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Dead Island Hits 5 Million Worldwide

Zombies still rule.

Deep Silver has announced that their popular and critically acclaimed open-world zombie-slaying adventure, Dead Island , has passed the five million mark in worldwide sales since its launch in September 2011. That milestone was reached thanks to sales from both retail and digital versions.

Said Koch Media CEO Klemens Kundratitz:

"While others focus on ever-increasing development budgets and driving brand messages via ballooning marketing expenditures, Deep Silver stands for hitting the zeitgeist, innovation and fresh gameplay. Dead Island has an incredibly active and enthusiastic community, and we are thrilled to welcome the five millionth player to the world of Banoi. This once again proves that venturing into new waters in terms of games publishing does matter for success and that even at the end of a console cycle new IPs can be created and nurtured into lasting franchises."

Koch International Commercial Director Menno van der Bil added that the "continued success of Dead Island has proven that we're on the right track with our overall IP strategy for Deep Silver." The follow-up effort, Dead Island Riptide , is slated to focus on co-op gameplay and will hit store shelves in North America on April 23. Who's up for more zombie huntin'?

Related Game(s): Dead Island

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11 years ago

Im glad they have success. Even though the easiness really bothered me (i was playing with 3 friends) it wasn't to bad. The jungle level was probably my favorite of the bunch. You know its nice to finally hear some good news about something. Seriously this is a very nice change of pace. Nothing but companies splitting up or falling down. Nothing about games that should have released almost a decade ago. Man… Thank you Ben for posting something nice.

11 years ago

I'm ready for more. Could Deep Silver become the next heavy hitter?

11 years ago

Wow, that is Impressive….most impressive. I really enjoyed the game. Happy for their success and hope Riptide succeeds as well.

11 years ago

Good for them! I bought the game, it's still in my backlog, though.

I'm guessing it didn't hurt that plenty of places had this game for $7 during the holiday season…

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