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PayPal (Soon) Attached To NA PSN

The feature is there…not sure if it's working at 100% functionality just yet, but we assume it will be soon.

As various sources have reported, including VG24/7 , North American PSN users can add funds to their virtual wallet via PayPal.

This can be done at the Sony Entertainment Network website , so check it out and see if it works. This is probably a great option for plenty of people, especially if they don't like the idea of directly linking their bank account to a PSN account. Although we don't necessarily anticipate another attack on the Network, the fact that it happened once has made an awful lot of consumers a little jumpy. PayPal feels a little safer, doesn't it? Of course, nothing is 100% protected in the virtual world, so…

You'll want to put some funds in your wallet, though; the PSN always has plenty of worthwhile content. And don't forget that Ron Gilbert's The Cave comes out this week.

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11 years ago

I have never regretted adding my credit card to the PSN. I did however very much regret back in the day when I added my credit card to xbl.

But this could be good move on Sony's part. Even though they have never lost one credit card number, I know lots of people who said they wouldn't trust Sony with their information. This should build some confidence or at least stop them from having ridicules excuses.

11 years ago

What happened with XBL?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

It's a pain in the ass to remove the CC from XBL.

11 years ago

Being able to use PayPal is a great feature. I have a separate accounts just for PP purchases. No more need to buy cards and having pennies sitting there. I'll definitely try it out sometime soon.

11 years ago

All my Steam purchases are by Paypal. Great service to offer people that don't want/have a credit card.

11 years ago

Anybody else see IGN's attempted FREAKOUT over the fact that the network maintenance took a little longer than expected? People are already gearing up for their hate campaigns for the next gen.

This will be a welcome addition as I use paypal a lot but I like getting reward points with my CC so we'll see.

11 years ago

I think it's weirder that this site didn't mention it with one single word during those days. Not one word on a site dedicated for Playstation news? Like it never happened.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/21/2013 7:25:58 AM

11 years ago

I played online no problem during the maintenance. It was a non issue.

11 years ago

To be fair it was a pretty normal thing, not even newsworthy imo.

11 years ago

I also noticed that as well, I rarely visit IGN, so I seen a post on Twitter that linked to IGN so I was like "alright, let's see what everyone is talking about here." and what I seen didn't surprise me though.

11 years ago

why not attach your credit card to paypal, would you not get any points that way?

11 years ago

Great to hear, I have separate accounts, one on paypal that I use to buy goods from ebay and soon the PSN.
And what brighat1971 said, no more looking at cents in your PSN wallet when u use PSN cards.

11 years ago

It's still a shame that the minimum is $5.

11 years ago

Minimum for what?

11 years ago

Amount you can put into your PSN wallet.

11 years ago

great news. looking forward to it.

11 years ago

why NA only?
sigh, $ony giving EU the finger YET AGAIN!
im not going to bother anymore, i need to get a stamp or something so i constantly dont have to type every time this happens.
one thing ill NEVER understand about $ony!
the US treats them like SH*T!
sales are BY FAR the worst there, 99% of the law suits, ect, ect, were from the US.
and they get EVERYTHING!
EU treats $ony like god and they get the finger!
you say f*ck you, we say thank you.
you say thank you, we say f*ck you.
hows that make sense?

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