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Season Pass For Aliens: Colonial Marines

It's pretty common nowadays.

Today, Sega of America, Inc., Sega Europe Ltd., Gearbox Software and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products have announced a Season Pass promotional program for the upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines , which releases next week for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Gamers can pick up the Season Pass either online or in stores, and they will then receive all four impending pieces of downloadable content, which will boast extra entertainment for both single-player and multiplayer. The pass will cost you $29.99 (or 2,400 Microsoft Points) and this results in a 40% savings if you compare it to the cost of picking up the four DLC packs individually. The first DLC will be called Bug Hunt, which will deliver an all-new multiplayer mode where players must take on waves of increasingly difficult enemies in three brand new maps. Those maps will be based on classic environments from the "Aliens" film, by the way.

Details on the other three packs will be coming soon. Who's excited for this one? Any optimists out there?

Related Game(s): Aliens: Colonial Marines

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11 years ago

I'll remain cautiously optimistic that this game will be high quality, only because Gearbox is developing it.

I still will wait a bit to get it. There are simply too many games coming out in the first half of the year to afford to buy and actually play them all day one.

11 years ago

I am very optimistic Ben, and I don't see why I shouldn't be. Even based on the last one (Aliens v. Predator) there was enough there to keep this die hard fan wanting more of the Marine gameplay.

Everything I have seen looks great, and if it controls as good as it looks, I will be a happy gamer. The trailer that you just showed us on another story officially got me hyped!

11 years ago

what about an online pass, or is that included with the
seasonal pass?

if theres no free online pass code, i'm not paying $60 for half a game.

11 years ago

Online pass always comes with the purchase of the new game. It's only with used games where you sometimes have to purchase an online pass for MP.

11 years ago

Yeah I'm pretty confused here. Why would you have to buy a online pass if you bought the game? What? Lol

11 years ago

Well that's good to know. The steam description of the Season Pass makes it sound like you still have to buy all the DLC but you get a 40% discount on it so I was like, "What?" Ha. Either way…as much as I've been waiting for this game no way am I going to buy a season pass for anything.

11 years ago

I have the game reserved and only bc it has a co op campaign that i'm planing to play with a few buddies of mine but the online season pass will have to wait till i give the online multiplayer a spin to see if I enjoy enough to keep playing it… Kinda hard to get hooked into other online games when i'm so hooked in Battlefield 3 and sometimes Black ops 2… And most recently Farcry 3

11 years ago

I preordered the game but I don't know if ill get the season pass until I play the game. I like borderlands but other than that Gearbox hasn't ever made anything worth talking about so I am still highly skeptical.
On psn
…but there is so much promise in this title. Id be happy to do some co. Op if anyone wants to add me

11 years ago

At least you know I'm from this board so ill know how to play without being a jackass.

Well tfhe last part might not be 100% accurate

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