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Horde Of Dark Souls II Info Drops

Dark Souls 2 was only just announced last week during the VGAs but we already have a ton of pertinent information, thanks to a 10-minute gameplay sample enjoyed by Edge .

The highlights were summarized in the NeoGAF forums and as you can see, there's plenty to mull over. Perhaps most interesting is the fact that graphically, the game appears to be a "huge step forward" and is in fact on par with the likes of Watch Dogs . …that sounds pretty damn impressive.

Miyazaki unfortunately isn't making any development decisions but he is on board as a supervisor, and the new directors – Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura – are part of the From Software team that directed the Another Century's Episode seriies. We also find out that DS2 will be a "direct sequel" and feature an open world of approximately the same size as the first title. However, we can expect a denser environment with more content and the setting is not Lordran; they'll reveal the name of the new world at a later date.

Here are a few other highlights (hit the link above to see 'em all):

— One thing Shibuya wants to enhance is the action in the game. He feels that he can contribute because of his experience working on action games in the past.

— Shibuya says he wants to make things like the Covenant system clearer and more accessible, and he wants to make the story and messaging less subtle.

— He promises there will still be “hidden” elements in the story and world which can be missed.

— Development started in September last year, and was done in parallel with some of the Dark Souls patches and DLC content.

— The game is 25% complete, and the team is substantially larger than Dark Souls. The world creation internal staff for the sequel is nearly double that of the first game.

— The game might not make it for 2013.

— This the article source for the infamous “we want the skyrim audience” quote. To be perfectly clear, even though this was already known, this quote is from the writers of the article and not From Software.

Some intriguing points there, yes?

Related Game(s): Dark Souls 2

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11 years ago

I was caught unexpected and was really jazzed of the reveal. Now that some time has passed, I remembered I did not like Dark Souls as much as Demons Souls.

11 years ago

Action?….action!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

11 years ago

is action in a action rpg bad?

11 years ago

Castlevania SotN is the only exception. During it's time the now cranky pants turned based jRpg fans were happy with their Squaresoft games and all was well and peaceful. These days misery loves company, right?


11 years ago

Souls games are methodical, putting more action on them would be weird, but whatever hope they don't ruin it.

11 years ago

A major increase in graphics? Ha, I don't think so after reading Demon's Souls PSXe user review by JoeMachin. The graphics ARE already a 10.

Anyway, the souls series is something I've always wanted to get more into but just haven't. I want to though. I have a thing for game play first games.

11 years ago

ha! god forbid Demon's Souls was the peak of graphical capabilities.

That aside this information is comforting, though I was never all that riled in the first place.

Last edited by Teddie9 on 12/15/2012 9:26:23 PM

11 years ago

I don't believe the note on the graphics – just sounds like hype.

11 years ago

The only part that really concerns me is the part about the action. I don't mind if there is more action providing that it is still strategic and challenging. I wish I understood more about what he means by more action.

If he gets rid of the stamina bar for example I will be down right livid. Well not really but that was where half the strategy came from. So long as whatever he considers more "action" is implemented without ruining the feel to the game I dont mind.

I'm cautiously excited for this game. Hopefully miyazaki supervising he will rub off his charm into the game and keep it feeling liek a souls game.

11 years ago

I hope it is more open world than the first. They describe the first as open world and it really isn't. It's simply normal action/adventure tunnel style levels more cleverly hidden so that each level is connected without loading or separation with secret doors that lead to previous levels.

Open world should mean, Hey I want to go to point A and it's north of here, guess I'll head north.

11 years ago

Means this or the other…only according to you though, sir.

11 years ago

I can't wait but please no unrealistic jumps and metamorphoses.

11 years ago

interesting to see where they take the series, it certainly has potential!
hes right about the subtlety though, its really annoying when games hide things so well especially things you need to progress.
not saying to put it out in the open, thats not the point, but a few hints and clues which are easy to find is not that much to ask is it?
zombiu is a great example of great puzzles.
everything you need is right in front of your face, easy to find, its up to you to figure out how to use it!
dark souls is the opposite, it takes everything you need and grinds it up into tiny pieces and hides them around the universe so you need a electron microscope to be able to see them.

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