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If Anybody Can Mess Up Final Fantasy X HD, It’s Square Enix

Square Enix says we'll "get answers soon" concerning Final Fantasy X HD .

But in truth, I almost don't want those answers.

There's no doubt that when it was first announced at TGS 2011, I was one happy camper. And to this day, I really do believe it's the one thing Square Enix would do right this generation. And when I say that, bear in mind I'm speaking from an internal development standpoint; Square Enix has had published (but not developed) some top-tier titles this generation, including Deus Ex: Human Revolution , Hitman: Absolution , and the upcoming Tomb Raider . But Final Fantasy is a different story and FFX HD would've been their saving grace.

It seems simple enough. Just give us a high-definition update of a PS2 classic. Other companies have issued HD upgrades to last-generation games, and it really doesn't seem like a complicated procedure. So that's why I've been saying, "Heck, even Square Enix can do this." But after a long wait and just some empty promises (which we've all heard before in regards to Final Fantasy Versus XIII ), I might change my tune to- "If anybody can mess this up, it's Square Enix." God only knows how they'd mess it up but I'm convinced they'll muck it up in one way or another, and the old-school fans will once again be irate.

I remain hopeful for a simple HD overhaul, one that makes me want to once again indulge in the greatness of FFX. At this rate, though, it's hard to be anything but skeptical and even downright pessimistic.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy X HD

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11 years ago

I joked about them changing the battle system for the HD remake to "better suit the current market trends"

Essentially I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to turn the games combat system into an action game…

If there is one thing I have learned this generation it is that Square is capable of ruining almost anything.

Their conference at the end of the month will probably have more info until then, I'm convinced FFX has been turned into a corridor shooter 😉

11 years ago


11 years ago

It's sad cause it's only a half-joke.

As I mentioned in another thread… it's hard to get excited about SE stuff until it actually gets here. Hype burned by versus, I'm sick of being excited for FFX HD, and I have no interest in excitement for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 until it actually gets here. (er…. if it gets here.)

11 years ago

Its true its only a half joke. I half expect it at this point O.o'

Wolfinalfantastien, that is hilarious fatele! I wouldnt put it passed them….

If they do release versus 13 and it is as good as it looked then I will have some of my faith restored in them. If it gets canceled who wants to take a little trip to Japan with a fridge full of homemade napalm and burn their building down?

Only to find out that it was filled with macaque monkeys….

11 years ago

I'd fly with you Xenris. I'd be carrying a boombox that would be playing every FF battle theme song. Haha, that would be to epic. Then after conquering them, we would give square soft the reigns again and see what they can do. Just to be safe though, we need to have them chained down (like how square has nomura chained down in the basement)

11 years ago

I actually think Nomura is chained in the basement as well. They slide him Nori under the door to just barely keep him alive so he can code.

11 years ago

Nomura hanged himself a long time ago, Square Enix spent their FFXIII profits to reanimate his corpse. That's why they need the sequels.

11 years ago

I really should give SE the benefit of the doubt but they don't deserve that, not anymore.

11 years ago

I can still remember the first time I had seen ff10. Played back in the ps2 era, and even now, I still think it was/is one of the most beautiful games from just a graphics perspective. Watching the fmv's for that game was astounding.

So when I read about s-e doing an hd remake of the game, I'm excited for it, because its my 2nd favorite final fantasy ( behind ff8 or course ) but also because of the leaps and bounds graphics have made this gen. I hope, much like many if not all, the psxe readers, that s-e only revamps the graphics and changes nothing else. The game is perfect as is.

Now, let's talk about kingdom hearts 1.5 and why we SHOULD get that in the states.
My only demand, is that we get the final mix version, and they only change the update the graphics.

11 years ago

A little off topic, but I picked this book up a couple years ago. Some of it is silly, but it's an awesome and fun read. The philosophy of Kafka applied to the character Kefka is explained in it. That alone is worth the purchase. Many authors are very well educated people. It's cool to see folks with higher education really delving into the many different characters of the Final Fantasy universe. It's inexpensive. I recommend it to any FF fan.

11 years ago


But I hope the reason there taking so long is because there making it into a final fantasy collection with FFX/FFXII and maybe FFX2. Other then that there's no reason to be taking so long it is just one HD port

11 years ago

ahh.. optimism

11 years ago

I hate to agree Ben. Not because you don't have much love for me, but because its true. I can't even imagine how they would mess it up. Its scary even considering how they could even mess it up. I have this feeling, Lightning will be a DLC and Yuna will be able to summon her. Yuna "Please, help us…" Lightning "Another game…?"

11 years ago

They've already messed it up by not including FFX-2.
Nearly every other HD Collection is actuallly a collection of multiple games, and Square decides to leave out the first time they ever had a direct sequel.

11 years ago

I don't know how long Bluepoint Games take to make those HD ports, but they sure made a lot of them in the past two years alone. The God of War (PS2 and PSP games), the MGS HD Collection, among others.

Now compare that to the amount of time S-E is taking to come up with the Final Fantasy X HD port. Yep, a port. Not even a remake!

The problem with S-E is they keep announcing games when they're obviously way behind schedule.

11 years ago

I think they announce things BEFORE development even starts.

11 years ago

That can't be too far from the truth. I wonder how pressured those programmers in S-E are with the mountain of work they got on their hands at this point. Take note that at this point this generation, we do not even have a numbered (full-pledged) Kingdom Hearts game.

11 years ago

They could only release it on Vita and not PS3.

They could change the battle system somehow so it isn't good.

They could hold back important parts and sell them as DLC

They could neglect to do X-2 as well

They could make it digital-only. (Not a huge deal but I want to own a physical copy of a great update).

They could (as someone said) have Lighting as a summon monster.

Or some other freaky change nobody could possibly want or foresee.

What I'd like to see is some lip-syncing, HD textures, and maybe a different outcome if you manage to lead the Besaid Aurochs to victory in the first Blitzball tournament. And I'd like to see a playable demo for FFVersus included.

And I'd like to know who Zanar is.

I'm seriously wanting to play the game, and this wait is a pain.

11 years ago

Isn't zanar the commentator for blitzball and narrating while you run around when your in zanarkand at the beginning of the game?

11 years ago

Yeah, it's very strange that he appears as a story narrator, makes reference to his friendship with Jecht, and then vanishes.

11 years ago

The only thing SE does well these days is publish games it picks up from other companies. Hitman: Absolution is good, Deus Ex and Sleeping Dogs are both great and Tomb Raider also looks like it will be a top notch game. To be fair, I feel like SE has to be given credit for that, particularly Sleeping Dogs because if it wasn't for SE we'd probably be without it which would be a shame. There's no question though, as far as its own franchises are concerned, SE has dropped the ball this gen.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 1/14/2013 4:44:25 AM

11 years ago

dident they actually say if they were to do any HD remakes they would have to update the gameplay and controls for modern standards?
if they release a HD collection, and the only change is the graphics, ill eat my hat!

11 years ago

They can screw up Final Fantasy X HD all they want. I didn't like the game at all. If they do plan to release Final Fantasy XII HD and they screw THAT up, then I'll be furious. To be honest, my dislike for SE has gone down somewhat since I loved Sleeping Dogs and they did do us a favor by releasing it.

11 years ago

I don't see what's so difficult about releasing a an old game with better visulas, but then again they're obsessed with Lighting. >_>

I have yet to purchase a game developed or published by Square Enix this Generation. In my opinion, FF8 remains their best release thus far.

11 years ago

and that was a Squaresoft game, when they ate Enix it gave them indigestion.

11 years ago

The only thing I would want to change, besides having better graphics, would be for them to include the content from the international version. I want to fight the dark aeons and penance.

11 years ago

Good idea.

11 years ago

Agreed . Never understood why we never got the International version in the states .

11 years ago

Yeah…i also would love for it to show up for the North American region.

11 years ago

Zero faith in SE's internal studios to do anything right at this point.

11 years ago

I can't wait to see some of those summons in HD…especially Anima…ESPECIALLY

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