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The Happiest Of Holidays, The Merriest Of Christmases From PSXE

It seems utterly ridiculous that yet another year has passed.

But here we are, celebrating the holidays again. Time flies. I hope everyone is spending this season with family and friends, and PSXE wishes you the very best this holiday season.

As always, we appreciate the readers more than they'll probably ever know, and everything that is done – any and all coverage – is for those who frequent our site. We know they come for the thoughtful editorials, the well-written and in-depth reviews, and the eclectic interviews. And of course, over the years, the PSXE community has become one of the best groups of gamers anywhere online, and I will stand by that. Knowledgeable, civil, and great lovers of this hobby, it's difficult to locate such communities.

But so many of you have found a home here, and we can't thank you enough. Now, it's off to relax a bit and finish wrapping…then there's egg nog somewhere and various Christmas cookies that are mocking me from the kitchen. Then there's 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" on TBS, so I'm good for the evening. 😉 By the way, come New Year's, our Game of the Year Awards are headed your way.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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11 years ago

Merry Christmas Everyone,

11 years ago

"Merry Christmas" to all!!!!

11 years ago

Happy Christmas to everyone both working on the site and the main site posters and to all the forumers. Wish you all a safe and peaceful holiday season and if you're gonna drink, don't drive. One Love!

11 years ago

it amazes me yet doesn't surprise you that someone thumbed you down on this post frosty, lol..

Happy Xmas everyone, apart from the twats 🙂

11 years ago

Bot. Look down the list. Everyone who made an original post before a certain time of day got at least 1 downvote.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/26/2012 9:14:07 PM

11 years ago

I just got home from my brother's house where we do dinner and Xmas eve gifts. I can't wait to pop in Rage, wait for the 8 gig install, and then get to blasting!

On Dasher on Dancer on Prancer and Vixen, on Comet and Cupid on Donner and Blitzen. And may Rudolph light the way to the warmth of the season to all my friends here at PSXE.

I hope everyone gets something they wanted and all your children have memories to carry them forward.


11 years ago

Merry Christmas to everyone here at PSXE and God bless you all.

11 years ago

To everyone here on PSXE:

Merry Christmas! Maligayang Pasko! Frohe Weihnachten! Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noël! Feliz Natal! God Jul! メリークリスマス!

Okay, that's all I could remember without actually cheating. Haha! I hope you'd all have a good one. 🙂

11 years ago

Swimming in the pool with the family. Merry Xmas from Australia…

11 years ago

Thanks right back at ya PSXE, and of course the community. I feel like I say this every year but ive been coming back here for going on 6 maybe even 7 years now and theres a reason for that. The community and of course the mature, well written articles.

This site has changed a little since I first visited, but the community, and organized commited style has never changed.

Thanks again for making this my favorite (actually only) gaming site I frequent for all my daily news and conversation to everyone at PSXE and the community!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

11 years ago

I don't comment frequently on this site or really constructively contribute to this community in any way. I do, however, visit daily and I consider it a home. I appreciate the balanced and fair shake that each game/review/publisher is given. There is a vast amount of content and it is updated constantly. I always read through each comment stream because those who do contribute seem to do the same. I enjoy what I get from this site and from the community even though I'm not actively involved. So to everyone who is a part of the PSX community, no matter their role, I thank you very much and wish you each a happy holiday season!

11 years ago

Merry Christmas, y'all. And my heart, best wishes, and prayers of peace for the families of the victims in Newtown overcome with sorrow during these holidays, and for those suffering all over the country and the world.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Aww shucks, I feel so welcome 😀

Seriously, Happy Holidays one and all. I love you all and wish you the absolute best for the new year.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Merry Christmas!! Gravity Rush is so awesome!

11 years ago

A very merry christmas, and happy holidays to everyone here at psxe.

11 years ago

Happy Xmas! Happy Holidays everyone!

즐거운 크리쓰마쓰

Last edited by cLoudou on 12/25/2012 12:28:22 AM

11 years ago

Merry Christmas to PSXE and to the community. Keep on rockin' and keep on gaming! Peace out!

11 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone! Be safe, and have a wonderful holiday with the ones you love 🙂

11 years ago

Happy Xmas to all of you awesome pxtreme people! All my family are on my house lol times change all the little kids are focused on they tables/cellphones, whatever my stomach is damn full gonna rest a little, I have two new games to play just gonna wait two hours for them, I never cheat on xmas gifts 😀

Last edited by Oxvial on 12/25/2012 1:04:14 AM

11 years ago

Merry Christmas Ben and all the people that comment on this site.

11 years ago

happy holidays, gotta be politically correct.
disappointed the mayans were wrong, i was really looking forward to see what the apocalypse would be like.
felt bad this morning when we picked up my grandmother she was telling me how she was really scared and actually believed that crap, stayed in bed till 11am in her PJs.
amazing how gullible some people are these days, i guess age really does make you senile.
i was actually starting to believe it myself the way the weather has been acting.
one day its 38 degrees and the next its 14, how the &^%$ does that work!?
yesterday was almost 40 and today, right now, its 16.
one day its summer, the next day its winter.
i thought they called melbourne the 4 seasons, so then whats sydney?

cant believe the years over feels just like yesterday it started, and everyone was so excited for the vitas launch.
excited to see what ends up releasing next year, with ouya, the steam box, and the next big consoles if they end up releasing.
still think its still a bit too early, but time will tell.

11 years ago

Bah, I always hated that politically correct stuff on Christmas. :p

The way I see it, if you want to say Merry Christmas and celebrate it, I should be honored by your well wishing whether I celebrate Christmas or not. No one ever got offended by someone saying "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Kwanza" or anything else at any other time of the year. Who honestly would get angry about someone saying "Merry Christmas". lol.

Imagine saying to someone, "Have a nice day!" And them replying, "Don't be such a f***in, A-hole!"


11 years ago

i know i was being a smart a$$.
actually pisses me off when companies do that, go look at the PS blog so many devs stopping in and not one use of the c word.

11 years ago

I went to see Django Unchaned today, it was sweet. When I went in it was about 70, then when the movie got out is was 45 with 35 mph winds.

Last edited by Jed on 12/25/2012 10:25:32 PM

11 years ago

A very Merry Christmas to all of you. If it isn't Christmas that you celebrate, I hope that the season brings nothing but happiness and joy to you and all of yours!

11 years ago

Happy holidays Ben and everyone here at PSXE. Hope everyone gets some good game-time in over the holidays!

11 years ago

Merry Christmas guys and gals, and to all your families!

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone.

I don't comment very often but I read postings on this sight everyday.

Thanks bigrailer,maxpontiac,world,bikersaint and others for making this webpage an enjoyable read with insight.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

Merry Christmas Everybody! 🙂

11 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone! and to the guy giving everyone a thumbs down, Merry Christmas to you too! <3

11 years ago

I gave everyone an up vote, & will continue to do so as more posters arrive here, just to negate all of Mr. Grinch's downvotes about "Christmas".

And to Mr. Grinch….
I'm especially wishing you an even merrier Christmas, & hope you didn't wind up with coal on your stocking for being a "Bahh Humbug" today.

11 years ago

I thought about giving myself a thumbs down to beat him to it. But that might be the only Christmas joy he gets, so I'll wait.

11 years ago


I hope everyone got something they wanted and perhaps a surprise that they didn't except 🙂

Have fun with all your friends and family and when they go to sleep….blitz out with some of the games you got 😀

11 years ago

Merry Christmas to the staff and community at PSXE.

11 years ago

I have just finished my Christmas as I live in a place that is ahead in time in the world, and all I have to say is that this day was grand! Merry Christmas to all here in this community! You're all awesome and I enjoy shootin' the shit with you about games!

I've hit the holiday cheer. It was fun 😉

11 years ago

Happy festivus from the rest of us!

And a happy holidays to everyone, no matter how you celebrate…

11 years ago

Happy Holidays everyone!!

11 years ago

Happy Holidays everyone!

I read postings on this site nearly everyday, and it's one of the rare sites that I read the comments on.

Keep up the good work 😀

11 years ago

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

11 years ago

Lol whose the Grinch downing everyone what a miserable twat he or indeed she is.

Happy Christmas guys from the main page have a good, see you online those of you I do play online with, you know who you are.

Happy Christmas to the guys from the forum too. 🙂

11 years ago

Merry Christmas to all my friends at PSXeXtreme and the PSXeXtreme crew. Thank you for all your hard work…



11 years ago

Merry Christmas to the PSXE staff and entire community. Thanks for being so awesome.

I got a the Playstation Pulse headset and it is totally badass. If you are on the fence about buying a pair just pick them up now. I saw something on Facebook saying they were on sale for $129.

11 years ago

Merry christmas guys, finally got my hands on dishonoured today!

11 years ago

Merry Belated Christmas everyone 🙂

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