot to redeem themselves in the eyes of old-school Final Fantasy fans. It was five seconds after the publisher announced Final Fantasy X HD .

Okay, so it wasn't the FFVII remake the entire world seemed to want for over a decade (good move passing on that opportunity, S-E). But at least it was a true-blue Final Fantasy and one that I have a great fondness for; seeing it redone with gorgeous high-definition visuals would've done my heart good. And now, with one of those infuriatingly vague placeholder dates (December 31, 2013), I'm starting to wonder if the company even remembers this project. Maybe they're just too focused on driving the franchise even further into the ground with Lightning Returns.

It just seems odd. Maybe they need a reminder…? Perhaps we all need to give Square Enix a collective poke or something. It's not that we're hearing about delays or other internal snafus; we're hearing nothing , as if the game has dropped off the face of the earth. It's like the head honchos at S-E have short-term memory loss: They announced it, walked off the stage, and forgot it. At least, that's what it feels like. I wonder if Square Enix even realizes that FFX HD is just about the only title their once-loyal legions of fans even care about at this point.

Nah. Probably not.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy X HD

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Square Enix has forgotten about their fans…again. No surprise.

No longer supporting this s— company.

11 years ago

"And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not."

-John 1:5

11 years ago

ROFL!!! I bust out laughing at that one!! FFX is the only console rpg I've ever played. I was addicted I'm not an avid rpg follower but you'd have to be deaf and blind to not understand that a FFVII and FFX would sell a ton. The demand is huge for those nostalgic gems. Square Enix is drifting away farther away from their core fan base.

11 years ago

Haha amazing

11 years ago

I think they just want everyone to just focus on FFXIII-2 and Final Fantasy Lightning Returns. This whole generation is basically all about Final Fantasy XIII.

I thought the world of FF would be bright this generation after seeing the announcements of both FFXIII and even a tech demo of FFVII back in 2006. It then turned out to be nothing but an experiment for them. It's the first time an FF went into a trilogy and first time it released on a yearly basis. It was also the first time that an FF game seemed more like an action RPG.

If they really want to cater to the West, they should've just made a new IP. It just sucks how they're taking advantage of the FF title instead. FF Ligtning Returns could easily be a new IP.

Other than that, they've been flip flopping. Their plans on FF were never solid. It was this, then something takes over. Even exclusivity was changed after clearly stating PS3 exclusive. Worst part was that quality changed to cater to the 360's favor. Now, quality will change to cater to the Western's favor. More action and more QTEs.

11 years ago

I've been fighting my urge to play ffx since this was announced. The original aged so well. Its amazing how well it has. To think about what it could look like with ff13 graphics makes me drool in anticipation. The fact its been over a damn year now drives me insane. How could a company that was so revered turn into such a shattered and broken shadow of its former self. My reply to anything square is something Vincent would say. "…"

11 years ago

I know so have I, that game begins so well that I love starting it, you have that epic breakdown of Zanarkand and then that cold and lonely cavern experience and then Rikku… gives me chills. I wanna run it through my 1080p upconverter and go to work.

11 years ago

Same here. I have been wanting to play through it again, but I have been waiting for news on the HD remake. I finally gave up hope this past weekend, and started playing.

11 years ago

This company is the iron lung.
Let us pull the plug once and for all and be done with it.

11 years ago

I prefer they delay it and release an HD collection featuring FF10,F10-2,FF12, Crysis Core, and FF type-o. That would be awsome.

11 years ago

It would be awesome but it would take them 10 years.

11 years ago

Square never remembers when it matters. They forgot quite fast about PS3 exclusivity… They also forgot how to make an RPG… I guess that's because they *learned* about giving false hopes… Had to lose something to gain another XD

11 years ago

It amazes me how one company can build such a beautiful franchise in the course of over 20 years and multiple gaming generations then destroy it in a single console generation.

Final Fantasy fans have never in the history…, had an outcry like we did this gen. You would honestly think this resonate with Square Enix but we all know this isn't the case.

I would really like to know what the original fathers and mothers of Final Fantasy, whom are no longer with Square feel about what has happened to this franchise.

11 years ago

It seems like Square Enix purposely wants to NOT release the good FF games. Thinking about the FFX HD remake caused me reminisce and feel the nostalgia again when it was my first time as a kid playing FFX (and then FFX-2 two years later, after finishing FFX). They're doing the same thing with Versus 13. I really don't know what's up with them.

However, I'm still patiently waiting because I believe "patience is virtue".

11 years ago

i think XHD may still come out,
they probably realizing they will have to code it for the new console.

the question should be what happened to versus 13, of course they cant make it exclusive so how do u get out of that agreement? just wait for the new console and make it multiplat if even at all.

ah well dont care i skipped X111 2 that entire storyline and set of characters suck. final fantasy has been dead to me since the original creator left SE.

plus im too busy with ni no kuni.

11 years ago

Why does everyone keep putting stock that Square-Enix will even deliver on a Final Fantasy? I mean time and time again we've been completely disappointed and yet folks still think they will get their act together. My question is "Do folks even remember that Square hasn't delivered since FFX?"….Maybe not.

11 years ago

"Because there's some good in this world Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fightin' for!"

11 years ago

Hahaha, awesome quote there.

11 years ago

it will be the company thats buys the FF franshise from S/E when S/E goes bankrupt and has to liquidate and sell their assets that will do a FFVI/VII/IX/X HD remake and other popular S/E games and proly break all sales records for any games.

S/E is done for, unless they wake up ASAP, or that they working on something they havent announced they will go bankrupt

11 years ago

Not gonna lie my favorite Squaresoft game wasnt even a FF title. Vagrant Story needs someone to buy the rights and remake that game badly.

The Crono's as well. Damn I miss Squaresoft.

Last edited by wackazoa on 2/13/2013 11:18:01 AM

11 years ago

You forgot FFVIII, silly rabbit.

11 years ago

I'm sorry,but I started laughing out loud when I read the article title. Seriously, I just started uncontrollably laughing hysterically. Not at anyone waiting for this though. Believe me, I'm in the same boat. I've been waiting since 2010 when the HD collection craze erupted.

It's just, I find this hilarious. What has happened to Square-Enix? It's been a year and a half now since they announced this game (let alone Type-O localization or short of a decade since they announced Final Fantasy Versus XIII). What's the problem? Seriously?

I think I'm losing my mind because I can't stop laughing at how horrible Square-Enix as a developer is this generation.

11 years ago

They probably are just making some mainstream tweaks to the FFX formula.

It will no longer be turned based, will play more Like crisis core. You can't have a party anymore you only get to play as Tidus.

Finding new weapons, and armor was too tedious and some players forgot to do it, so we have cut that in order to make the game easier to play.

The sphere grid is gone and instead now you automatically level up. The sphere grid was too confusing so we got rid of it so the game could appeal to a wider audience.

Some players missed out on some of the side quests so in order to make everyone feel equal we removed those, so that everyone was playing the same game.

/end sarcastic SE PR rant. 🙂

11 years ago

"Do folks even remember that Square hasn't delivered since FFX?"

Maybe folks don't remember since that isn't true. There's FFXII after all, even though the west got shafted and Japan got the REAL version. Still, even the West one wasn't bad, just had a lot of minour flaws that were easy to fix (and fix they did, again, only in the aforementioned JPN only update, the bastards).

Not delivered since FFXII? Not exactly. It's really just PS3 they've been sucking. Everything else (PSP, NDS, 3DS) has been good to great.

As for FFXHD, yeah, I wonder if they forgot about it too. It would make me pick up a Vita for sure. Perhaps they went the FFVsXIII route and bit off more than they could chew by declaring that FFX would use XIII's engine, which I think is completely unnecessary. I would rather they modestly upscale the graphics and concentrate more on improving the game (as much as I love FFX, there's definitely room for improvement).

BTW, I LOL at "final fantasy has been dead to me since the original creator left SE." Assuming this is referring to Sakaguchi, the last FF he was involved with in any serious way was FFV.

Last edited by Ultima on 2/13/2013 10:29:40 AM

11 years ago

Who all are you quoting?

11 years ago

You realize that Sakaguchi was the game designer for Final Fantasy VII and co-writer for IX, right?

11 years ago

FFIX had the best character design I have seen all series. Really like that game. Got to the last disc before I stopped playing.

11 years ago

I believe you are quoting my reply. While I do own all of the Final Fantasy games, including 13, 13-2, and 14. I will definitely stand by that I feel Square-Enix hasn't really delivered on a good FF game since X. 12 was good, but it wasn't great. After X the series has been on a decline. It's a shame, but if it hasn't we'd have had a good FF game by now.

11 years ago

Loved this game. Was the first game I ever "finished". Had never finished a story in a game before as I do have a bit gaming ADD. But this one kept me hooked enough to finish. Actually started playing FFX-2 when it came out but didnt finish. If they do release this game again I'd like to see them included FFX-2. But Squenix is a bit confused these days so I dont hold my breath on this release.

11 years ago

Honestly, as excited as I was for FFX HD, maybe it's for the best that SE just forget about it.

FFX isn't just my favourite Final Fantasy, it's one of my favourite games of all time. And we know SE can't leave well enough alone. I'm worried that they'll be compelled to change it, to make it "better"… and you can bet that would include the battle system. (which was nigh on perfect if you ask me)

Hell, with this Lightning love affair you can bet she'd end up in there somewhere too…

11 years ago

A fan is making an English translation version of Type-0 since the bastards won't localize.

11 years ago

Yeah FFX would be wonderful. SE sigh

11 years ago

Funny thing is that FFX should have been the easiest FF to update to HD… Yet here we are. The incompetence when it comes to their internal development and decision making is astounding, SE would probably be in the same boat as THQ if it wasn't for their publishing wing and outside developers.

Meh, if you want FFXHD and still own a PS2 copy you can emulate the damn game and if you have the PC for it, play it in HD and it'll look amazing.

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