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Rumor: Development On Aliens Game Was A “Total Train-wreck”

Oh crap .

Okay, I don't believe in passing judgment before playing, but I have to admit, I'm not a fan of this news.

If you didn't already know, Aliens: Colonial Marines comes out this week, and many have been anticipating a decent – if not great – title that properly honors the legendary "Aliens" franchise. After all, Borderlands developer Gearbox Software did it, so-

But wait. Did they do it?

As noted at StickSkills , there are numerous teams that worked on this project and one of them is TimeGate Studios. And perhaps unfortunately, according to a post in the NeoGAF forums , TimeGate handled the bulk of the single-player campaign. Sadly, there's a rumor going around that creation of the game was just a "total train-wreck" and primary development was handed off to TimeGate ( Section 8 , a couple F.E.A.R. expansions). It seems Gearbox only did the multiplayer.

And I'm going to go play it in just a few minutes here…uh-oh…

Related Game(s): Aliens: Colonial Marines

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karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

The trailers i've seen are not impressive. The game looks 'a few years old'.

11 years ago

More than a few years, I'd say — now that I'm seeing extended gameplay it seriously looks like an Xbox 1 game. No joke.

11 years ago

I wish Xbox 1 looked this good.

11 years ago

As long as aliens aren't modern shooter AI dumb, and the story involves trying to escape, i don't care about everything else. I mean AVP survival mode was amazing. How hard could it really be to replicate?

11 years ago

Here we go passing judgement a little to soon. There are numerous walkthroughs that have flooded youtube and the game looks fine. Then again you can't please everyone.

11 years ago

Two sites have already reviewed it one giving it a 4.5/10 and 5/10 for the other I don't know how reliable they sites are but it's not looking good. Once again randy pitchford may have seriously overhyped a bad game. I hope it turns out good I've really been looking forward getting it.

11 years ago

Yeah I saw those sites as well and in all the reviews I have ever read I have never personally heard of them until now. I guess they need some publicity so why not come out with a low review score first. I'm not saying the game is going to be absolutely great, Dead Space in my opinion is better, but I'll still give it a shot. Have friends to play together with so fun times indeed.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Fair warning- The game blows.

11 years ago

Well at least we know what your review will be like. :/ But didn't you just start it up? Or have you already finished it?

Last edited by DIsmael85 on 2/11/2013 11:30:35 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I played a little earlier and I got back to it recently.

No, I didn't finish it. I can't. It's terrible.

11 years ago

Fair enough. I felt the same way about DMC Devil May Cry. Though I still finished it and the opinion I had of the game still remained the same. Oh well, Gearbox dropped the ball again, including other companies with them. 🙁 I'm still going to pick it up so I can play with my friends, but there are more games I am looking forward to. I hope Tomb Raider and Bioshock don't suffer a similar fate. Especially Bioshock since it's been delayed a few times.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

There's absolutely no chance Bioshock Infinite is bad. At least, not this bad.

I expect it to be one of the best games of 2013. As for DmC, the game isn't terrible, regardless of personal opinion. I'm telling you Aliens IS terrible…objectively speaking.

11 years ago

Well there is always a chance Bioshock could be bad, but with it's awesome track record I don't see it being bad. I mean 2 was ok, but Bioshock 1 was golden. As for Aliens I can't pass up a multiplayer experience with my buddies. I definitely feel you on it being bad, but my friends out weigh the opinion of a game being bad by someone else. I just can't wait for Tomb Raider, that's the next big game on my list. Lara getting a reboot seems really cool. I've always loved that franchise.

11 years ago

From all the footage I watched, I find it good.

But now you're saying it's terrible…….oh wow………..what went wrong………

When can we expect your review?

11 years ago

Never gave this one much hope. Always leaves you a little suspicious when there is a review embargo right up to shipping date (or if there isn't it definitely feels like one).

That elusive Aliens AAA game. Looks like we are still waiting!

11 years ago

Yes Gordo… Still waiting =( v

11 years ago

Nearly every game in the history of video games based on movie franchises has been terrible but I was certain this could be an exception because its release did not coincide with an Aliens movie release.

I cancelled my preorder when I realized this as well as the fact that gearbox does not really have a lot of good titles in their portfolio. Borderlands was their only redeeming quality.

11 years ago

I'm buying it regardless, I enjoyed AvP despite it's reviews. I've read some early reviews that the game isn't very good, but if you're a fan…it's a must buy. Hope others enjoy it cause I want to ambush them online >:)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Anybody who says this is a "must-buy," even for fans, needs to have his head examined.

11 years ago

I wish I could agree with you, as a fellow Aliens superfan, but these reviews are so terrible I cannot. It's not even about the money for me. I just can't support Gearbox's awful programming with a full retail purchase. I'll check it out when it's in the bargain bin, which considering these reviews is going to be very, very soon.

11 years ago

Hey Ben chill man. If you're a fan and you like Aliens pick it up. It can't be any worse than AvP and if you liked that one how can you go wrong?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Dismael85: What are you talking about? We gave AvP a 7.2 and the critical average is about a 6.7 or 6.8.

The critical average for Aliens: Colonial Marines right now is a 4 or a 5 (4 for the PC version, 5 for the PS3 version) and I think it's even worse than that.

I recommended AvP to fans, as did other reviewers because it was an okay game. Colonial Marines is a bad game. We shouldn't be recommending games, even to hardcore fans, when they SUCK.

11 years ago

Ben I'm playing the game right now coop and it's fun as heck. We have it set to hardcore and I haven't encountered anything that is game breaking or seriously bad. I think folks must have had some very high expectations. I'm not even a huge fan and I'm having fun. To each their own, I suppose.

11 years ago

i have low standards when it comes to video games.
if this games is as bad as ben makes it sound, i'll probably
skip it.

(waits for review)

11 years ago

eh, i wont say i told you so!
sometimes i get really sick of constantly being right!
so disappointing, i was hoping this could revive the survival horror genre and prove to the world there still is a audience out there for it!
christ, and i thought Prometheus was terrible!
my respect for gearbox, and especially randy just went down another 20%!
randy, if you love these franchises HALF as much as you say you do, than why do you keep letting them out in the state there in?
first DNF, than this.
whats next, brothers in arms?

mk ultra
mk ultra
11 years ago

Really disappointing. I love the Aliens franchise and wanted this to be good.

11 years ago

Me too, man. I wasn't expecting a GOTY contender or anything but this is shockingly bad, especially considering Gearbox put their name on it.

11 years ago

Oh dear, oh dear.
I saw the IGN and Eurogamer reviews. Sounds like you don't even need to do a review of this one, Ben.
Save your creative energy for Crysis 3 instead. 🙂

11 years ago

"Fair warning- The game blows."


11 years ago

It's bad enough this game is, apparently, terrible. What's so upsetting is the confidence Gearbox, and Randy Pitchford in particular, displayed leading up to this release. They really had some swagger when they talked this game up, which given their pedigree suggested at least a pretty good game. That's some seriously misleading bulls***. Sure, they exist to make money, but their entire communication strategy was so misleading as to be dishonest and borders on flat-out immoral. Shame on them.

Long story short, I'm voting with my wallet and sending my Colonial Marines game back to Amazon later today.

11 years ago


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