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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Demo Arrives Next Week

So let's say you've been intrigued by what you've seen and heard, but you're just not convinced about spending the money. I understand.

That's where demos help save the day. Having a playable sample available before a game is actually released is a privilege veteran gamers could've only dreamed about twenty years ago. Talk about awesome!

So take advantage- Konami has announced that a demo for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be available next week on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace. You will check out some action from the first chapter of the fast-paced adventure and of course, you'll be introduced to the protagonist, Raiden. No, it isn't the stealth-oriented adventure of a Metal Gear Solid but then again, it isn't supposed to be; it's a spin-off and developer Platinum Games definitely knows their action. They know action well .

So when January 22 rolls around, feel free to check it out; demos are free, after all. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is scheduled to land on store shelves for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on February 19.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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11 years ago

I was just wondering when a demo for this was going to drop 🙂

Will definitely be trying this out, and I'll probably be buying it anyway….

I will admit that I'm still curious as to what this game *could've* been, but I'm tired of being miserable about change.

It's a spin-off after all and Platinum Games knows their stuff 🙂

11 years ago

Agreed, I'm letting most of my misery go about this generation's crazy changes. It's time to look forward to whatever is in store next gen.

11 years ago

I preordered MGR but was still not feeling this new way for a metal gear game. I still have time to cancel the preorder. Not dropping $60 just for a name and character where the gameplay doesnt add up. Not thrilled about it being a dev outside Kojima either.

11 years ago

It is a collaboration between Platinum and KojiPro.

Trust me, Platinum know their stuff when it comes to action games. Beyonetta and Vanquish were two of the most amazing action games this generation.

KojiPro has still be heavily involved with the development of the game.

11 years ago

I'll be checking this out for sure, there just aren't enough sword slashing games in my opinion. I don't feel like a badass with a gun, guns are for cowards, give me a sword any day.

11 years ago

Hand to hand it is the basis of all combat, Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon!

Gray fox quote ;P

But I agree with you, guns are lame, I prefer to punch stuff and get close and personal. Anyone can pull a trigger 🙂

11 years ago

I'll be checking to see how many razor-thin slices I can get out of one watermelon.

11 years ago

aw yes, try before u buy, the way it should be.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I played the game at Eurogamer, there are manythigns to like about the gameplay the swordplay is superb and it even has the alert system of MGS. But my god the parry system is so bad on this game. On the demo I played you fight this Mech-dog-thing and the game tells you to parry, of the many times I tried I failed and even when I was successful Raiden recoils by the impact and by the time your ready to count the mech-got-thing was already defensive. I eventually decided to go against the tutoiral and use jumping attacks on it. This really let down the experience for me.

As far as the story and characters go… Eh whats the point in complaining any more, I am far off put this game. I might try it when it's dirt cheap, probably Q4.

11 years ago

My soul dies a bit every time I see this game. Raiden has gone backwards as a character, and it's destroyed the character development from MGS2 to MGS4. The game itself looks like somewhat fun hack and slash, but even with the some stealth scenarios, it just looks silly, and doesn't capture the spirit of Metal Gear at all.

Raiden also just seems to be invincible, he slices through soldiers the same way he is able to slice through Metal Gears. Doesn't seem to be too interesting or challenging.

Even when Raiden was slicing and dicing like a mother in MGS4 he would still take plenty of wounds and damage from the Gekko or Vamp. It made it interesting and engaging because you didn't know if Raiden would get out of tough situations because HE WAS vulnerable despite the fact he was being a cyborg ninja. This gave some interesting contrast to the character's physical abilities and made you cheer for him in MGS4.

Now he's just completely invulnerable. No tension at all here.

The soundtrack is atrocious with a combination of scream-o and angry "rock" music if you can call it that.

The Metal Gear fan inside shakes my head every time I see this.

Last edited by Twistedfloyd on 1/15/2013 4:54:13 PM

11 years ago

Just because we haven't seen him die in any of the videos doesn't mean he isn't vulnerable.

Seriously, when you seen the trailer for MGS4 that had Raiden taking on like 6 Gekko's, what did you think? I personally thought "Woah, this guy is bad ass now" and I still think that when watching MGR videos.

The Metal Gear fan inside you should be having faith in KojiPro, they know what they are doing, and not only did they make the choice to hand this over to Platinum, but they have also been heavily involved with the development of the game.

11 years ago

He actually gets beaten pretty bad by the guy with latino look who also has a sword, I read the bosses are pretty difficult so it doesn't matter if hes extremely strong compared with the past the thing that matters is that the game as challenge.

11 years ago

Sweet, the game sure looks fun.

11 years ago

Gonna play it!

11 years ago

really looking forward to this actually looks REALLY good!
really enjoyed playing it last year, and the guys at EB have been raving about it ever since.
so happy to see so many demos releasing lately too, the past few years demos had been dying allot so its nice to see them back!
hope we get a demo for aliens and bioshock infinite too.

11 years ago


Yeah, but when he took on the Gekko's in MGS4 he was quite vulnerable, sure he was bad ass, but he wasn't invincible. There was always tension. It's not an issue of him dying. It's the THREAT of danger and/or the possibility that he could die that creates tension and intensity.

He doesn't seem vulnerable emotionally either, while Raiden was a tad overdramatic in MGS4, you understood where he was coming from. He felt like a real person on the inside despite the fact he had become a cyborg ninja. It was an interesting contrast of exterior appearance to interior feelings. Here he's just so ridiculous with his Jack the ripper mantra that makes him silly. He's as artificial on the outside as he is on the inside.

The gameplay has no strategy, no thought. It's mindless eye candy. And it doesn't seem to display the same diversity or creativity as previous Metal Gear titles. There's not multiple ways to go about each section, it seems like just straight hack and slash every time with little to no variety.

It doesn't speak at all to the spirit of Metal Gear in terms of strong character development or diverse game design. There's no choice or variety, Metal Gears appear like it's a normal occurrence. Remember the thrill on confronting the Metal Gear in each game, and how great it was? How unique and powerful, how it all built to that (sans MGS4)? And that had plenty of build in other areas, and there was a great Metal Gear fight in it.

Point is, the Metal Gear fights are supposed to be special, long battles that only happen once. That's why they're so special. This ruins that uniqueness and the power that is in a Metal Gear battle.

Everything about this is just wrong to me.

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